Files @ f4d0eda48514
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Location: CopyleftConf/copyleftconf-website/static/bootstrap/javascripts/bootstrap-sprockets.js - annotation

f4d0eda48514 381 B application/javascript Show Source Show as Raw Download as Raw
Christopher Neugebauer
Merge pull request #33 from northbaypython/josh/copy

clean up copy, address basic accessibility concerns, tweaks to nav board and dashboard
//= require ./bootstrap/transition
//= require ./bootstrap/alert
//= require ./bootstrap/button
//= require ./bootstrap/carousel
//= require ./bootstrap/collapse
//= require ./bootstrap/dropdown
//= require ./bootstrap/modal
//= require ./bootstrap/tab
//= require ./bootstrap/affix
//= require ./bootstrap/scrollspy
//= require ./bootstrap/tooltip
//= require ./bootstrap/popover