Changeset - 9ed185d3143b
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Joshua Simmons - 7 years ago 2017-08-15 00:55:42
no emoji were used in the creation of this website
1 file changed with 0 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -41,10 +41,9 @@

  <li><a href="" title="Django Web Framework">Django</a> is the web framework that underpins everything else.</li>
  <li><a href="" title="Symposion">Symposion</a> is used for the call for proposals and session scheduling.</li>
  <li><a href="" title="Registrasion">Registrasion</a> is used for ticket sales.</li>
  <li><a href="" title="Inkscape">Inkscape</a> is used to create most of our graphics.</li>
  <li><a href="" title="Twitter Emoji">Twitter Emoji</a> is used in many of our graphics.

{% endblock %}
\ No newline at end of file
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