Changeset - bd27519d320e
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Joshua Simmons - 6 years ago 2017-11-14 03:34:35
comment out guides that don't yet exist
1 file changed with 4 insertions and 4 deletions:
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@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@
  <li><strong><a href="/attend/emergencies">Emergencies</a></strong> might involve the Code of Conduct, contacting organizers, calling the police, or finding a hospital or pharmacy.</li>
  <li><strong><a href="/attend/food">Finding Food</a></strong> is easy in Petaluma, especially with this guide to local restaurants and markets with details about price, distance, and dietary restrictions.</li>
  <!--li><strong><a href="/attend/food">Finding Food</a></strong> is easy in Petaluma, especially with this guide to local restaurants and markets with details about price, distance, and dietary restrictions.</li-->
  <li><strong><a href="/wiki/fitness">Fitness</a></strong> doesn't need to take a backseat while at North Bay Python, we have information about gyms and pools as well as running and hiking paths.</li>
  <li><strong><a href="/attend/transit">Getting Around Ptown</a></strong> has key distances and details about taxis, busses, and walking paths.</li>
  <li><strong><a href="/attend/transit">Getting Around P'town</a></strong> has key distances and details about taxis, busses, and walking paths.</li>
  <li><strong><a href="/wiki/meetups">Meetups</a></strong> and birds of a feather sessions are great ways to connect with other attendees. Find and attend one or organize your own!</li>
  <li><strong><a href="/wiki/activities">Partner- and Family-friendly Activities</a></strong> for folks who are bringing their families along to Sonoma County.</li>
  <!--li><strong><a href="/wiki/activities">Partner- and Family-friendly Activities</a></strong> for folks who are bringing their families along to Sonoma County.</li-->
  <li><strong><a href="/code-of-conduct/harassment-incidents">Report Incidents</a></strong> as per our <a href="/code-of-conduct">Code of Conduct</a>. We have procedure guides for <a href="/code-of-conduct/harassment-incidents">attendees</a> as well as <a href="/code-of-conduct/harassment-staff-procedures">staff and volunteers</a>.</li>
  <li><strong><a href="/wiki/tourist-guide">Tourist Guide</a></strong> for those who are staying in Sonoma County before or after North Bay Python.</li>
  <!--li><strong><a href="/wiki/tourist-guide">Tourist Guide</a></strong> for those who are staying in Sonoma County before or after North Bay Python.</li-->
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