Changeset - fd8fdee5bf32
[Not reviewed]
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 9 years ago 2014-12-21 00:31:57
Rewrite text to not sound so BDFL-ish.
1 file changed with 3 insertions and 4 deletions:
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@@ -17,28 +17,27 @@ for more details on who has contributed to the project.
## How Do I Get Involved?

The Guide is maintained in a copylefted distributed version control system called
[Git](  Currently, the project utilizes the services of
a  Git hosting website called [Gitorious]( (The
software which runs Gitorious is, itself, copylefted, too.)

Those who are comfortable with Gitorious can submit
[merge requests on's gitorious site](
See the section "Merge Request and Patch Workflow" below for more information
on the details of doing that.

However, the editor-in-chief do not want lack of Git and/or LaTeX knowledge
to create an entry barrier for potential contributors.  Therefore, the
editor-in-chief happily accepts contributions and ideas via the following
However, lack of Git and/or LaTeX knowledge is *not a barrier* for
contribution to this project.  Useful contributions will be accepted by the
following means as well:

  * Patches posted to
    [the mailing list](

  * New sections of text or simply ideas and input emailed to
    [the mailing list](

  * Ideas and suggestions mentioned on the
    [irc channel #copyleft on freenode](irc://

Please, do not worry if your patches or new sections of text are not properly
formatted as patches and/or are not formatted in LaTeX properly.  Indeed,
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