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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2014-02-20 14:38:48
Update Section headers for LGPL to include details about LGPLv3.

My plan is to make interweave discussion of LGPLv2 and LGPLv3 together in
this section.
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@@ -2048,341 +2048,341 @@ proprietary. Thus, we'll see that the front matter of the LGPL is a
bit more wordy and detailed with regards to the permissions granted to
those who modify or redistribute the software.

\section{Additions to the Preamble}

Most of LGPL's Preamble is identical, but the last seven paragraphs
introduce the concepts and reasoning behind creation of the license,
presenting a more generalized and briefer version of the story with which
we began our consideration of LGPL\@.

In short, FSF designed LGPL for those edge cases where the freedom of the
public can better be served by a more lax licensing system. FSF doesn't
encourage use of LGPL automatically for any software that happens to be a
library; rather, FSF suggests that it only be used in specific cases, such
as the following:


\item To encourage the widest possible use of a Free Software library, so
  it becomes a de-facto standard over similar, although not
  interface-identical, proprietary alternatives

\item To encourage use of a Free Software library that already has
  interface-identical proprietary competitors that are more developed

\item To allow a greater number of users to get freedom, by encouraging
  proprietary companies to pick a Free alternative for its otherwise
  proprietary products


LGPL's preamble sets forth the limits to which the license seeks to go in
chasing these goals. LGPL is designed to ensure that users who happen to
acquire software linked with such libraries have full freedoms with
respect to that library. They should have the ability to upgrade to a newer
or modified Free version or to make their own modifications, even if they
cannot modify the primary software program that links to that library.

Finally, the preamble introduces two terms used throughout the license to
clarify between the different types of derivative works: ``works that use
the library,'' and ``works based on the library.''  Unlike GPL, LGPL must
draw some lines regarding derivative works. We do this here in this
license because we specifically seek to liberalize the rights afforded to
those who make derivative works. In GPL, we reach as far as copyright law
allows. In LGPL, we want to draw a line that allows some derivative works
copyright law would otherwise prohibit if the copyright holder exercised
his full permitted controls over the work.

\section{A Work that Uses the Library}
\section{An Application: A Work that Uses the Library}

In the effort to allow certain proprietary derivative works and prohibit
others, LGPL distinguishes between two classes of derivative works:
``works based on the library,'' and ``works that use the library.''  The
distinction is drawn on the bright line of binary (or runtime) derivative
works and source code derivatives. We will first consider the definition
of a ``work that uses the library,'' which is set forth in LGPL \S 5.

We noted in our discussion of GPL \S 3 (discussed in
Section~\ref{GPL-Section-3} of this document) that binary programs when
compiled and linked with GPL'd software are derivative works of that GPL'd
software. This includes both linking that happens at compile-time (when
the binary is created) or at runtime (when the binary -- including library
and main program both -- is loaded into memory by the user). In GPL,
binary derivative works are controlled by the terms of the license (in GPL
\S 3), and distributors of such binary derivatives must release full
corresponding source\@.

In the case of LGPL, these are precisely the types of derivative works
we wish to permit. This scenario, defined in LGPL as ``a work that uses
the library,'' works as follows:



\item A new copyright holder creates a separate and independent work,
  \worki{}, that makes interface calls (e.g., function calls) to the
  LGPL'd work, called \workl{}, whose copyright is held by some other
  party. Note that since \worki{} and \workl{} are separate and
  independent works, there is no copyright obligation on this new copyright
  holder with regard to the licensing of \worki{}, at least with regard to
  the source code.

\item The new copyright holder, for her software to be useful, realizes
  that it cannot run without combining \worki{} and \workl{}.
  Specifically, when she creates a running binary program, that running
  binary must be a derivative work, called \lplusi{}, that the user can

\item Since \lplusi{} is a derivative work of both \worki{} and \workl{},
  the license of \workl{} (the LGPL) can put restrictions on the license
  of \lplusi{}. In fact, this is what LGPL does.


We will talk about the specific restrictions LGPL places on ``works
that use the library'' in detail in Section~\ref{lgpl-section-6}. For
now, focus on the logic related to how the LGPL places requirements on
the license of \lplusi{}. Note, first of all, the similarity between
this explanation and that in Section~\ref{separate-and-independent},
which discussed the combination of otherwise separate and independent
works with GPL'd code. Effectively, what LGPL does is say that when a
new work is otherwise separate and independent, but has interface
calls out to an LGPL'd library, then it is considered a ``work that
uses the library.''

In addition, the only reason that LGPL has any control over the licensing
of a ``work that uses the library'' is for the same reason that GPL has
some say over separate and independent works. Namely, such controls exist
because the {\em binary combination\/} (\lplusi{}) that must be created to
make the separate work (\worki{}) at all useful is a derivative work of
the LGPL'd software (\workl{}).

Thus, a two-question test that will help indicate if a particular work is
a ``work that uses the library'' under LGPL is as follows:


\item Is the source code of the new copyrighted work, \worki{}, a
  completely independent work that stands by itself, and includes no
  source code from \workl{}?

\item When the source code is compiled, does it create a derivative work
  by combining with \workl{}, either by static (compile-time) or dynamic
  (runtime) linking, to create a new binary work, \lplusi{}?

If the answers to both questions are ``yes,'' then \worki{} is most likely
a ``work that uses the library.''  If the answer to the first question
``yes,'' but the answer to the second question is ``no,'' then most likely
\worki{} is neither a ``work that uses the library'' nor a ``work based on
the library.''  If the answer to the first question is ``no,'' but the
answer to the second question is ``yes,'' then an investigation into
whether or not \worki{} is in fact a ``work based on the library'' is

\section{A Work Based on the Library}
\section{The Library, and Works Based On It}

In short, a ``work based on the library'' could be defined as any
derivative work of LGPL'd software that cannot otherwise fit the
definition of a ``work that uses the library.''  A ``work based on the
library'' extends the full width and depth of copyright derivative works,
in the same sense that GPL does.

Most typically, one creates a ``work based on the library'' by directly
modifying the source of the library. Such a work could also be created by
tightly integrating new software with the library. The lines are no doubt
fuzzy, just as they are with GPL'd works, since copyright law gives us no
litmus test for derivative works of a software program.

Thus, the test to use when considering whether something is a ``work
based on the library'' is as follows:


\item Is the new work, when in source form, a derivative work under
  copyright law of the LGPL'd work?

\item Is there no way in which the new work fits the definition of a
  ``work that uses the library''?


If the answer is ``yes'' to both these questions, then you most likely
have a ``work based on the library.''  If the answer is ``no'' to the
first but ``yes'' to the second, you are in a gray area between ``work
based on the library'' and a ``work that uses the library.''

In our years of work with the LGPL, however, we have never seen a work
of software that was not clearly one or the other; the line is quite
bright. At times, though, we have seen cases where a derivative work
appeared in some ways to be a work that used the library and in other
ways a work based on the library. We overcame this problem by
dividing the work into smaller subunits. It was soon discovered that
what we actually had were three distinct components: the original
LGPL'd work, a specific set of works that used that library, and a
specific set of works that were based on the library. Once such
distinctions are established, the licensing for each component can be
considered independently and the LGPL applied to each work as


\section{Subtleties in Works that Use the Library}
\section{Subtleties in Defining the Application}

In our discussion of the definition of ``works that use the library,'' we
left out a few more complex details that relate to lower-level programming
details. The fourth paragraph of LGPL's \S 5 covers these complexities,
and it has been a source of great confusion. Part of the confusion comes
because a deep understanding of how compiler programs work is nearly
mandatory to grasp the subtle nature of what \S 5, \P 4 seeks to
cover. It helps some to note that this is a border case that we cover in
the license only so that when such a border case is hit, the implications
of using LGPL continue in the expected way.

To understand this subtle point, we must recall the way that a compiler
operates. The compiler first generates object code, which are the binary
representations of various programming modules. Each of those modules is
usually not useful by itself; it becomes useful to a user of a full program
when those modules are {\em linked\/} into a full binary executable.

As we have discussed, the assembly of modules can happen at compile-time
or at runtime. Legally, there is no distinction between the two --- both
create a derivative work by copying and combining portions of one work and
mixing them with another. However, under LGPL, there is a case in the
compilation process where the legal implications are different.
Specifically, while we know that a ``work that uses the library'' is one
whose final binary is a derivative work, but whose source is not, there
are cases where the object code --- that intermediate step between source
and final binary --- is a derivative work created by copying verbatim code
from the LGPL'd software.

For efficiency, when a compiler turns source code into object code, it
sometimes places literal portions of the copyrighted library code into the
object code for an otherwise separate independent work. In the normal
scenario, the derivative would not be created until final assembly and
linking of the executable occurred. However, when the compiler does this
efficiency optimization, at the intermediate object code step, a
derivative work is created.

LGPL's \S 5, \P 4 is designed to handle this specific case. The intent of
the license is clearly that simply compiling software to ``make use'' of
the library does not in itself cause the compiled work to be a ``work
based on the library.''  However, since the compiler copies verbatim,
copyrighted portions of the library into the object code for the otherwise
separate and independent work, it would actually cause that object file to be a
``work based on the library.''  It is not FSF's intent that a mere
compilation idiosyncrasy would change the requirements on the users of the
LGPL'd software. This paragraph removes that restriction, allowing the
implications of the license to be the same regardless of the specific
mechanisms the compiler uses underneath to create the ``work that uses the

As it turns out, we have only once had anyone worry about this specific
idiosyncrasy, because that particular vendor wanted to ship object code
(rather than final binaries) to their customers and was worried about
this edge condition. The intent of clarifying this edge condition is
primarily to quell the worries of software engineers who understand the
level of verbatim code copying that a compiler often does, and to help
them understand that the full implications of LGPL are the same regardless
of the details of the compilation progress.

\section{LGPL \S 6: Distributing Works that Use the Library}
\section{LGPLv2 \S 6 & LGPLv3 \S 5: Combining the Works}
Now that we have established a good working definition of works that
``use'' and works that ``are based on'' the library, we will consider the
rules for distributing these two different works.

The rules for distributing ``works that use the library'' are covered in
\S 6 of LGPL\@. \S 6 is much like GPL's \S 3, as it requires the release
of source when a binary version of the LGPL'd software is released. Of
course, it only requires that source code for the library itself be made
available. The work that ``uses'' the library need not be provided in
source form. However, there are also conditions in LGPL \S 6 to make sure
that a user who wishes to modify or update the library can do so.

LGPL \S 6 lists five choices with regard to supplying library source
and granting the freedom to modify that library source to users. We
will first consider the option given by \S 6(b), which describes the
most common way currently used for LGPL compliance on a ``work that
uses the library.''

\S 6(b) allows the distributor of a ``work that uses the library'' to
simply use a dynamically linked, shared library mechanism to link with the
library. This is by far the easiest and most straightforward option for
distribution. In this case, the executable of the work that uses the
library will contain only the ``stub code'' that is put in place by the
shared library mechanism, and at runtime the executable will combine with
the shared version of the library already resident on the user's computer.
If such a mechanism is used, it must allow the user to upgrade and
replace the library with interface-compatible versions and still be able
to use the ``work that uses the library.''  However, all modern shared
library mechanisms function as such, and thus \S 6(b) is the simplest
option, since it does not even require that the distributor of the ``work
based on the library'' ship copies of the library itself.

\S 6(a) is the option to use when, for some reason, a shared library
mechanism cannot be used. It requires that the source for the library be
included, in the typical GPL fashion, but it also has a requirement beyond
that. The user must be able to exercise her freedom to modify the library
to its fullest extent, and that means recombining it with the ``work based
on the library.''  If the full binary is linked without a shared library
mechanism, the user must have available the object code for the ``work
based on the library,'' so that the user can relink the application and
build a new binary.

The remaining options in \S 6 are very similar to the other choices
provided by GPL \S 3. There are some additional options, but time does
not permit us in this course to go into those additional options. In
almost all cases of distribution under LGPL, either \S 6(a) or \S 6(b) are

\section{Distribution of Works Based on the Library}
\section{Distribution of the Combined Works}

Essentially, ``works based on the library'' must be distributed under the
same conditions as works under full GPL\@. In fact, we note that LGPL's
\S 2 is nearly identical in its terms and requirements to GPL's \S 2.
There are again subtle differences and additions, which time does not
permit us to cover in this course.

\section{And the Rest}

The remaining variations between LGPL and GPL cover the following


\item Allowing a licensing ``upgrade'' from LGPL to GPL\@ (in LGPL \S 3)

\item Binary distribution of the library only, covered in LGPL \S 4,
  which is effectively equivalent to LGPL \S 3

\item Creating aggregates of libraries that are not derivative works of
  each other, and distributing them as a unit (in LGPL \S 7)



Due to time constraints, we cannot cover these additional terms in detail,
but they are mostly straightforward. The key to understanding LGPL is
understanding the difference between a ``work based on the library'' and a
``work that uses the library.''  Once that distinction is clear, the
remainder of LGPL is close enough to GPL that the concepts discussed in
our more extensive GPL unit can be directly applied.

\chapter{Integrating the GPL into Business Practices}

Since GPL'd software is now extremely prevalent through the industry, it
is useful to have some basic knowledge about using GPL'd software in
business and how to build business models around GPL'd software.

\section{Using GPL'd Software In-House}

As discussed in Sections~\ref{GPLs0} and~\ref{GPLs5} of this tutorial,
the GPL only governs the activities of copying, modifying and
distributing software programs that are not governed by the license.
Thus, in FSF's view, simply installing the software on a machine and
using it is not controlled or limited in any way by GPL\@. Using Free
Software in general requires substantially fewer agreements and less
license compliance activity than any known proprietary software.
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