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Bradley M. Kuhn - 11 years ago 2014-02-16 19:20:39
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@@ -129,19 +129,19 @@ of software freedom.  A prerequisite for understanding the GPL and its
terms and conditions is a basic understanding of the principles behind it.
The GPL is unlike almost all other software licenses in that it is
designed to defend and uphold these principles.

\section{The Free Software Definition}
\label{Free Software Definition}

The Free Software Definition is set forth in full on FSF's website at
This section presents an abbreviated version that will focus on the parts
that are most pertinent to the terms of the GPL\@.
\verb0 \verb0philosophy/free-sw.html0.  This section
presents an abbreviated version that will focus on the parts that are most
pertinent to the terms of the GPL\@.

A particular program is Free Software if it grants a particular user of
that program, the following freedoms:


\item the freedom to run the program for any purpose.

@@ -160,18 +160,17 @@ some of these freedoms.  Section~\ref{Proprietary Relicensing} talks in
detail about how this can happen even if a program is released under the

Some people refer to software that gives these freedoms as ``Open
Source''.  Besides having a different political focus than those who call
it Free Software\footnote{The political differences between the Free
Software Movement and the Open Source Movement are documented on FSF's
website at
those who call the software ``Open Source'' are focused on a side issue.
User access to the source code of a program is a prerequisite to make use
of the freedom to modify.  However, the important issue is what freedoms
are granted in the license of that source code.  Microsoft's ``Shared
Source'' program, for example, gives various types of access to source
code, but almost none of the freedoms described in this section.

One key issue that is central to these freedoms is that there are no
@@ -231,17 +230,17 @@ user, or group of users, must have the right to hire anyone they wish in a
competitive free market to modify and change the software.  This means
that companies have a right to hire anyone they wish to modify their Free
Software.  Additionally, such companies may contract with other companies
to commission software modification.

\subsection{The Freedom to Copy and Share}

Users may share Free Software in a variety of ways.  Free Software
advocates work to eliminate fundamental ethical dilemma of the software
advocates work to eliminate a fundamental ethical dilemma of the software
age: choosing between obeying a software license, and friendship (by
giving away a copy of a program your friend who likes the software you are
using).  Free Software licenses, therefore, must permit this sort of
altruistic sharing of software among friends.

The commercial environment must also have the benefits of this freedom.
Commercial sharing typically takes the form of selling copies of Free
Software.  Free Software can be sold at any price to anyone.  Those who
@@ -312,17 +311,17 @@ addresses how software can be non-free in the first place.

Software can be made proprietary only because it is governed by copyright
law\footnote{This statement is a bit of an oversimplification.  Patents
  and trade secrets can cover software and make it effectively non-free,
  one can contract away their rights and freedoms regarding software, or
  source code can be practically obscured in binary-only distribution
  without reliance on any legal system.  However, the primary control
  mechanism for software is copyright.}.  Copyright law, with respect to
software governs copying, modifying, and redistributing that
software, governs copying, modifying, and redistributing that
software\footnote{Copyright law in general also governs ``public
  performance'' of copyrighted works.  There is no generally agreed
  definition for public performance of software and version 2 of the GPL
  does not govern public performance.}.  By law, the copyright holder (aka
the author) of the work controls how others may copy, modify and/or
distribute the work.  For proprietary software, these controls are used to
prohibit these activities.  In addition, proprietary software distributors
further impede modification in a practical sense by distributing only
@@ -363,17 +362,17 @@ copyright laws.  Once this is done, the software is in the public domain
--- it is no longer covered by copyright.  Since it is copyright law that
allows for various controls on software (i.e., prohibition of copying,
modification, and redistribution), removing the software from the
copyright system and placing it into the public domain does yield Free

Carefully note that software in the public domain is \emph{not} licensed
in any way.  It is nonsensical to say software is ``licensed for the
public domain'', or any phrase that implies the copyright holder gave an
public domain'', or any phrase that implies the copyright holder gave
expressed permission to take actions governed by copyright law.

By contrast, what the copyright holder has done is renounce her copyright
controls on the work.  The law gave her controls over the work, and she
has chosen to waive those controls.  Software in the public domain is
absent copyright and absent a license.  The software freedoms discussed in
Section~\ref{Free Software Definition} are all granted because there is no
legal system in play to take them away.
@@ -404,17 +403,17 @@ enhancements.  Over time, almost no interesting work is left in the public
domain, because nearly all new work is done by proprietarization.

A legal mechanism is needed to redress this problem.  FSF was in fact
originally created primarily as a legal entity to defend software freedom,
and that work of of defending software freedom is a substantial part of
its work today.  Specifically because of this ``embrace, proprietarize and
extend'' cycle, FSF made a conscious choice to copyright its Free Software,
and then license it under ``copyleft'' terms, and many, including the
developers of the kernel named Linux have chosen to follow this paradigm.
developers of the kernel named Linux, have chosen to follow this paradigm.

Copyleft is a legal strategy to defend, uphold and propagate software
freedom.  The basic technique of copyleft is as follows: copyright the
software, license it under terms that give all the software freedoms, but
use the copyright law controls to ensure that all who receive a copy of
the software have equal rights and freedom.  In essence, copyleft grants
freedom, but forbids others to forbid that freedom from anyone else along
the distribution and modification chains.
@@ -465,20 +464,20 @@ to fuel a commercial system around that software.

For example, consider the Samba file server system that allows Unix-like
systems (including GNU/Linux) to serve files to Microsoft Windows systems.
Two graduate students originally developed Samba in their spare time and
it was deployed non-commercially in academic environments.  However, very
soon for-profit companies discovered that the software could work for them
as well, and their system administrators began to use it in place of
Microsoft Windows NT file-servers.  This served to lower the cost of
ownership by orders of magnitude.  There was suddenly room in Windows
file-server budgets to hire contractors to improve Samba.  Some of the first
people hired to do such work were those same two graduate students who
originally developed the software.
running such servers by orders of magnitude.  There was suddenly room in
Windows file-server budgets to hire contractors to improve Samba.  Some of
the first people hired to do such work were those same two graduate
students who originally developed the software.

The non-commercial users, however, were not concerned when these two
fellows began collecting paychecks off of their GPL'ed work.  They knew
that because of the nature of the GPL that improvements that were
distributed in the commercial environment could easily be folded back into
the standard version.  Companies are not permitted to proprietarize
Samba, so the non-commercial users, and even other commercial users are
safe in the knowledge that the software freedom ensured by GPL will remain
@@ -586,16 +585,17 @@ economy.
\chapter{Copying, Modifying and Redistributing}

This chapter begins the deep discussion of the details of the terms of
GPL\@.  In this chapter, we consider the core terms: GPL \S\S 0--3.  These
are the sections of the GPL that fundamentally define the legal details of
how software freedom is respected.

\section{GPL \S 0: Freedom to Run}

\S 0, the opening section of GPL, sets forth that the work is governed by
copyright law.  It specifically points out that it is the ``copyright
holder'' who decides if a work is licensed under its terms, and explains
how the copyright holder might indicate this fact.

A bit more subtly, \S 0 makes an inference that copyright law is the only
system under which it is governed.  Specifically, it states:
@@ -616,17 +616,17 @@ permits certain activities.  Discussion of the various types of fair use
activity are beyond the scope of this tutorial.  However, one important
example of fair use is the right to quote a very few lines (less than
seven or so), and reuse them as you with without licensing restrictions.

Fair use is a doctrine established by the courts or by statute.  By
contrast, unregulated uses are those that are not covered by the statue
nor determined by a court to be covered, but are common and enjoyed by
many users.  An example of unregulated use is reading a printout of the
programs source code like an instruction book for the purpose of learning
program's source code like an instruction book for the purpose of learning
how to be a better programmer.


Thus, the GPL protects users fair and unregulated use rights precisely by
not attempting to cover them.  Furthermore, the GPL ensures the freedom
to run specifically by stating the following:
@@ -639,27 +639,28 @@ Thus, users are explicitly given the freedom to run by \S 0.
The bulk of \S 0 not yet discussed gives definitions for other terms used
throughout.  The only one worth discussing in detail is ``work based on
the Program''.  The reason this definition is particularly interesting is
not for the definition itself, which is rather straightforward, but the
because it clears up a common misconception about the GPL\@.

The GPL is often mistakenly criticized because it fails to give a
definition of ``derivative work''.  In fact, it would be incorrect and
problematic if the GPL attempt to define this.  A copyright license, in
problematic if the GPL attempted to define this.  A copyright license, in
fact, has no control over what may or may not be a derivative work.  This
matter is left up to copyright law, not the licenses that utilize it.

It is certainly true that copyright law as a whole does not propose clear
and straightforward guidelines for what is and is not a derivative
software work under copyright law.  However, no copyright license --- not
even the GNU GPL -- can be blamed for this.  Legislators and court
opinions must give us guidance to decide the border cases.

\section{GPL \S 1: Verbatim Copying}

GPL \S 1 covers the matter of redistributing the source code of a program
exactly as it was received.  This section is quite straightforward.
However, there are a few details worth noting here.

The phrase ``in any medium'' is important.  This, for example, gives the
freedom to publish a book that is the printed copy of the program's source
code.  It also allows for changes in the medium of distribution.  Some
@@ -700,33 +701,33 @@ on making a profit from Free Software redistribution.)
For many, this is where the ``magic'' happens that defends software
freedom along the distribution chain.  \S 2 is the only place in the GPL
that governs the modification controls of copyright law.  If someone
modifies a GPL'ed program, she is bound in the making those changes by \S
2.  The goal here is to ensure that the body of GPL'ed software, as it
continues and develops, remains Free as in freedom.

To achieve that goal, \S 2 first sets forth that the rights of
redistribution modified versions are the same as those for verbatim
redistribution of modified versions are the same as those for verbatim
copying, as presented in \S 1.  Therefore, the details of charging,
keeping copyright notices intact, and other \S 1 provisions are in tact
here as well.  However, there are three additional requirements.

The first (\S 2(a)) requires that modified files carry ``prominent
notices'' explaining what changes were made and the date of such changes.
The goal here is not to put forward some specific way of marking changes,
or controlling the process of how changes get made.  Primarily, \S 2(a)
seeks to ensure that those receiving modified versions know what path it
took to them.  For some users, it is important to know that they are using
the standard version of program, because while there are many advantages
to using a fork, there are a few disadvantages.  Users should be informed
the historical context of the software version they use, so that they can
make proper support choices.  Finally, \S 2(a) serves an academic purpose
--- ensuring that future developers can use a diachronic approach to
understand the software.
about the historical context of the software version they use, so that
they can make proper support choices.  Finally, \S 2(a) serves an academic
purpose --- ensuring that future developers can use a diachronic approach
to understand the software.


The second requirement (\S 2(b)) contains the four short lines that embody
the legal details of ``share and share alike''.  These 46 words are
considered by some to be the most worthy of careful scrutiny.  It is worth
the effort to carefully understand what each clause is saying, because \S
2(b) can be a source of great confusion when not properly understood.
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