Changeset - e1481a8bc9dc
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Josh Simmons - 5 years ago 2019-06-09 00:43:40
update a11y and fin aid pages
2 files changed with 6 insertions and 4 deletions:
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{% extends "page_with_title_and_lede.html" %}

{% load i18n %}

{% block head_title %}Accessibility and Accommodations{% endblock %}

{% block heading %}Accommodations{% endblock %}

{% block body_class %}attend{% endblock %}

{% block lede %}
  We've prepared this guide to help you plan and navigate your experience of North Bay Python events.
{% endblock %}


{% block content %}

This guide summarizes accessibility, accommodations, and known issues. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us by email at <a href=""></a> or speak to an organizer or volunteer in-person.


  <li><strong>Vision Issues</strong>: We have seating reserved at the front of the venue.</li>
  <li><strong>Hearing Issues</strong>: We offer live open captioning of every session of the conference.</li>
  <li><strong>Service Animals</strong>: We welcome service animals. There is an area that can be used for responsible animal relief across from the lobby of the venue.</li>

<h3>Wheelchair / Mobility Issues</h3>

<p>Our venue was built pre-ADA in 1912 and presents some challenges for people with mobility issues. The lobby, auditorium, and one bathroom have level access. However, the balcony requires use of stairs and bathroom doors and stalls are narrow. We are currently investigating bathroom options for people with mobility issues.</p>


  <li><strong>Financial Aid / Scholarships</strong>: We want you to be able to attend North Bay Python. You can request a free ticket and <a href="/attend/finaid">apply for financial aid</a>.</li>
  <li><strong>Gender Neutral Bathrooms</strong>: There are two bathrooms in the conference venue, one with urinals and one without. Both are gender neutral.</li>
  <li><strong>Quiet / Rest Area</strong>: You can access a private quiet room and a rest area across the street from the conference venue at <a href="">WORK Petaluma</a>.</li>

<h3>Dietary Restrictions</h3>

<p>We provide a small range of drinks and snacks at North Bay Python and will do our best to cater to dietary restrictions noted in your registration. We don't cater meals and will provide a guide to local stores and restaurants.</p>

<h3>Parents with Children</h3>

<p>We offer access to a private room with power for parents to nurse or pump milk just across the street from the conference venue at WORK Petaluma where parents can also find a bathroom with a changing table.</p>
<p>We offer access to a private room with power for parents to nurse or pump milk just across the street from the conference venue at WORK Petaluma, where parents can also find a bathroom with a changing table.</p>

<p>We will be offering childcare this year. Please indicate whether or not you'd like to take advantage of on-site childcare when you register. More details will be announced soon.</p>
<p>We offer free childcare during the conference. Please indicate whether or not you'd like to take advantage of on-site childcare when you register and we'll follow up with additional details.</p>

<p>Last year we worked with <a href="">Corporate Kids Events</a> and provided childcare Saturday and Sunday from 9:00am and 7:00pm, so parents don't have to miss a moment of the core conference which runs from 10:00am to 6:00pm.</p>

{% endblock %}
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{% extends "page_with_title_and_lede.html" %}

{% load i18n %}

{% block head_title %}Financial Aid{% endblock %}

{% block heading %}Financial Aid{% endblock %}

{% block body_class %}attend{% endblock %}

{% block lede %}
Part of the Python community spirit is making knowledge &ndash; and access to the community &ndash; available to everyone who needs it. If don't live near Petaluma and need help getting here, we want to help out.
Part of the Python community spirit is making knowledge &ndash; and access to the community &ndash; available to everyone who needs it. If you don't live near Petaluma and need help getting here, we want to help out.
{% endblock %}

{% block content %}

<h2>What We'll Cover</h2>

<p>Our mission is to provide an accessible Python conference to everyone in Northern California. We understand that some people will need to travel for 2 or more hours to get to Petaluma, and that the costs of transport and lodging can add up. Our grants are intended to make your weekend at North Bay Python cost about as much as a weekend at home would cost.</p>

<p>If you're selected to receive financial aid, we'll cover the following for you:</p>

  <li><strong>Ground transportation</strong>, up to $70 return: including public transit, including reasonable cab/rideshare fares between the venue and accommodation in Petaluma.</li>
  <li><strong>Accommodation subsidy</strong>, up to $80 per night, for up to 3 nights.</li>
  <li><strong>Free ticket</strong> to the conference.</li>

<p>These subsidies are designed to make the conference affordable, no matter where you live in Northern California. You are still eligible even if you don't live close to Petaluma, however, we will not subsidise the cost of flights.</p>


 <p>To apply, please <a href="">fill out the application form</a>.</p>
 <p>To apply, please <a href="">fill out the application form</a>.</p>

 <p><strong>Applications will be assessed every Friday, starting September 21st</strong> until October 19th, or our budget is exhausted, whichever comes first. To increase your chances of getting accepted, <strong>please apply as soon as possible.</strong></p>

 <h3>Application Information</h3>

 <p>In the application, you'll need to tell us the following:</p>

   <li>Your name</li>
   <li>Your company/organization</li>
   <li>Why you want to come to North Bay Python</li>
   <li>Where you're traveling from</li>

<p>The form shouldn't take more than 10 minutes for you to fill out.</p>


{% endblock %}
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