Changeset - bc5d6bc6783b
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Josh Simmons - 6 years ago 2018-09-05 03:13:54
copy edits for ticket sales launch
3 files changed with 6 insertions and 6 deletions:
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{% extends "page_with_title_and_lede.html" %}

{% load i18n %}

{% block head_title %}Accessibility and Accommodations{% endblock %}

{% block heading %}Accommodations{% endblock %}

{% block body_class %}attend{% endblock %}

{% block lede %}
  We've prepared this guide to help you plan and navigate your experience of North Bay Python events.
{% endblock %}


{% block content %}

This guide summarizes accessibility, accommodations, and known issues. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us by email at <a href=""></a> or speak to an organizer or volunteer in-person.


  <li><strong>Vision Issues</strong>: We have seating reserved at the front of the venue.</li>
  <li><strong>Hearing Issues</strong>: We offer live open captioning of every session of the conference.</li>
  <li><strong>Service Animals</strong>: We welcome service animals. There is an area that can be used for responsible animal relief across from the lobby of the venue.</li>

<h3>Wheelchair / Mobility Issues</h3>

<p>Our venue was built pre-ADA in 1912 and presents some challenges for people with mobility issues. The lobby, auditorium, and one bathroom have level access. However, the balcony requires use of stairs and bathroom doors and stalls are narrow. We are currently investigating bathroom options for people with mobility issues.</p>


  <li><strong>Financial Aid / Scholarships</strong>: We want you to be able to attend North Bay Python. You can request a free ticket and {% comment %}<a href="/attend/finaid">{% endcomment %}apply for financial aid{% comment %}</a>{% endcomment %}.</li>
  <li><strong>Gender Neutral Bathrooms</strong>: There are two bathrooms in the conference venue, one with urinals and one without. Both are gender neutral.</li>
  <li><strong>Quiet / Rest Area</strong>: You can access a private quiet room and a rest area across the street from the conference venue at <a href="">WORK Petaluma</a>.</li>

<h3>Dietary Restrictions</h3>

<p>We provide a small range of drinks and snacks at North Bay Python and will do our best to cater to dietary restrictions noted in your registration. We don't cater meals and will provide a guide to local stores and restaurants.</p>

<h3>Parents with Children</h3>

<p>We offer access to a private room with power for parents to nurse or pump milk just across the street from the conference venue at WORK Petaluma where parents can also find a bathroom with a changing table.</p>

<p>We'll likely offer childcare this year. Details will be announced closer as soon as possible.</p>
<p>We'll likely offer childcare this year. Details will be announced as soon as possible.</p>

{% endblock %}
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{% extends "page_with_title_and_lede.html" %}

{% load i18n %}
{% load markdown_deux_tags %}

{% block head_title %}Attend{% endblock %}

{% block heading %}Come to North Bay Python!{% endblock %}

{% block body_class %}attend{% endblock %}

{% block lede %}
  P-Town. Rivertown. That place where the cows are. No matter what you call Petaluma, we want you to join us here for a great weekend of Python talks and networking. North Bay Python tickets start at $25 for unaffiliated individuals, and $180 for corporate attendees.
{% endblock %}


{% block content %}

<p>To buy a ticket, <a href="/dashboard">create an account, and go to the dashboard</a>. If you've already bought a ticket, you can check out our information on <a href="/attend/hotels">where to stay</a> if you want to come up for the weekend, and <a href="/attend/travel">how to get here</a>.</p>
<p>To buy a ticket, <a href="/dashboard">create an account, and go to the dashboard</a>. If you've already bought a ticket, you can check out our information on <a href="/attend/hotels">where to stay</a> and <a href="/attend/travel">how to get here</a>.</p>

<p><strong>Attendees should fill out their own registration form</strong>. When you complete the form, you'll receive a link that you can pass on to accounts staff if you need someone to pay on your behalf.</p>
<p><strong>Attendees should fill out their own registration form</strong>. When you complete the form, you'll receive a link that you can pass on if someone is paying on your behalf.</p>

<br />

<div class="pull-right"><a class="btn btn-lg btn-primary" href="/tickets/buy">Buy a Ticket</a></div>
<h2>Which Ticket?</h2>

<p><em>T-shirts are only available for tickets bought before October 9th.</em></p>

<h3>Corporate <small>$200</small></h3>

<p><strong>For company employees, and individuals who can claim the cost of attending the conference as a business expense or other tax deduction</strong>.</p>

<p>Includes a free t-shirt, and recognition of your affiliation on your conference badge and on the conference supporters list. Group discounts are available for organizations that buy 5 or more tickets.</p>

<h3>Individual Supporter <small>$100</small></h3>

<p><strong>For individuals who want to financially contribute to the success of the conference.</strong></p>

<p>This ticket includes a free t-shirt, and recognition of your Free and Open Source Software, hobby, or nonprofit project on your conference badge.</p>

<h3>Unaffiliated Individual <small>$50</small></h3>

<p><strong>For students, hobbyists, and unemployed/underemployed people who are coming to North Bay Python at their own expense.</strong></p>

<p>The cheapest ticket we can offer. You can add a t-shirt for $30.</p>


<h3>Special Tickets</h3>

<h4>Individual Sponsor <small>$500</small></h4>

<p>This ticket includes all of the benefits of a Corporate ticket, but we’ll also give the ticket holder special thanks during our conference plenary sessions. You can also provide us with a promotional item to put in each attendee’s swag bag.</p>

<p>This ticket is for individuals who want to sponsor the conference. For company-level sponsorships, please see our <a href="/sponsors/become-a-sponsor">sponsorships page</a>.</p>


<h4>Group Discount Corporate <small>$180 for 5+ tickets</small></h4>

<p>For companies sending multiple attendees, you can get a 10% discount off the regular price on purchases of 5 tickets or more.</p>

<p>To claim, buy your first four tickets, and send us an email with the names and receipt numbers for those attendees. We’ll send you vouchers for a discount on further tickets.</p>


<h2>Ticket Types and Inclusions</h2>

<table class="table table-striped">
  <th>Unaffiliated Individual</th><th>Individual Supporter</th><th>  Corporate  </th><th> Individual Sponsor </th></tr>
  <th>Regular Price</th>
  <td> $50 </td><td>$100</td><td> $200</td><td> $500
  <th>Early Bird</th>
  <td> $25</td><td> $80 </td><td>$180</td><td> $450</td></tr>
  <th>Group Discount</th>
  <td> - </td><td>- </td><td>$180/ticket for 5+ tickets</td><td> -</td></tr>
  <th>Conference access</th>
  <td>  Yes </td><td>  Yes </td><td>  Yes </td><td>  Yes </td></tr>
  <th>Morning refreshments</th>
  <td> TBA </td><td> TBA </td><td> TBA </td><td> TBA </td></tr>
  <th>Free Lunch</th>
  <td> No </td><td> No </td><td> No </td><td> No </td></tr>
  <td>$30 each</td><td>1 free</br>Extras $30 each</td><td>1 free</br>Extras $30 each</td><td>1 free</br>Extras $30 each</td></tr>
  <th>Affiliation on your badge</th>
  <td> No </td><td>Personal projects only</td><td> Yes </td><td>Yes</td></tr>
  <th>Supporter recognition</th>
  <td> None </td><td>For you </td><td>For you and your company </td><td>Top billing for you and your company or project</td></tr>
    <th>Sponsor benefits</th>
    <td> No </td><td>No</td><td> No </td><td>Yes</td></tr>
  <td> Yes </td><td>Yes</td><td> Yes </td><td>Yes</td></tr>

<p>If you can’t afford to attend on these prices, please email <a href=""></a> – we’ll enthusiastically waive ticket fees for people who need it.</em></p>

<div class="btn-group">
  <a class="btn btn-lg btn-primary" href="/tickets/buy">Buy a Ticket</a>



<h3>Conference access</h3>
<p>Two days of high-caliber talks about Python, and meeting new Pythonistas at North Bay Python.</p>

<p>In order to keep ticket costs as low as possible, we wont be catering lunch this year.</p>
<p>In order to keep ticket costs as low as possible, we don't cater lunch.</p>

<p>To make up for it, we’ve located our conference right in the middle of Historic Downtown Petaluma’s restaurant district. You can find everything from market delis and barbecue, through to Michelin-rated restaurants, all within 5 minutes walk. You’ll get a better lunch than we’d ever be able to cater, for much less. We'll have a locals' guide to Petaluma to help you find places to eat.</p>

<h3>Morning Refreshments (TBA)</h3>
<p>If budget permits, or if we find a sponsor, we’ll provide coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and some light snacks in the morning before proceedings kick off on both days.</p>

<p>We’ll be designing a collectible North Bay Python t-shirt for you to pick up at the conference, and they’ll be <a href="/attend/tshirt">available in a variety of sizes, cuts and colors</a>. Each t-shirt costs $30, and for supporter, corporate, and sponsor ticket holders, you’ll get your first t-shirt free!</p>

<p>T-shirts are available only for tickets purchased by Tuesday 9 October.</p>


<p>Every attendee gets their very own lanyard and a badge with their name on it. For higher-paying ticket holders, you’ll get your project’s name (supporter and above) or company name (corporate or sponsor levels only) on your badge, just below your name.</p>

<h3>Supporter Recognition</h3>
<p>On our website, we’ll have a list of our conference supporters. You can choose to have your name on that list.</p>

<p>For our corporate and sponsor ticket holders, we’ll also include your company name as part of those thanks.</p>

<h3>Sponsor Benefits</h3>
<p>Sponsor tickets come with sponsor benefits. To find out more, see our <a href="/sponsors/become-a-sponsor">Sponsors page</a>.</p>


<h3>Childcare, thanks to Indeed</h3>
<p>Thanks to our sponsor, Indeed, we'll be offering childcare at a nearby venue. If you have children, we'll have qualified carers available to take care of them.</p>

{% endblock %}
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{% extends "page_with_title_and_lede.html" %}

{% load i18n %}

{% block head_title %}How to Pitch Your Manager{% endblock %}

{% block heading %}How to Pitch Your Manager{% endblock %}

{% block body_class %}attend{% endblock %}

{% block lede %}
So you want to attend North Bay Python, but you're not quite sure your manager will sign off on the expenses? Read below for some suggestions on how to make your case!
{% endblock %}


{% block content %}

<h3>Key Information</h3>
    <li>Dates: Saturday, December 2nd and Sunday, December 3rd, 2017</li>
    <li>Dates: Saturday, November 2nd and Sunday, November 3rd, 2018</li>
    <li>Venue: Mystic Theatre, Petaluma, California, USA</li>
    <li>Tickets: $200</li>

<h3>How to Convince Your Boss</h3>

This comes down to building a <em>business case</em> for your attendance. Start by explaining what the conference is, why you want to go, and why your employer will benefit (we've helpfully included some of the great reasons you might use and some sample prose you're welcome to copy into your email, below).</p>

<p>Explain to your boss what you'll bring back for the rest of the team (ideas, not imbibables): offer to give a summary presentation at lunch, or post a write-up to the company wiki, upon your return. We have some fantastic content in store, and you'll have no trouble finding things to teach your teammates when you get back. Sessions will be recorded and posted to YouTube, so you'll have ready-to-share links for those who want additional detail. You could also share the names, Twitter handles, or business cards from the people you'll meet — some of them might even be interested in working with you!</p>

<h3>Sample Language</h3>
North Bay Python is a new, nonprofit conference by and for the Python community.
North Bay Python is a nonprofit conference by and for the Python community.

The conference features over 20 sessions from experienced presenters hailing from across the US and internationally, speaking on a wide mix of topics. Sessions will include updates from leading Python community members on the state of major projects, technical explorations of how Python and Python-based systems work in practice, and thought-provoking explorations and lessons on how best to communicate as a team, foster diversity and inclusivity, and effectively engage within and beyond our teams and communities as developers.

<p>Full details on the program will be released soon.</p>

Approximately 400 attendees from a diverse mix of backgrounds will be in Petaluma for the weekend, providing a rich opportunity for networking. Expect to meet key members of your favorite open source Python projects, fellow developers with novel perspectives on common problems, and maybe even some job-seekers to help bolster your organization's ranks.

Organizations funding attendees of North Bay Python can acquire competitive advantage by:
    <li>Staying abreast of the latest libraries, services, and best practices in the Python ecosystem</li>
    <li>Learning techniques for architecting, authoring, deploying, and maintaining software</li>
    <li>Improving technical and organizational communication skills</li>
    <li>Networking with fellow Python users to establish potential future working relationships</li>
    <li>Returning to work refreshed and excited by all of the novel ways Python is being used across industries</li>
{% endblock %}
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