Changeset - eea49e11afdd
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Joshua Simmons - 7 years ago 2017-08-11 22:52:13
stylize attribution
2 files changed with 2 insertions and 3 deletions:
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This procedure has been adopted from the Ada Initiative's guide titled "[Conference anti-harassment/Responding to Reports](”.
*This procedure has been adopted from the Ada Initiative's guide titled "[Conference anti-harassment/Responding to Reports](”.*

1\. Keep in mind that all conference staff will be wearing a conference t-shirt/button with the word “STAFF” on it (or otherwise clearly marked as staff). The staff will also be prepared to handle the incident. All of our staff are informed of the [code of conduct policy](/code-of-conduct) and guide for handling harassment at the conference. *There will be a mandatory staff meeting onsite at the conference when this will be reiterated.*

2\. Report the harassment incident (preferably in writing) to a conference staff member. All reports are confidential. Please do not disclose public information about the incident until the staff have had sufficient time in which to address the situation. This is as much for your safety and protection as it is the other attendees.

When reporting the event to staff, try to gather as much information as available but do not interview people about the incident. Staff will assist you in writing the report/collecting information.

The important information consists of:

- Identifying information (name/badge number) of the participant doing the harassing
- The behavior that was in violation
- The approximate time of the behavior (if different than the time the report was made)
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This procedure has been adopted from the Ada Initiative's guide titled "[Conference anti-harassment/Responding to Reports](”.
*This procedure has been adopted from the Ada Initiative's guide titled "[Conference anti-harassment/Responding to Reports](”.*

Be sure to have a good understanding of our Code of Conduct policy, which can be found here: [](/code-of-conduct)

Also have a good understanding of what is expected from an attendee that wants to report a harassment incident. These guidelines can be found here: [](/code-of-conduct/harassment-incidents)

Try to get as much of the incident in written form by the reporter. If you cannot, transcribe it yourself as it was told to you. The important information to gather include the following:

 - Identifying information (name/badge number) of the participant doing the harassing
 - The behavior that was in violation
 - The approximate time of the behavior (if different than the time the report was made)
 - The circumstances surrounding the incident
 - Other people involved in the incident

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