Changeset - 294106ad54ba
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Josh Simmons - 6 years ago 2018-07-04 20:06:37
update accommodations, inc childcare
1 file changed with 4 insertions and 4 deletions:
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@@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ This guide summarizes accessibility, accommodations, and known issues. If you ha
  <li><strong>Financial Aid / Scholarships</strong>: We want you to be able to attend North Bay Python. You can request a free ticket and <a href="/attend/finaid">apply for financial aid</a>.</li>
  <li><strong>Financial Aid / Scholarships</strong>: We want you to be able to attend North Bay Python. You can request a free ticket and {% comment %}<a href="/attend/finaid">{% endcomment %}apply for financial aid{% comment %}</a>{% endcomment %}.</li>
  <li><strong>Gender Neutral Bathrooms</strong>: There are two bathrooms in the conference venue, one with urinals and one without. Both are gender neutral.</li>
  <li><strong>Quiet / Rest Area</strong>: You can access a private quiet room and a rest area across the street from the conference venue at WORK Petaluma.</li>
  <li><strong>Quiet / Rest Area</strong>: You can access a private quiet room and a rest area across the street from the conference venue at <a href="">WORK Petaluma</a>.</li>
@@ -41,3 +41,3 @@ This guide summarizes accessibility, accommodations, and known issues. If you ha

<p>We will be providing a small range of drinks and snacks at North Bay Python and will do our best to cater to dietary restrictions noted in your registration. We will not be catering meals and will provide a guide to local stores and restaurants in which we'll highlight each vendor's ability to accommodate dietary restrictions.</p>
<p>We provide a small range of drinks and snacks at North Bay Python and will do our best to cater to dietary restrictions noted in your registration. We don't cater meals and will provide a guide to local stores and restaurants.</p>

@@ -47,3 +47,3 @@ This guide summarizes accessibility, accommodations, and known issues. If you ha

<p>We are unable to offer childcare this year, but hope to in the future. However, for attendees traveling with their families we offer an activity guide for partners and children.</p>
<p>We'll likely offer childcare this year. Details will be announced closer as soon as possible.</p>

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