Changeset - a7c325921633
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Christopher Neugebauer - 7 years ago 2017-08-17 15:16:09
Sets the admin e-mail address
1 file changed with 6 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -34,7 +34,12 @@ CANONICAL_HOST = os.environ.get("DJANGO_CANONICAL_HOST", None)
# system time zone.
TIME_ZONE = os.environ.get("TZ", "America/Los_Angeles")

ADMINS = ("Webmaster", os.environ.get("DJANGO_ADMIN_EMAIL", "webmaster@localhost"))

# Set the email address that will receive errors.
admin_email = os.environ.get("DJANGO_ADMIN_EMAIL", None)
if admin_email is not None:
    ADMINS = ("Webmaster", admin_email)


# Use SSLRedirectMiddleware
SSL_ON = os.environ.get("DJANGO_SSL_ON", True)
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