Changeset - 638bc8ccbb77
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Brett Smith - 4 years ago 2020-07-02 17:07:59
accrual: Make comment not an actual type:ignore.
1 file changed with 1 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -425,97 +425,97 @@ class BalanceReport(BaseReport):
    def _report(self, posts: AccrualPostings, index: int) -> Iterable[str]:
        meta = posts[0].meta
        date_s ='%Y-%m-%d')
        entity_s = meta.get('entity', '<no entity>')
        invoice_s = meta.get('invoice', '<no invoice>')
        balance_s = posts.balance_at_cost().format(zero="Zero balance")
        if index:
            yield ""
        yield f"{entity_s} {invoice_s}:"
        yield f"  {balance_s} outstanding since {date_s}"


class OutgoingReport(BaseReport):
    class PaymentMethods(enum.Enum):
        ach = 'ACH'
        check = 'Check'
        creditcard = 'Credit Card'
        debitcard = 'Debit Card'
        paypal = 'PayPal'
        vendorportal = 'Vendor Portal'
        wire = 'Wire'
        fxwire = wire
        uswire = wire


    def __init__(self, rt_wrapper: rtutil.RT, out_file: TextIO) -> None:
        self.rt_wrapper = rt_wrapper
        self.rt_client = rt_wrapper.rt

    def _primary_rt_id(self, posts: AccrualPostings) -> rtutil.TicketAttachmentIds:
        rt_ids = posts.first_meta_links('rt-id')
        rt_id = next(rt_ids, None)
        rt_id2 = next(rt_ids, None)
        if rt_id is None:
            raise ValueError("no rt-id links found")
        elif rt_id2 is not None:
            raise ValueError("multiple rt-id links found")
        parsed = rtutil.RT.parse(rt_id)
        if parsed is None:
            raise ValueError("rt-id is not a valid RT reference")
            return parsed

    def _get_payment_method(self, posts: AccrualPostings, ticket_id: str) -> Optional[str]:
        payment_methods = posts.meta_values('payment-method')
        if all(isinstance(s, str) for s in payment_methods):
            # type:ignore for <>
            # type ignore for <>
            payment_methods = {s.strip().lower() for s in payment_methods}  # type:ignore[union-attr]
        log_prefix = f"cannot set payment-method for rt:{ticket_id}:"
        payment_method_count = len(payment_methods)
        if payment_method_count != 1:
            self.logger.warning("%s %s metadata values found",
                                log_prefix, payment_method_count)
            return None
        payment_method = payment_methods.pop()
        if not isinstance(payment_method, str):
            self.logger.warning("%s %r is not a string value",
                                log_prefix, payment_method)
            return None
            currency, method_key = payment_method.split(None, 1)
        except ValueError:
            self.logger.warning("%s no method specified in %r",
                                log_prefix, payment_method)
            return None
        curr_match = re.fullmatch(r'[a-z]{3}', currency)
        if curr_match is None:
            self.logger.warning("%s invalid currency %r",
                                log_prefix, currency)
            method_enum = self.PaymentMethods[method_key]
        except KeyError:
            self.logger.warning("%s invalid method %r",
                                log_prefix, method_key)
            curr_match = None
        if curr_match is None:
            return None
            return f'{currency.upper()} {method_enum.value}'

    def _report(self, posts: AccrualPostings, index: int) -> Iterable[str]:
            ticket_id, _ = self._primary_rt_id(posts)
            ticket = self.rt_client.get_ticket(ticket_id)
            # Note we only use this when ticket is None.
            errmsg = f"ticket {ticket_id} not found"
        except (ValueError, rt.RtError) as error:
            ticket = None
            errmsg = error.args[0]
        if ticket is None:
            meta = posts[0].meta
                "can't generate outgoings report for %s %s %s because no RT ticket available: %s",
                meta.get('entity', '<no entity>'),
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