File diff ce1c96a1a1a0 → 27739cd92ee0
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@@ -113,13 +113,13 @@ First-time contributors may want to do the following four items first:
        $ git remote rename origin MYNAME-copyleft-tutorial-suggestions

    (The last part isn't strictly necessary; you just might want to name the
    upstream repository a more descriptive name, since below you'll add the
    official repository as well).

3. Now, add to your clone a copy of the "real" Conservancy policies
3. Now, add to your clone a copy of the "real" tutorial
   repository, and make a branch that tracks the official version:

        $ git remote add copyleft-tutorial-official
        $ git fetch copyleft-tutorial-official
        $ git branch --track official-next copyleft-tutorial-official/next