File diff aae402b3222f → 99fccc120c55
Show inline comments
@@ -30,96 +30,98 @@
%     probably right.  (or maybe a References page?)

%   * The text is extremely inconsistent regarding formatting of code and
%     commands.  The following varied different methods have been used:
%         + the \verb%..% inline form
%         + verbatim environment (i.e., \begin{verbatim}
%         + {\tt }
%         + \texttt{}
%         + the lstlisting environment (i.e., \begin{lstlisting}
%     These should be made consistent, using only two forms: one for line and
%     one for a long quoted section.

\usepackage[verbose, twoside, dvips,
              paperwidth=8.5in, paperheight=11in,
              left=1in, right=1in, top=1.25in, bottom=.75in,



\hypersetup{pdfinfo={Title={Copyleft and the GNU General Public License: A Comprehensive Tutorial and Guide}}}






{\sc Copyleft and the  \\

GNU General Public License:


A Comprehensive Tutorial \\


and Guide

{\parindent 0in
Copyright \= \copyright{} 2003--2007, 2014 \hspace{} \=  \kill
Copyright \> \copyright{} 2014 \>  Bradley M. Kuhn. \\
Copyright \> \copyright{} 2014 \>  Anthony K. Sebro, Jr. \\
Copyright \= \copyright{} 2014 \> Denver Gingerich \\
Copyright \= \copyright{} 2003--2007, 2014 \> \hspace{.2in} Free Software Foundation, Inc. \\
Copyright \> \copyright{} 2008 \>  Software Freedom Law Center. \\


The copyright holders hereby grant the freedom to copy, modify, convey,
Adapt, and/or redistribute this work under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International License.  A copy of that license is
available at \url{}.

Each part of this book, except the appendix, is separately under this same
license, but copyrighted by different entities at different times.  Each part
therefore also contains its own copyright and licensing notice.  The notice
above is for the entire work, and includes the full copyright and licensing
details, except for the appendix.

The appendix includes copies of the texts of various licenses published
by the FSF, and they are all licensed under the license, ``Everyone is permitted
to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing
it is not allowed.''.  However, those who seek to make modified versions of
those licenses should note the
\href{}{explanation given in the GPL FAQ}.


Patches are welcome to this material.  Sources can be found in the Git
repository at: \url{}




This tutorial is the culmination of nearly a decade of studying and writing