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Ben Sturmfels (bsturmfels) - 3 years ago 2022-02-08 11:06:01
reconcile: Prototype writing statement metadata back to books.
1 file changed with 63 insertions and 10 deletions:
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"""A prototype AMEX statement reconciler.
"""Reconcile an AMEX CSV statement against the books and print differences.

@@ -5,7 +5,18 @@ Run like this:
$ python3 -m pip install thefuzz
$ python3 conservancy_beancount/reconcile/ --beancount-file=$HOME/conservancy/beancount/books/2021.beancount --amex-csv=$HOME/conservancy/confidential/2021-09-10_AMEX_activity.csv
$ python3 conservancy_beancount/reconcile/ \
  --beancount-file=$HOME/conservancy/beancount/books/2021.beancount \

Conservancy currently enter data by hand rather than using Beancount importers.
This tool is still somewhat like an importer in that it needs to extract
transaction details from a third-party statement. Instead of creating
directives, it just checks to see that similar directives are already present.

 - AMEX statement doesn't provide bank balance or running total

import argparse
import csv
import collections
import datetime
@@ -21,2 +32,3 @@ from thefuzz import fuzz  # type: ignore
def standardize_amex_record(row: Dict) -> Dict:
    """Turn an AMEX CSV row into a standard dict format representing a transaction."""
    return {
@@ -29,2 +41,3 @@ def standardize_amex_record(row: Dict) -> Dict:
def standardize_beancount_record(row) -> Dict:  # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]
    """Turn a Beancount query result row into a standard dict representing a transaction."""
    return {
@@ -33,2 +46,5 @@ def standardize_beancount_record(row) -> Dict:  # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]
        'payee': row.payee if row.payee else row.narration,
        'filename': row.filename,
        'line': row.posting_line,
        'statement': row.posting_statement,
@@ -51,5 +67,5 @@ def records_match(r1: Dict, r2: Dict) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
    if date_matches and amount_matches and payee_matches:
        return True, ''
        return True, 'Matched'
    elif date_matches and amount_matches:
        return True, f'Low payee match ({payee_match_quality}%)'
        return True, f'Matched with low-payee match ({payee_match_quality}%)'
@@ -63,2 +79,3 @@ parser.add_argument('--grep-output-filename')
# parser.add_argument('--report-group-regex')
parser.add_argument('--show-reconciled-matches', action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
@@ -73,4 +90,13 @@ end_date = statement_trans[-1]['date']
# Do we traverse and filter the in-memory entries list and filter that, or do we
# use Beancount Query Language to get a list of transactions?
# use Beancount Query Language (BQL) to get a list of transactions? Currently
# using BQL.
# beancount.query.query_compile.compile() and
# beancount.query.query_execute.filter_entries() look useful in this respect,
# but I'm not clear on how to use compile(). An example would help.
entries, _, options = loader.load_file(args.beancount_file)

# String concatenation looks bad, but there's no SQL injection possible here
# because BQL can't write back to the Beancount files. I hope!
query = f"SELECT filename, META('lineno') AS posting_line, META('bank-statement') AS posting_statement, date, number(cost(position)), payee, narration where account = 'Liabilities:CreditCard:AMEX' and date >= {begin_date} and date <= {end_date}"
result_types, result_rows = run_query(
@@ -78,3 +104,3 @@ result_types, result_rows = run_query(
    f"SELECT filename, lineno, date, number(cost(position)), payee, narration where account = 'Liabilities:CreditCard:AMEX' and date >= {begin_date} and date <= {end_date}",
@@ -87,2 +113,8 @@ books_index = 0
matches = []
metadata_to_apply = []

# Run through all the statement transactions to find a matching transaction in
# the books. If found, the books transaction is marked off so that it can only
# be matched once. Some transactions will be matched, some will be on the
# statement but not the books and some on the books but not the statement.
for r1 in statement_trans:
@@ -91,3 +123,6 @@ for r1 in statement_trans:
        if match:
            matches.append([r2['date'], f'{format_record(r1)}    -->    {format_record(r2)}  {note.upper()}'])
            if not r2['statement'] or args.show_reconciled_matches:
                    matches.append([r2['date'], f'{format_record(r1)}    -->    {format_record(r2)}  ✓ {note}'])
            if not r2['statement']:
                metadata_to_apply.append((r2['filename'], r2['line'], f'    bank-statement: "{args.amex_csv}"\n'))
@@ -95,9 +130,27 @@ for r1 in statement_trans:
        matches.append([r1['date'], f'{format_record(r1)}    -->    {" ":^41}  NOT IN BOOKS'])
        matches.append([r1['date'], f'{format_record(r1)}    -->    {" ":^41}   Not in books'])
for r2 in books_trans:
    matches.append([r2['date'], f'{" ":^41}    -->    {format_record(r2)}  NOT ON STATEMENT'])
    matches.append([r2['date'], f'{" ":^41}    -->    {format_record(r2)}   Not on statement'])

print(f'{"STATEMENT":<40}            {"BOOKS":<40}   NOTES')
for _, output in sorted(matches):

if metadata_to_apply:
    print('Mark matched transactions as reconciled in the books? (y/N) ', end='')
    if input().lower() == 'y':
        files = {}
        for filename, line, metadata in metadata_to_apply:
            if filename not in files:
                with open(filename, 'r') as f:
                    files[filename] = [0, f.readlines()]
            files[filename][1].insert(line + files[filename][0], metadata)
            files[filename][0] += 1
        for filename in files:
            with open(filename, 'w') as f:
                print(f'Wrote {filename}.')

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