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% Brief Introduction to the GNU General Public License
% Bradley M. Kuhn
% Monday 24 March 2014

# Audience Polls

+ My goal here is to move faster or slower based on audience knowledge.

+ There are folks in this audience who have worked with this stuff for years,
  and those who are completely new.

+ We want these presentations to be valuable to all of you.

+ Please, don't be embarrassed:
     + Ever GPL expert in the world, including me, started as a student who
       knew none of this.



# My Affiliations

+ Formerly had John's job, Executive Director of FSF, years ago.

+ Currently: on Board of Directors of FSF.

+ President of Software Freedom Conservancy.

# How These Orgs Relate to GPL?

    + Invented copyleft.
    + Authors &amp; stewards of the GPL.
    + Holder of copyrights on many key GNU programs &hellip;
    + &hellip; and therefore enforcers of those copyrights.

+ Software Freedom Conservancy
    + Adviser on legal issues of copyright, etc. to Free Software projects.
    + Holder of some copyrights on its member projects.
    + Enforcer of GPL on behalf of many copyright holders in:
    + BusyBox, Samba, Mercurial, and the kernel named Linux.

# How this Hour Will Go?

+ Materials presented will mix the simple &amp; complex.

+ We cannot possibly cover the entire GPL in one hour.

+ Discuss: motivations, origins, then a few of GPL's sections.

+ I understand the mix of backgrounds in the audience.

# A Restaurant's Lawyer?

+ Considering why you want to learn this.

+ What if your client was a restaurant?

+ What would you want to need to know?

# Restaurant Lawyer: What'd You Study?

+ If you were a restaurant's lawyer: