Changeset - 753f71598be0
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Joshua Simmons - 7 years ago 2017-08-13 23:00:12
finalize become a sponsor copy
2 files changed with 7 insertions and 4 deletions:
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### The North Bay Python 2017 CFP is open!

We've got lots of good information and resources below that you should read, but in case you've already read it and want to dive in now:

<div class="btn-group">
  <a class="btn btn-lg btn-primary" href="/dashboard" title="Submit a Proposal to North Bay Python">Submit a Proposal</a>


If you've never presented at a conference before and think you might like to try it, we want to hear from you! The program committee is *very* much interested in encouraging and supporting new speakers, and we will be able to provide detailed feedback and work with you to develop your proposal and talk content so you can give the best talk possible.

In the interest of transparency, we have documented our [selection process](/program/selection-process "North Bay Python proposal selection process"). Portions of this page were drawn from ideas seen on [DjangoCon EU]( "DjangoCon Europe"), [SeaGL]( "Seattle GNU Linux"), [Fog City Ruby]( "Fog City Ruby"), and others. Thanks to all for their inspiration and permission to borrow!

## Dates

+ **August 21, 2017**: CFP opens
+ **September 29, 2017**: CFP closes
+ **Week of October 9**: Acceptance notifications sent
+ **Week of October 16**: Speaker confirmations due; program finalized and announced
+ **December 2–3, 2017**: Conference happens!

## Speakers

North Bay Python is dedicated to featuring a diverse and inclusive speaker lineup.

**All speakers will be expected to have read and adhere to the conference [Code of Conduct](/code-of-conduct "North Bay Python Code of Conduct"). In particular for speakers: slide contents and spoken material should be appropriate for a professional audience including people of many different backgrounds. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate, and neither are language or imagery that denigrate or demean people based on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, physical appearance, disability, or body size.**

We will make every effort to provide accommodations for speakers and attendees of all abilities&mdash;all we ask is that you let us know so we can prepare accordingly.

North Bay Python is a conference in support of the local programmer community outside of the core San Francisco Bay Area tech scene. We aim to feature a mix of local and non-local speakers to offer a program with broad appeal. **All speakers will receive complimentary registration to the conference, and requests for further financial compensation to assist with travel will be considered on a case-by-case basis independent of the proposal's merits.**

## Talk formats

**Most of the talk slots will be short**&mdash;approximately 25 to 30 minutes, including Q&A. If your ideas would benefit from a longer slot, please explain in your submission how you would use the additional time.

## Topics

**We are a single track conference. This means that your talk needs to hold the attention of beginners and experienced developers alike.**

This doesn't mean that every talk needs to be a beginner's talk: if you're talking about advanced concepts, people who are new to Python, or new to your library, should come away excited about the possibilities, and know what concepts they need to learn to get there.

This is a list of topics we think might go well in the North Bay Python program, but it is by no means exhaustive. If you have a talk idea on a subject not listed here and you think it fits well with our community and mission, we would love to <a href="" title="">hear about it</a>!

+ The Python community
+ Python fundamentals
+ Useful libraries and tools
+ Testing in Python
+ Deploying, operating, or scaling Python
+ Organization and communication skills for software development
+ What Python can learn from other communities
+ Unexpected places Python gets used (Embedded systems! Health science!)
+ ... and anything else we might not have thought of!

## Resources

This [public speaking]( "Public Speaking Resource Repository by VM Brasseur") repository, maintained by [VM Brasseur]( "VM Brasseur on Twitter"), has many useful resources to help you polish your proposals and talks.

### Office Hours and Mentorship

The program committee will be holding regularly-scheduled office hours during the CFP period to help you organize proposals.

We're happy to help with any of the following:

+ Exploring and brainstorming your interests to help you identify hidden things that would make great talks
+ Connecting you with experienced speakers to help build your proposal and talk
+ Reviewing your outline, slide deck, or presenter notes
+ Connecting you with rehearsal audiences or even just watching you present over a video conference as practice
+ Anything else that'd help you be at ease and excited about bringing your ideas to our audience!

Our office hours schedule has not yet been announced, but you can reach us by email at <a href="" title=""></a> or on <a href="" title="IRC Web Client for #nbpy Channel on Freenode">IRC in #nbpy on Freenode</a> at any time.

<!-- TODO post office hours schedule -->

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{% extends "page_with_title_and_lede.html" %}

{% load i18n %}

{% block head_title %}Become a Sponsor{% endblock %}

{% block heading %}Become a Sponsor{% endblock %}

{% block body_class %}sponsors{% endblock %}

{% block lede %}

Your generous support builds careers, brings students together with expert developers, and promotes free and open source software. How can we help you? Explore our <a href="/sponsors/prospectus">prospectus</a>.
Your generous support builds careers, brings students together with expert developers, and promotes free and open source software. How can we help you? Explore our <a href="/sponsors/prospectus" title="North Bay Python Sponsor Prospectus">prospectus</a>.

{% endblock %}

{% block content %}

<h2>Help cultivate the Python community in the North Bay.</h2>
<h2>Help cultivate the Python developer community.</h2>

<div class="btn-group">
  <a class="btn btn-lg btn-primary" href="/sponsors/prospectus" title="North Bay Python Sponsor Prospectus">Sponsor Prospectus</a>

<p>Our base costs, including our venue, printing, web hosting, and more, are all funded through sponsorship. In return, we offer complimentary corporate level tickets, a chance to talk about your company on our main stage, floor space in the lobby to display your free-standing banners, and as much praise as we can deliver in front of 400 grateful Pythonistas.</p>

<p>Below is an overview of sponsorship levels. Please see our <a href="/sponsors/prospectus">prospectus</a> or contact <a href=""></a> for additional details.</p>
<p>Below is an overview of sponsorship levels. Please <a href="">email us</a> for more information.</p>

<h2>Package Sponsorship</h2>

<p>Package sponsorships are the widest-reaching and best value sponsorships we offer at North Bay Python. When our attendees arrive at the venue, they'll see your signage as they walk through the door. As they're sitting in the theatre, they'll see your logo on the backdrop behind the speakers, and on-screen on between talks. You'll also get the chance to present a short talk about your organization between two of our invited presentations.</p>

<h2>À la Carte Sponsorship</h2>

<p>If you're looking for something a bit more exclusive, North Bay Python's À la Carte sponsorships allow you to promote your organization as part of an important offering during the conference, including lanyards, catering, or video branding. We'll also recognize you as a Silver package sponsor, with the opportunity for discounted upgrades to higher package tiers.</p>

<h2>In-Kind Partnerships</h2>

<p>Sponsorship can also be in the form of in-kind donations of goods and services essential to organizing the conference, or in assisting speakers to attend the conference. If you can make a substantial in-kind donation, we will recognize you as a package-level sponsor of equivalent value.</p>

<h2>Community Partnerships<a name="community-partners"></a></h2>

<p>Community groups, such as Python Meetups and PyLadies groups, are the lifeblood of the Python community, and we need your help to put on the best conference we can. If you can help us with one of the following, we'll recognize you as a community partner, which comes with all of the benefits of a Silver sponsorship.</p>

  <li>You help us find 10 submissions to our Call for Proposals</li>
  <li>Three members of your group attend at a Supporter level or higher</li>
  <li>You put us in contact with a sponsor who signs on at Silver level or above</li>
  <li>One of your members volunteers with the conference</li>
  <li>Anything else that we agree will make our conference even better</li>

{% endblock %}
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