Changeset - 257af285ae40
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Brett Smith - 5 years ago 2018-12-06 15:18:18
sponsors: Add "Become a Sponsor" page.
3 files changed with 31 insertions and 40 deletions:
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{% extends "page_with_title_and_lede.html" %}

{% load i18n %}
{% load markdown_deux_tags %}

{% block head_title %}Become a Sponsor{% endblock %}

{% block heading %}Become a Sponsor{% endblock %}

{% block body_class %}sponsors{% endblock %}

{% block lede %}

Your generosity builds careers, brings students together with expert developers, and promotes free and open source software. How can we help you? Explore our <a href="/sponsors/prospectus">sponsor prospectus</a>.

{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
  {% markdown %}

<h2>Help cultivate the Python developer community.</h2>

<div class="btn-group">
  <a class="btn btn-lg btn-primary" href="/sponsors/prospectus">Sponsor Prospectus</a>

<p>Our base costs&mdash;including things like venue, printing, web hosting, and more&mdash;are all funded through sponsorship. In return, we offer complimentary corporate-level tickets, an opportunity to talk about your company on our main stage, lobby space to display free-standing banners, and as much praise as we can deliver in front of 300 grateful Pythonistas.</p>

<p>Below is an overview of sponsorship levels. Please <a href="">email us</a> for more information.</p>

<h2>Package Sponsorship <small>starts at $2000</small></h2>

<p>Package sponsorships are the widest-reaching and best value sponsorships we offer at North Bay Python. When our attendees arrive at the venue, they'll see your signage as they walk through the door. As they're sitting in the theatre, they'll see your logo on the backdrop behind the speakers, and on-screen on between talks. You'll also get the chance to present a short talk about your organization between two of our invited presentations.</p>

<h2>À la Carte Sponsorship <small>starts at $3000</small></h2>

<p>If you're looking for something a bit more exclusive, North Bay Python's À la Carte sponsorships allow you to promote your organization as part of an important offering during the conference, including lanyards, catering, or video branding. We'll also recognize you as a Silver package sponsor, with the opportunity for discounted upgrades to higher package tiers.</p>

<h2>In-Kind Partnerships</h2>

<p>Sponsorship can also be in the form of in-kind donations of goods and services essential to organizing the conference, or in assisting speakers to attend the conference. If you can make a substantial in-kind donation, we will recognize you as a package-level sponsor of equivalent value.</p>

<h2>Community Partnerships<a name="community-partners"></a></h2>

<p>Community groups, such as Python Meetups and PyLadies groups, are the lifeblood of the Python community, and we need your help to put on the best conference we can. If you can help us with one of the following, we'll recognize you as a community partner, which comes with all of the benefits of a Silver sponsorship.</p>

  <li>You help us find 10 submissions to our Call for Proposals</li>
  <li>Three members of your group attend at a Supporter level or higher</li>
  <li>You put us in contact with a sponsor who signs on at Silver level or above</li>
  <li>One of your members volunteers with the conference</li>
  <li>Anything else that we agree will make our conference even better</li>
  {% include "static_pages/sponsors/" %}

  {% endmarkdown %}
{% endblock %}
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new file 100644
When: 10:00am – 6:00pm, February 4<sup>th</sup> 2019 (aka the day after FOSDEM)  
Where: A short walk from Gare Central in Brussels, Belgium  
Expected attendance: 200 dedicated free and open source software licensing professionals and enthusiasts

This will be the very first annual International Copyleft Conference. Participants from throughout the copyleft world — developers, strategists, enforcement organizations, scholars and critics — will be welcomed for an in-depth, high bandwidth, and expert-level discussion about the day-to-day details of using copyleft licensing, obstacles facing copyleft and the future of copyleft as a strategy to advance and defend software freedom for users and developers around the world.

Who’s organizing this? Software Freedom Conservancy is a not-for-profit charity that helps promote, improve, develop, and defend Free, Libre, and Open Source Software (FLOSS) projects. Conservancy provides a non-profit home and infrastructure for FLOSS projects. Conservancy is also the only organization currently working on enforcement of the GPL, the world’s most popular copyleft license.

This event will provide a friendly and safe place for discussion of all aspects of copyleft, including as a key strategy for defending software freedom! Your sponsorship will help make this a sustainable annual event, that can welcome students and scholars at a minimal cost. Any questions about financial, coffee break or in-kind sponsorship options should be directed to <>.

Platinum: $5,000  
You may bring a banner to the event or sign for the event lobby.  
You will be listed on the conference website and in the printed materials.  
We will verbally and enthusiastically thank you in the opening and closing remarks.  
Includes four professional registrations for your employees.

Gold: $3,000  
You will be listed on the conference website and in the printed materials.  
We will verbally and enthusiastically thank you in the opening and closing remarks.  
Includes two professional registrations.

Silver: $1,500  
You will be listed on the conference website and in the printed materials.  
Includes one professional registration.

[Download this prospectus](prospectus) or email <> to sponsor right away!
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@@ -40,17 +40,17 @@ urlpatterns = [

    url(r"^code-of-conduct$", TemplateView.as_view(template_name="static_pages/code_of_conduct/code_of_conduct.html"), name="code-of-conduct"),
    url(r"^coc$", RedirectView.as_view(url="code-of-conduct")),
    # url(r"^code-of-conduct/harassment-incidents$", TemplateView.as_view(template_name="static_pages/code_of_conduct/harassment_procedure_attendee.html"), name="code-of-conduct/harassment-incidents"),
    # url(r"^code-of-conduct/harassment-staff-procedures$", TemplateView.as_view(template_name="static_pages/code_of_conduct/harassment_procedure_staff.html"), name="code-of-conduct/harassment-staff-procedures"),

    # sponsor
    url(r"^sponsors/prospectus$", RedirectView.as_view(url=_static("assets/2019_CopyleftConf_prospectus.pdf")), name="sponsors/prospectus"),
    # url(r"^sponsors/become-a-sponsor$", TemplateView.as_view(template_name="static_pages/sponsors/become_a_sponsor.html"), name="sponsors/become-a-sponsor"),
    url(r"^sponsors/become-a-sponsor$", TemplateView.as_view(template_name="static_pages/sponsors/become_a_sponsor.html"), name="sponsors/become-a-sponsor"),
    url(r"^sponsors/donate$", DONATE_REDIRECT),
    url(r"^donate$", DONATE_REDIRECT),
    url(r"^about/donate$", DONATE_REDIRECT),

    # news
    # url(r"^news$", TemplateView.as_view(template_name="static_pages/news.html"), name="news"),

    # Django, Symposion, and Registrasion URLs
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