Changeset - ae3086ff5d4f
[Not reviewed]
0 3 0
Joshua Simmons - 7 years ago 2017-08-13 01:48:08
remove username from navbar
3 files changed with 7 insertions and 4 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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{% load i18n %}
{% load account_tags %}


<ul class="nav navbar-nav pull-right">
    {% if request.user.is_authenticated %}
        <span class="navbar-text">
            <i class="fa fa-user"></i> {% user_display request.user %}
            <a href="{% url "dashboard" %}"><i class="fa fa-tasks"></i> {% trans "Dashboard" %}</a>
            <a id="account_logout" href="{% url 'account_logout' %}"><i class="fa fa-power-off"></i> {% trans "Log out" %}</a>
    {% else %}
        <li><a href="{% url 'account_login' %}">{% trans "Log in" %}</a></li>
        {% if ACCOUNT_OPEN_SIGNUP %}
            <li><a href="{% url 'account_signup' %}">{% trans "Sign up" %}</a></li>
        {% endif %}
    {% endif %}

<form id="accountLogOutForm" action="{% url 'account_logout' %}" method="POST">
    {% csrf_token %}
Show inline comments
{% extends "site_base.html" %}

{% load i18n %}
{% load proposal_tags %}
{% load review_tags %}
{% load teams_tags %}
{% load registrasion_tags %}
{% load account_tags %}

{% block head_title %}Dashboard{% endblock %}

{% block body_class %}auth{% endblock %}

{% block body %}

    <div class="panel panel-default">
      <div class="panel-heading">
          <h3 class="panel-title">
              <i class="fa fa-user-o"></i>
              <span class="pull-right">
                <i class="fa fa-user"></i> {% user_display request.user %}
      <div class="panel-body">
            <a href="{% url 'account_password' %}">{% trans "Change password" %}</a>

    <div class="panel panel-default">
        <div class="panel-heading">
            <div class="pull-right">
                {% if not user.speaker_profile %}
                    <a href="{% url "speaker_create" %}" class="btn btn-xs btn-default">
                        <i class="fa fa-plus-sign"></i> Create a speaker profile
                {% else %}
                    <a href="{% url "speaker_edit" %}" class="btn btn-xs btn-default">
                        <i class="fa fa-pencil"></i> Edit your speaker profile
                    <a href="{% url "proposal_submit" %}" class="btn btn-xs btn-default">
                        <i class="fa fa-plus-sign"></i> Submit a new proposal
                {% endif %}
            <h3 class="panel-title">
                <i class="fa fa-bullhorn"></i>
                {% trans "Speaking" %}

        <div class="panel-body">
            {% if not user.speaker_profile %}
                <p>To submit a proposal, you must first <a href="{% url "speaker_create" %}">create a speaker profile</a>.</p>
            {% else %}
                <h4>Your Proposals</h4>
                {% if not user.speaker_profile.proposals.exists %}
                    <p>No proposals submitted yet.</p>
                {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
        {% if user.speaker_profile.proposals.exists %}
            <table class="table">
                    <th>Session type</th>
                {% for proposal in user.speaker_profile.proposals.all %}
                    {% include "symposion/proposals/_proposal_row.html" %}
                {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}

        {% if user.speaker_profile %}
            {% associated_proposals as associated_proposals %}
            {% if associated_proposals %}
                <div class="panel-body">
                    <h4>Proposals you have joined as an additional speaker</h4>
                <table class="table">
                        <th>Session type</th>
                    {% for proposal in associated_proposals %}
                        {% include "symposion/proposals/_proposal_row.html" %}
                    {% endfor %}
            {% endif %}

            {% pending_proposals as pending_proposals %}
            {% if pending_proposals %}
                <div class="panel-body"><h4>Proposals you have been invited to join</h4></div>
                <table class="table">
                        <th>Session type</th>
                    {% for proposal in pending_proposals %}
                        {% include "symposion/proposals/_pending_proposal_row.html" %}
                    {% endfor %}
            {% endif %}
        {% endif %}

{% comment %}
    {% include "registrasion/dashboard_widget.html" %}
{% endcomment %}

    <div class="panel panel-default">
        <div class="panel-heading">
            <div class="pull-right header-actions">
                {% if not user.sponsorships.exists %}
                    <a href="{% url "sponsor_apply" %}" class="btn btn-xs btn-default">
                        <i class="fa fa-plus-sign"></i>
                        Apply to be a sponsor
                {% endif %}
            <h3 class="panel-title">
                <i class="fa fa-briefcase"></i>
                {% trans "Sponsorship" %}

        <div class="panel-body">
            {% if not user.sponsorships.exists %}
                <p>If you or your organization would be interested in sponsorship opportunities, <a href="{% url "sponsor_apply" %}">use our online form to apply to be a sponsor</a>.
            {% else %}
                <h4>Your Sponsorship</h4>
                <ul class="list-group">
                    {% for sponsorship in user.sponsorships.all %}
                        <li class="list-group-item">
                            <a href="{% url "sponsor_detail" %}"><b>{{ }}</b></a>
                            ({{ sponsorship.level }})
                            {% if not %}
                                <span class="label label-warning">awaiting approval</span>
                            {% endif %}
                    {% endfor %}
            {% endif %}
            {% if user.is_staff %}
                    As staff, you can directly <a href="{% url "sponsor_add" %}">add a sponsor</a> if the organization isn't
                    applying themselves.
            {% endif %}

    {% if review_sections %}
        <div class="panel panel-default">
            <div class="panel-heading">
                <h3 class="panel-title">
                    <i class="fa fa-briefcase"></i>
                    {% trans "Reviews" %}
            <div class="panel-body">
                <h4>Reviews by Section</h4>
                    {% for section in review_sections %}
                        <h5>{{ section }}</h5>
                        <li><a href="{% url "review_section" section.section.slug %}">All</a></li>
                        <li><a href="{% url "user_reviewed" section.section.slug %}">Reviewed by you</a></li>
                        <li><a href="{% url "user_not_reviewed" section.section.slug %}">Not Reviewed by you</a></li>
                    {% endfor %}

                {% comment %}
                <h4>My Assignments</h4>
                <table class="table">
                        <td>Proposal Title</td>
                            <td>Title Three</td>
                            <td>Title Four</td>
                {% endcomment %}

    {% endif %}

    {% available_teams as available_teams %}
    {% if user.memberships.exists or available_teams %}
        <div class="panel panel-default">
            <div class="panel-heading">
                <h3 class="panel-title">
                    <i class="fa fa-group"></i>
                    {% trans "Teams" %}

            {% if user.memberships.exists %}
                <div class="panel-body">
                    <h4>Your Teams</h4>
                <table class="table table-striped">
                    {% for membership in user.memberships.all %}
                                <a href="{% url "team_detail" %}">{{ }}</a>
                                {% if %}<br>{{ }}{% endif %}
                                <span class="label{% if membership.state == 'invited' %} label-info{% endif %}">{{ membership.get_state_display }}</span>
                                {% if membership.state == "manager" or user.is_staff %}
                                    {% if %}{{ }} applicant{{|pluralize }}{% endif %}
                                {% endif %}
                    {% endfor %}
            {% endif %}
            {% if available_teams %}
                <div class="panel-body">
                    <h4>Available Teams</h4>
                <table class="table table-striped">
                    {% for team in available_teams %}
                                <a href="{% url team_detail team.slug %}">{{ team }}</a>
                                {% if team.description %}<br>{{ team.description }}{% endif %}
                                <span class="label label-default">{{ team.get_access_display }}</span>
                    {% endfor %}
            {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
{% endblock %}
Show inline comments
body {
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  position: relative;
section {
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.modal form {
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footer {
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p.login-signup {
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.feature-columns {
    @include make-row();

    > div {
        i.fa {
            margin-bottom: 0.2em;
        @include make-sm-column(4);
        margin: 2em 0;*/
} .review-list, .voting-status, .review-results {
    z-index: 2; // Place active items above their siblings for proper border styling
    color: $list-group-active-color;
    background-color: $list-group-active-bg;
    border-color: $list-group-active-border;
} {
    &.positive a.positive,
    &.negative a.negative,
    &.indifferent a.indifferent,
    &.controversial a.controversial,
    &.too_few a.too_few {
        z-index: 2;
        color: #333;
        background-color: #e6e6e6;
        border-color: #adadad;
        outline: 0;
        background-image: none;
        box-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125);

#accountLogOutForm {
    display: none;

.sponsor-list h3 {
    margin-top: 3em;

.sponsor-list > div {
    margin: 10px 0;

body.auth .panel-heading .panel-title span.pull-right {
    margin: 0 auto;



0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)