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Ben Sturmfels (bsturmfels) - 2 months ago 2024-07-19 05:57:07
statement_reconciler: Add initial Chase bank CSV statement matching

We currently don't have many examples to work with, so haven't done any
significant testing of the matching accuracy between statement and books.
2 files changed with 42 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -241,64 +241,99 @@ def validate_fr_csv(sample: str) -> None:
        date = datetime.datetime.strptime(row[1], '%m/%d/%Y')
    except ValueError:
    amount_found = '$' in row[4] and '$' in row[5]
    if len(row) != 6 or not date or not amount_found:
            "This First Republic CSV doesn't seem to have the 6 columns we're expecting, including a date in column 2 and an amount in columns 5 and 6. Please use an unmodified statement direct from the institution."


def standardize_fr_record(line, row):
    record = {
        'date': datetime.datetime.strptime(row[1], '%m/%d/%Y').date(),
        'amount': parse_amount(row[4]),
        'payee': remove_payee_junk(row[3] or '')[:20],
        'check_id': row[2].replace('CHECK  ', '') if 'CHECK  ' in row[2] else '',
        'line': line,
    return record


def read_fr_csv(f: TextIO) -> list:
    reader = csv.reader(f)
    # The reader.line_num is the source line number, not the spreadsheet row
    # number due to multi-line records.
    return sort_records(
        standardize_fr_record(i, row)
        for i, row in enumerate(reader, 1)
        if len(row) == 6 and row[2] not in {'LAST STATEMENT', 'THIS STATEMENT'}


def validate_chase_csv(sample: str) -> None:
    required_cols = {'Date', 'Description', 'Account', 'Transaction Type', 'Amount'}
    reader = csv.DictReader(io.StringIO(sample))
    if reader.fieldnames and not required_cols.issubset(reader.fieldnames):
            f"This Chase CSV doesn't seem to have the columns we're expecting, including: {', '.join(required_cols)}. Please use an unmodified statement direct from the institution."


def standardize_chase_record(row: Dict, line: int) -> Dict:
    """Turn an Chase CSV row into a standard dict format representing a transaction."""
    return {
        'date': datetime.datetime.strptime(row['Date'], '%m/%d/%y').date(),
        'amount': -1 * parse_amount(row['Amount']),
        # Descriptions have quite a lot of information, but the format is a little
        # idiosyncratic. We'll need to see more examples before coming up with any ways
        # to handle it in code. Others have used regular expressions to match the
        # various transaction types:
        # See also:
        'payee': (row['Description'] or '').replace('ORIG CO NAME:')[:20],
        'check_id': '',
        'line': line,


def read_chase_csv(f: TextIO) -> list:
    reader = csv.DictReader(f)
    # The reader.line_num is the source line number, not the spreadsheet row
    # number due to multi-line records.
    return sort_records(
        [standardize_chase_record(row, i) for i, row in enumerate(reader, 2)]


def standardize_beancount_record(row) -> Dict:  # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]
    """Turn a Beancount query result row into a standard dict representing a transaction."""
    return {
        'amount': row.number_cost_position,
        'payee': remove_payee_junk(
            f'{row.payee or ""} {row.entity or ""} {row.narration or ""}'
        'check_id': str(row.check_id or ''),
        'filename': row.filename,
        'line': row.line,
        'bank_statement': row.bank_statement,


def format_record(record: dict) -> str:
    """Generate output lines for a standard 1:1 match."""
    if record['payee'] and record['check_id']:
        output = f"{record['date'].isoformat()}: {record['amount']:11,.2f} {record['payee'][:25]} #{record['check_id']}".ljust(59)
    elif record['payee']:
        output = f"{record['date'].isoformat()}: {record['amount']:11,.2f} {record['payee'][:35]}".ljust(59)
        output = f"{record['date'].isoformat()}: {record['amount']:11,.2f} #{record['check_id']}".ljust(59)
    return output


def format_multirecord(r1s: List[dict], r2s: List[dict], note: str) -> List[list]:
    """Generates output lines for one statement:multiple books transaction match."""
    assert len(r1s) == 1
    assert len(r2s) > 1
    match_output = []
@@ -755,67 +790,72 @@ def format_output(
            print(output, file=out)
        print('-' * 155, file=out)
            f'Sub-total not on statement: {total_missing_from_statement:12,.2f}',
        print(f'Sub-total not in books:     {total_missing_from_books:12,.2f}', file=out)
            f'Total:                      {total_missing_from_statement + total_missing_from_books:12,.2f}',
        print('-' * 155, file=out)
        return out.getvalue()


def main(
    arglist: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
    stdout: TextIO = sys.stdout,
    stderr: TextIO = sys.stderr,
    config: Optional[configmod.Config] = None,
) -> int:
    args = parse_arguments(arglist)
    cliutil.set_loglevel(logger, args.loglevel)
    if config is None:
        config = configmod.Config()

    # Validate and normalise the statement into our standard
    # transaction data structure.
    if 'AMEX' in args.account:
        validate_csv = validate_amex_csv
        read_csv = read_amex_csv
    elif 'FR' in args.account:
        validate_csv = validate_fr_csv
        read_csv = read_fr_csv
    elif 'Chase' in args.account:
        validate_csv = validate_chase_csv
        read_csv = read_chase_csv
        sys.exit("This account provided doesn't match one of AMEX, FR or Chase.")

    with open(args.csv_statement) as f:
        sample =
        # Validate should return true/false and a message.

        # TODO: Needs a custom read_transactions_from_csv for each of AMEX and
        # FR since AMEX has a header row and FR doesn't.
        statement_trans = read_csv(f)

    # Dates are taken from the beginning/end of the statement.
    # TODO: FR statements include the last day of previous statement and the
    # last day of this statement in the first/last rows.
    begin_date = statement_trans[0]['date']
    end_date = statement_trans[-1]['date']

    if args.full_months:
        begin_date, end_date = round_to_month(begin_date, end_date)

    # Query for the Beancount books data for this above period.
    # There are pros and cons for using Beancount's in-memory entries
    # list directly and also for using Beancount Query Language (BQL)
    # to get a list of transactions? Using BQL because it's
    # convenient, but we don't have access to the full transaction
    # entry objects. Feels a bit strange that these approaches are so
    # disconnected.
    # beancount.query.query_compile.compile() and
    # beancount.query.query_execute.filter_entries() look useful in this respect,
    # but I'm not clear on how to use compile(). An example would help.
    entries, _, options = loader.load_file(args.beancount_file)
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name = conservancy_beancount
version = 1.19.8
version = 1.20.0
author = Software Freedom Conservancy
author_email =
description = Plugin, library, and reports for reading Conservancy’s books
license = AGPLv3-or-later WITH Beancount-Plugin-Additional-Permission-1.0
license_files =
long_description = file: README.rst
long_description_content_type = text/x-rst; charset=UTF-8
project_urls =
  Source = %(url)s
url =

universal = 1

disallow_any_unimported = False
disallow_untyped_calls = False
disallow_untyped_defs = True
show_error_codes = True
strict_equality = True
warn_redundant_casts = True
warn_return_any = True
warn_unreachable = True
warn_unused_configs = True

include_package_data = True
install_requires =
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