Changeset - 247061253327
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Joshua Simmons - 7 years ago 2017-08-09 22:01:07
remove old contact info
2 files changed with 2 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -21,3 +21,3 @@ The staff is well informed on how to deal with the incident and how to further p
**Note**: Incidents that violate the Code of Conduct are extremely damaging to the community, and they will not be tolerated. The silver lining is that, in many cases, these incidents present a chance for the offenders, and the community at large, to grow, learn, and become better. North Bay Python staff requests that they be your first resource when reporting a North Bay Python-related incident, so that they may enforce the Code of Conduct and take quick action toward a resolution.

A listing of [North Bay Python staff is located here](/about/staff), including contact phone numbers. If at all possible, all reports should be made directly to [Ewa Jodlowska]( (Event Coordinator) or [Jesse Noller]( (PyCon Chair).
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A listing of [North Bay Python staff is located here](/about/staff), including contact phone numbers. If at all possible, all reports should be made directly to Bleep and Bloop.
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@@ -63,3 +63,3 @@ Depending on the incident, the conference chair, or designate, may decide to mak
If some attendees were angered by the incident, it is best to apologize to them that the incident occurred to begin with.  If there are residual hard feelings, suggest to them to write an email to the conference chair or to the event coordinator. It will be dealt with accordingly.

A listing of [North Bay Python staff is located here](/about/staff), including contact phone numbers. If at all possible, all reports should be made directly to [Ewa Jodlowska]( (Event Coordinator) or [Jesse Noller]( (PyCon Chair).
\ No newline at end of file
A listing of [North Bay Python staff is located here](/about/staff), including contact phone numbers. If at all possible, all reports should be made directly to Bleep and Bloop.
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