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*Portions of this page were drawn from ideas seen on [DjangoCon EU](, [SeaGL](, [Fog City Ruby](, and others. Thanks to all for their inspiration and permission to borrow!*

### The North Bay Python 2017 CFP is open!

North Bay Python is seeking speakers of all experience levels, especially first-timers, to contribute to our first-ever conference program! If you use Python professionally or as a hobbyist, or are even just excited about Python or programming and open source in general, we'd love to hear from you.

If you've never presented at a conference before and think you might like to try it, we want to hear from you! The program committee is *very* much interested in encouraging and supporting new speakers, and we will be able to provide detailed feedback and work with you to develop your proposal and talk content so you can give the best talk possible.

In the interest of transparency, we have documented our [Selection Process](/program/selection-process).
In the interest of transparency, we have documented our [Selection Process](/program/selection-process). Portions of this page were drawn from ideas seen on [DjangoCon EU](, [SeaGL](, [Fog City Ruby](, and others. Thanks to all for their inspiration and permission to borrow!

## Dates

+ **August 21, 2017**: CFP opens
+ **September 29, 2017**: CFP closes
+ **Week of October 9**: Acceptance notifications sent
+ **Week of October 16**: Speaker confirmations due; program finalized and announced
+ **December 2–3, 2017**: Conference happens!

## Speakers

North Bay Python is dedicated to featuring a diverse and inclusive speaker lineup.

**All speakers will be expected to have read and adhere to the conference [Code of Conduct](/code-of-conduct). In particular for speakers: slide contents and spoken material should be appropriate for a professional audience including people of many different backgrounds. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate, and neither are language or imagery that denigrate or demean people based on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, physical appearance, disability, or body size.**

We will make every effort to provide accommodations for speakers and attendees of all abilities — all we ask is that you let us know so we can prepare accordingly.

North Bay Python is a conference in support of the local programmer community outside of the core San Francisco Bay Area tech scene. We aim to feature a mix of local and non-local speakers to offer a program with broad appeal. **All speakers will receive complimentary registration to the conference, and requests for further financial compensation to assist with travel will be considered on a case-by-case basis independent of the proposal's merits.**

## Talk formats

**Most of the talk slots will be short** — approximately 25 to 30 minutes, including Q&A. If your ideas would benefit from a longer slot, please explain in your submission how you would use the additional time.

## Topics