Changeset - 52ff9eb063f4
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Joshua Simmons - 6 years ago 2017-11-14 04:19:09
css selector for hiding nav items in wiki wasn't specific enough. oops
1 file changed with 7 insertions and 7 deletions:
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{% extends "wiki/base_site.html" %}
{% load staticfiles %}
{% load compress %}
{% load sitetree %}
{% load sekizai_tags %}

{% block wiki_body %}
  {% addtoblock "css" %}
    {% compress css %}
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/x-scss" href="{% static "scss/site.scss" %}">

      <style type="text/css">
        div.navbar ul.nav.navbar-nav li:nth-child(1), /* about */
        div.navbar ul.nav.navbar-nav li:nth-child(4), /* sponsors */
        div.navbar ul.nav.navbar-nav li:nth-child(5)  /* news */ {
          display: none;
        <style type="text/css">
          div.navbar ul.nav.navbar-nav > li:nth-child(1), /* about */
          div.navbar ul.nav.navbar-nav > li:nth-child(4), /* sponsors */
          div.navbar ul.nav.navbar-nav > li:nth-child(5)  /* news */ {
            display: none;
    {% endcompress %}
  {% endaddtoblock %}

  {{ block.super }}
{% endblock %}

{% block wiki_site_title %} - North Bay Python Wiki{% endblock %}

{% block wiki_header_branding %}
<a class="navbar-brand" href="/">North Bay Python</a>
{% endblock %}

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