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Location: CopyleftConf/copyleftconf-website/pinaxcon/templates/static_pages/program/events.html

Christopher Neugebauer
Speaker photos
{% extends "page_with_title_and_lede.html" %}

{% load i18n %}

{% block head_title %}Events{% endblock %}

{% block heading %}Events{% endblock %}

{% block body_class %}program{% endblock %}

{% block lede %}
  North Bay Python 2017 is coming, and with it: more Python. We'll add satellite events and more to this page as details are available.
{% endblock %}

{% block content %}

<h2>A Taste of Python and Django<br/>
  <small>October 24, 2017</small></h2>

<p>A pre-conference event with local meetup group, Web &amp; Interactive Media Professionals (WIMP). At least three of the North Bay Python organizers will be present at this potluck-style event at Santa Rosa Junior College. <a href="">Find more information and join us!</a></p>

<h2>Speaker Training<br/>
  <small>December 1, 2017</small></h2>

<p>We are running a speaker training the day before the conference. Everyone who is accepted to speak at the conference is invited to attend. <a href="">Let us know</a> if you're interested in attending, we may have seats available.</p>

<h2>North Bay Python 2017<br/>
  <small>December 2-3, 2017</small></h2>

<p>This year's main event will run from 10:00am to 6:00pm each day with check-in starting at 9:00am on Saturday. Our program schedule will be released later this month. You can <a href="/tickets">buy your ticket today</a>!</p>

{% endblock %}