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@@ -1068,96 +1068,97 @@ and straightforward guidelines for what is and is not a derivative
software work under copyright law.  However, no copyright license --- not
even the GNU GPL --- can be blamed for this.  Legislators and court
opinions must give us guidance to decide the border cases.

\section{GPLv2~\S1: Verbatim Copying}

GPLv2~\S1 covers the matter of redistributing the source code of a program
exactly as it was received. This section is quite straightforward.
However, there are a few details worth noting here.

The phrase ``in any medium'' is important.  This, for example, gives the
freedom to publish a book that is the printed copy of the program's source
code.  It also allows for changes in the medium of distribution.  Some
vendors may ship Free Software on a CD, but others may place it right on
the hard drive of a pre-installed computer.  Any such redistribution media
is allowed.

Preservation of copyright notice and license notifications are mentioned
specifically in GPLv2~\S1.  These are in some ways the most important part of
the redistribution, which is why they are mentioned by name.  GPL
always strives to make it abundantly clear to anyone who receives the
software what its license is.  The goal is to make sure users know their
rights and freedoms under GPL, and to leave no reason that users might be
surprised the software is GPL'd. Thus
throughout the GPL, there are specific references to the importance of
notifying others down the distribution chain that they have rights under

Also mentioned by name is the warranty disclaimer. Most people today do
not believe that software comes with any warranty.  Notwithstanding the
\href{}{Maryland's} and \href{}{Virginia's} UCITA bills, there are few or no implied warranties with software.
However, just to be on the safe side, GPL clearly disclaims them, and the
GPL requires re distributors to keep the disclaimer very visible. (See
Sections~\ref{GPLv2s11} and~\ref{GPLv2s12} of this tutorial for more on GPL's
warranty disclaimers.)

Note finally that GPLv2~\S1 creates groundwork for the important defense of
commercial freedom.  GPLv2~\S1 clearly states that in the case of verbatim
copies, one may make money.  Re distributors are fully permitted to charge
for the redistribution of copies of Free Software. In addition, they may
provide the warranty protection that the GPL disclaims as an additional
service for a fee. (See Section~\ref{Business Models} for more discussion
on making a profit from Free Software redistribution.)


\chapter{Derivative Works: Statute and Case Law}

We digress for this chapter from our discussion of GPL's exact text to
consider the matter of derivative works --- a concept that we must
understand fully before considering GPLv2~\S\S2--3\@. GPL, and Free
Software licensing in general, relies critically on the concept of
``derivative work'' since software that is ``independent,'' (i.e., not
``derivative'') of Free Software need not abide by the terms of the
applicable Free Software license. As much is required by \S~106 of the
Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. \S~106 (2002), and admitted by Free Software
licenses, such as the GPL, which (as we have seen) states in GPLv2~\S0 that ``a
`work based on the Program' means either the Program or any derivative
work under copyright law.'' It is being a derivative work of Free Software
that triggers the necessity to comply with the terms of the Free Software
license under which the original work is distributed. Therefore, one is
left to ask, just what is a ``derivative work''? The answer to that
question differs depending on which court is being asked.

The analysis in this chapter sets forth the differing definitions of
derivative work by the circuit courts. The broadest and most
established definition of derivative work for software is the
abstraction, filtration, and comparison test (``the AFC test'') as
created and developed by the Second Circuit. Some circuits, including
the Ninth Circuit and the First Circuit, have either adopted narrower
versions of the AFC test or have expressly rejected the AFC test in
favor of a narrower standard. Further, several other circuits have yet
to adopt any definition of derivative work for software.

As an introductory matter, it is important to note that literal copying of
a significant portion of source code is not always sufficient to establish
that a second work is a derivative work of an original
program. Conversely, a second work can be a derivative work of an original
program even though absolutely no copying of the literal source code of
the original program has been made. This is the case because copyright
protection does not always extend to all portions of a program's code,
while, at the same time, it can extend beyond the literal code of a
program to its non-literal aspects, such as its architecture, structure,
sequence, organization, operational modules, and computer-user interface.

\section{The Copyright Act}

The copyright act is of little, if any, help in determining the definition
of a derivative work of software. However, the applicable provisions do
provide some, albeit quite cursory, guidance. Section 101 of the Copyright
Act sets forth the following definitions:

A ``computer program'' is a set of statements or instructions to be used
directly or indirectly in a computer in order to bring about a certain