Changeset - 5c0208a70077
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Brett Smith - 5 years ago 2019-09-30 15:56:05
css: Try a different background color.
1 file changed with 1 insertions and 1 deletions:
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/* COLORS */
// Used by links, buttons, and other background bits.
$brand-primary: #5cc9c9;  // CopyleftConf cyan
$brand-secondary: #ffe6cc;  // footer peach
$brand-secondary: #ffffcc;  // footer yellow

//$background-filter: hsla(207, 60%, 85%, 1.0);
$background-filter: $brand-secondary;
$background-filter-transparent: change-color($background-filter, $alpha: 0.5);
$logo-sky-blue: $brand-secondary;

/* TEXT */
@font-face {
    font-family: AbyssinicaSILW;
    src: url(/static/fonts/AbyssinicaSIL-R.woff) format("woff");

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