Changeset - a6db7f3895fd
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Josh Simmons - 5 years ago 2019-06-09 02:20:19
update team page
1 file changed with 9 insertions and 5 deletions:
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@@ -43,8 +43,5 @@ Our team of North Bay and Bay Area locals has years of experience building commu

<h3>Andrew Godwin, Treasurer</h3>

<p><img src="{% static "images/team/andrew.jpg" %}" alt="Andrew Godwin" class="team-headshot circle">Andrew is a Django and Python developer who originally hails from London but moved to the Bay Area five years ago. He's been writing open source software for over a decade as well as working in various different parts of the technology industry, and currently works at Eventbrite. He regularly speaks at Python (and other) events around the world, and has a keen interest in building communities and inclusivity. (<a href="">@andrewgodwin on Twitter</a>)</p>

<h3>Josh Simmons, Communications and Outreach</h3>
<p><img src="{% static "images/team/josh.jpg" %}" alt="Josh Simmons" class="team-headshot circle">Josh is a painfully earnest community strategist and recovering web developer. Born and raised in the North Bay, he spent 4.5 years building Web &amp; Interactive Media Professionals (WIMP), a local community, before moving on to do community management for O'Reilly Media. These days Josh does communications for Google Open Source and serves as CFO for the Open Source Initiative (OSI). He loves to help free software communities become more welcoming and introduce students and junior developers to open source. (<a href="">@joshsimmons on Twitter</a>)</p>
<p><img src="{% static "images/team/josh.jpg" %}" alt="Josh Simmons" class="team-headshot circle">Josh is a painfully earnest community strategist and recovering web developer. Born and raised in the North Bay, he spent 4.5 years building Web &amp; Interactive Media Professionals (WIMP), a local community, before moving on to do community management for O'Reilly Media. These days Josh does open source strategy for Salesforce and serves as VP of the <a href="">Open Source Initiative</a> (OSI). He loves to help free software communities become more welcoming and introduce students and junior developers to open source. (<a href="">@joshsimmons on Twitter</a>)</p>

@@ -64,2 +61,9 @@ After leaving academia 20 years ago, Max became a freelance developer and open s

<h2>Emeritus Organizers</h2>

<h3>Andrew Godwin, Treasurer</h3>

<p><img src="{% static "images/team/andrew.jpg" %}" alt="Andrew Godwin" class="team-headshot circle">Andrew is a Django and Python developer who originally hails from London but moved to the Bay Area five years ago. He's been writing open source software for over a decade as well as working in various different parts of the technology industry, and currently works at Eventbrite. He regularly speaks at Python (and other) events around the world, and has a keen interest in building communities and inclusivity. (<a href="">@andrewgodwin on Twitter</a>)</p>


<h2>Advisors<a name="advisors"></a></h2>
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