File diff 19df46c78b2f → 41c72f36e86a
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@@ -888,25 +888,25 @@ can be learned here:
  the license}.  Encouragement of users to improve and
  make their devices better is one of ThinkPenguin's commercial differentiators.  Copyleft advocates
  that other companies have undervalued the large and lucrative
  market of
  users who seek hackable devices.  By going beyond the
  mere minimal requirements of GPL, companies can immediately reap the
  benefits in that target market.

  \item Community-oriented enforcement organizations do not play ``gotcha''\footnote{For lack of a better
    phrase.} with distributors regarding GPL
    violations.  The goal in the GPL enforcement process is to achieve
    compliance and correct mistakes and annoyances.  Such organizations
    therefore take an ``innocent until proven guilty $\rightarrow$ guilty
    therefore take an ``innocent until proven guilty $\rightarrow$ assume guilty
    due to honest error rather than malicious action '' approach.  The goal
    is compliance (in direct contrast with
    the \hyperref[Proprietary Relicensing]{discussion in \S~\ref*{Proprietary Relicensing} about the
      proprietary relicensing} business model).

\chapter{Bortez: Modified GCC SDK}

In our first case study, we will consider Bortez, a company that
produces software and hardware toolkits to assist OEM vendors, makers