File diff 59bff741f28b → 05af800f5963
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@@ -2536,14 +2536,14 @@ program might not have the keys.
\section{Understanding License Compatibility}

% FIXME: reword intro to license compatibility

Another challenge facing the free software community is the proliferation of
incompatible free software licenses. Of course, we cannot make the GPL
compatible with all such licenses. GPLv3 contains provisions that are
designed to reduce license incompatibility by making it easier for developers
to combine code carrying non-GPL terms with GPL'd code.

% FIXME: more about license compatibility here.

A challenge that faced the Free Software community heavily through out the
early 2000s was the proliferation of incompatible Free Software licenses.  Of
course, we cannot make the GPL compatible with all such licenses. GPLv3
contains provisions that are designed to reduce license incompatibility by
making it easier for developers to combine code carrying non-GPL terms with
GPL'd code.

\section{GPLv3~\S7: Explicit Compatibility}