Changeset - 6703d1af87ad
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Brett Smith - 3 years ago 2021-03-15 17:19:03
reports: BaseODS puts each line of strings in a P tag.

This seems to be the most straightforward way to get Calc to automatically
determine a nice row height for multi-line string cells. This has become a
lot more noticeable now that query-report supports putting postal addresses
in cells.
2 files changed with 13 insertions and 4 deletions:
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@@ -1343,214 +1343,221 @@ class BaseODS(BaseSpreadsheet[RT, ST], metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
            when: Optional[datetime.datetime]=None,
            parent: Optional[odf.table.TableCell]=None,
    ) ->
        if when is None:
            when =
        retval =
        if text is not None:
        if parent is not None:
        return retval

    def add_row(self, *cells: odf.table.TableCell, **attrs: Any) -> odf.table.TableRow:
        row = odf.table.TableRow(**attrs)
        for cell in cells:
        return row

    def row_count(self, sheet: Optional[odf.table.Table]=None) -> int:
        if sheet is None:
            sheet = self.sheet
        TableRow = odf.table.TableRow
        return sum(1 for cell in sheet.childNodes if cell.isInstanceOf(TableRow))

    def balance_cell(self, balance: Balance, **attrs: Any) -> odf.table.TableCell:
        balance = balance.clean_copy() or balance
        balance_currency_count = len(balance)
        if balance_currency_count == 0:
            return self.float_cell(0, **attrs)
        elif balance_currency_count == 1:
            amount = next(iter(balance.values()))
            attrs['stylename'] = self.merge_styles(
                attrs.get('stylename'), self.currency_style(amount.currency),
            return self.currency_cell(amount, **attrs)
            lines = [babel.numbers.format_currency(number, currency, get_commodity_format(
                self.locale, currency, None, self.currency_fmt_key,
            )) for number, currency in balance.values()]
            attrs['stylename'] = self.merge_styles(
                attrs.get('stylename'), self.style_endtext,
            return self.multiline_cell(lines, **attrs)

    def currency_cell(self, amount: bc_amount._Amount, **attrs: Any) -> odf.table.TableCell:
        if 'stylename' not in attrs:
            attrs['stylename'] = self.currency_style(amount.currency)
        number, currency = amount
        cell = odf.table.TableCell(valuetype='currency', value=number, **attrs)
            number, currency, locale=self.locale, format_type=self.currency_fmt_key,
        return cell

    def date_cell(self, date:, **attrs: Any) -> odf.table.TableCell:
        attrs.setdefault('stylename', self.style_date)
        cell = odf.table.TableCell(valuetype='date', datevalue=date, **attrs)
        return cell

    def float_cell(self, value: Union[int, float, Decimal], **attrs: Any) -> odf.table.TableCell:
        cell = odf.table.TableCell(valuetype='float', value=value, **attrs)
        return cell

    def _meta_link_pairs(self, links: Iterable[Optional[str]]) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]:
        for href in links:
            if href is None:
            elif self.rt_wrapper is not None:
                rt_ids = self.rt_wrapper.parse(href)
                rt_href = rt_ids and self.rt_wrapper.url(*rt_ids)
                rt_ids = None
                rt_href = None
            if rt_ids is None or rt_href is None:
                # '..' pops the ODS filename off the link path. In other words,
                # make the link relative to the directory the ODS is in.
                href_path = Path('..', href)
                href = urlparse.quote(str(href_path))
                text =
                rt_path = urlparse.urlparse(rt_href).path
                if rt_path.endswith('/Ticket/Display.html'):
                    text = rtutil.RT.unparse(*rt_ids)
                    text = urlparse.unquote(Path(rt_path).name)
                href = rt_href
            yield (href, text)

    def meta_links_cell(self, links: Iterable[Optional[str]], **attrs: Any) -> odf.table.TableCell:
        return self.multilink_cell(self._meta_link_pairs(links), **attrs)

    def multiline_cell(self, lines: Iterable[Any], **attrs: Any) -> odf.table.TableCell:
        item_lines = [str(item).splitlines() for item in lines if item is not None]
        if any(len(seq) > 1 for seq in item_lines):
            for seq in item_lines:
        cell = odf.table.TableCell(valuetype='string', **attrs)
        for line in lines:
        for seq in item_lines:
            for line in seq:
        return cell

    def multilink_cell(self, links: Iterable[LinkType], **attrs: Any) -> odf.table.TableCell:
        cell = odf.table.TableCell(valuetype='string', **attrs)
        for link in links:
            if isinstance(link, tuple):
                href, text = link
                href = link
                text = None
                type='simple', href=href, text=text or href,
        return cell

    def string_cell(self, text: str, **attrs: Any) -> odf.table.TableCell:
        cell = odf.table.TableCell(valuetype='string', **attrs)
        for line in text.splitlines():
        return cell

    def write_row(self, row: RT) -> None:
        """Write a single row of input data to the spreadsheet

        This default implementation adds a single row to the spreadsheet,
        with one cell per element of the row. The type of each element
        determines what kind of cell is created.

        This implementation will help get you started, but you'll probably
        want to override it to specify styles.
        out_row = odf.table.TableRow()
        for cell_source in row:
            if isinstance(cell_source, (int, float, Decimal)):
                cell = self.float_cell(cell_source)
                cell = self.string_cell(cell_source)

    def save_file(self, out_file: BinaryIO) -> None:

    def save_path(self, path: Path, mode: str='w') -> None:
        with'{mode}b') as out_file:
            out_file = cast(BinaryIO, out_file)


def account_balances(
        groups: Mapping[data.Account, PeriodPostings],
        order: Optional[Sequence[str]]=None,
) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, Balance]]:
    """Iterate account balances over a date range

    1. ``subclass = PeriodPostings.with_start_date(start_date)``
    2. ``groups = dict(subclass.group_by_account(postings))``
    3. ``for acct, bal in account_balances(groups, [optional ordering]): ...``

    This function returns an iterator of 2-tuples ``(account, balance)``
    that you can use to generate a report in the style of ``ledger balance``.
    The accounts are accounts in ``groups`` that appeared under one of the
    account name strings in ``order``. ``balance`` is the corresponding
    balance over the time period (``groups[key].period_bal``). Accounts are
    iterated in the order provided by ``sort_and_filter_accounts()``.

    The first 2-tuple is ``(OPENING_BALANCE_NAME, balance)`` with the balance of
    all these accounts as of ``start_date``.
    The final 2-tuple is ``(ENDING_BALANCE_NAME, balance)`` with the final
    balance of all these accounts as of ``start_date``.
    The iterator will always yield these special 2-tuples, even when there are
    no accounts in the input or to report.
    if order is None:
        order = ['Equity', 'Income', 'Expenses']
    acct_seq = [account for _, account in sort_and_filter_accounts(groups, order)]
    yield (OPENING_BALANCE_NAME, sum(
        (groups[key].start_bal for key in acct_seq),
    for key in acct_seq:
        postings = groups[key]
            in_date_range = postings[-1] >= postings.START_DATE
        except IndexError:
            in_date_range = False
        if in_date_range:
            yield (key, groups[key].period_bal)
    yield (ENDING_BALANCE_NAME, sum(
        (groups[key].stop_bal for key in acct_seq),

def get_commodity_format(locale: babel.core.Locale,
                         code: str,
                         amount: Optional[DecimalCompat]=None,
                         format_type: str='accounting',
) -> str:
    """Return a format string for a commodity

    Typical use looks like::

      number, code = post.units
      fmt = get_commodity_format(locale, code)
      units_s = babel.numbers.format_currency(number, code, fmt)

    When the commodity code refers to a real currency, you get the same format
    string provided by Babel.

    For other commodities like stock, you get a format code built from the
    locale's currency unit pattern.

    If ``amount`` is defined, the format string will be specifically for that
    number, whether positive or negative. Otherwise, the format string may
    define both positive and negative formats.
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@@ -100,193 +100,195 @@ def format_amount(amount, currency='USD'):
        amount, currency, format_type='accounting',

def check_text_balances(actual, expected, *expect_accounts):
    balance = Decimal()
    for expect_account in expect_accounts:
        expect_amount = expected[expect_account]
        balance += expect_amount
        if expect_account.startswith('Expenses:'):
            expect_amount *= -1
        if expect_amount:
            actual_account, actual_amount = next(actual)
            assert actual_account == expect_account
            assert actual_amount == format_amount(expect_amount)
    return balance

def check_text_report(output, project, start_date, stop_date):
    _, _, project = project.rpartition('=')
    balance_amount = Decimal(OPENING_BALANCES[project])
    expected = collections.defaultdict(Decimal)
    for year in range(2018, stop_date.year):
            amounts = BALANCES_BY_YEAR[(project, year)]
        except KeyError:
            for account, amount in amounts:
                if year < start_date.year and account.startswith(EQUITY_ROOT_ACCOUNTS):
                    balance_amount += amount
                    expected[account] += amount
    actual = split_text_lines(output)
    next(actual); next(actual)  # Discard headers
    open_acct, open_amt = next(actual)
    assert open_acct == "{} balance as of {}".format(
        project, start_date.isoformat(),
    assert open_amt == format_amount(balance_amount)
    balance_amount += check_text_balances(
        actual, expected,
    end_acct, end_amt = next(actual)
    assert end_acct == "{} balance as of {}".format(
        project, stop_date.isoformat(),
    assert end_amt == format_amount(balance_amount)
    balance_amount += check_text_balances(
        actual, expected,
    assert next(actual, None) is None

def check_cell_balance(cell, balance):
    if balance:
        assert cell.value == balance
        assert not cell.value

def check_ods_sheet(sheet, account_balances, *, full):
    total_keys = ['opening', 'Income', 'Expenses', 'Equity']
    if full:
        account_bals = account_balances.copy()
        unrestricted = account_bals.pop('Conservancy')
        total_keys += [
        account_bals = {
            key: balances
            for key, balances in account_balances.items()
            if key != 'Conservancy' and any(v >= .5 for v in balances.values())
    totals = {key: Decimal() for key in total_keys}
    for fund, balances in account_bals.items():
        for key in totals:
            totals[key] += balances[key]
    account_bals[''] = totals
    if full:
        account_bals['Unrestricted'] = unrestricted
    for row in itertools.islice(sheet.getElementsByType(odf.table.TableRow), 4, None):
        cells = iter(testutil.ODSCell.from_row(row))
            fund = next(cells).firstChild.text
        except (AttributeError, StopIteration):
        except AttributeError:
            fund = ''
        except StopIteration:
            balances = account_bals.pop(fund)
        except KeyError:
  "report included unexpected fund {fund}")
        check_cell_balance(next(cells), balances['opening'])
        check_cell_balance(next(cells), balances['Income'])
        if full:
            check_cell_balance(next(cells), -balances['Expenses'])
            check_cell_balance(next(cells), balances['Equity'])
                next(cells), -sum(balances[key] for key in ['Expenses', 'Equity']),
        check_cell_balance(next(cells), sum(balances[key] for key in [
            'opening', 'Income', 'Expenses', 'Equity',
        if full:
            check_cell_balance(next(cells), balances['Assets:Receivable'])
            check_cell_balance(next(cells), balances['Assets:Prepaid'])
            check_cell_balance(next(cells), balances['Liabilities'])
            check_cell_balance(next(cells), balances['Liabilities:Payable'])
        assert next(cells, None) is None
        if full and fund == 'Unrestricted':
            assert '' not in account_bals, "Unrestricted funds reported before subtotals"
            for key, bal in balances.items():
                totals[key] += bal
            account_bals[''] = totals
    assert not account_bals, "did not see all funds in report"

def check_ods_report(ods, start_date, stop_date):
    account_bals = collections.OrderedDict((key, {
        'opening': Decimal(amount),
        'Income': Decimal(0),
        'Expenses': Decimal(0),
        'Equity': Decimal(0),
        'Assets:Receivable': Decimal(0),
        'Assets:Prepaid': Decimal(0),
        'Liabilities:Payable': Decimal(0),
        'Liabilities': Decimal(0),  # UnearnedIncome
    }) for key, amount in sorted(OPENING_BALANCES.items()))
    for fund, year in itertools.product(account_bals, range(2018, stop_date.year)):
            amounts = BALANCES_BY_YEAR[(fund, year)]
        except KeyError:
            for account, amount in amounts:
                if account.startswith(EQUITY_ROOT_ACCOUNTS):
                    if year < start_date.year:
                        acct_key = 'opening'
                        acct_key, _, _ = account.partition(':')
                    acct_key, _, _ = account.rpartition(':')
                account_bals[fund][acct_key] += amount
    sheets = iter(ods.getElementsByType(odf.table.Table))
    check_ods_sheet(next(sheets), account_bals, full=False)
    check_ods_sheet(next(sheets), account_bals, full=True)
    assert next(sheets, None) is None, "found unexpected sheet"

def run_main(out_type, arglist, config=None):
    if config is None:
        config = testutil.TestConfig(
    arglist.insert(0, '--output-file=-')
    output = out_type()
    errors = io.StringIO()
    retcode = fund.main(arglist, output, errors, config)
    return retcode, output, errors

@pytest.mark.parametrize('project,start_date,stop_date', [
    ('Conservancy', START_DATE, STOP_DATE),
    ('project=Conservancy', MID_DATE, STOP_DATE),
    ('Conservancy', START_DATE, MID_DATE),
    ('Alpha', START_DATE, STOP_DATE),
    ('project=Alpha', MID_DATE, STOP_DATE),
    ('Alpha', START_DATE, MID_DATE),
    ('Bravo', START_DATE, STOP_DATE),
    ('project=Bravo', MID_DATE, STOP_DATE),
    ('Bravo', START_DATE, MID_DATE),
    ('project=Charlie', START_DATE, STOP_DATE),
def test_text_report(project, start_date, stop_date):
    retcode, output, errors = run_main(io.StringIO, [
        '-b', start_date.isoformat(), '-e', stop_date.isoformat(), project,
    assert not errors.getvalue()
    assert retcode == 0
    check_text_report(output, project, start_date, stop_date)

def test_text_report_empty_balances():
    retcode, output, errors = run_main(io.StringIO, [
        '-t', 'text', '-b', '2018-01-01',
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