Changeset - f5aaaca4ec52
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2014-03-21 01:40:25
1 file changed with 2 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -732,98 +732,98 @@ build system and no source tracking.  Address these issues by installing a
revision system, telling your developers to use it, and requiring your
build guru to document his or her work!

\chapter{When The Letter Comes}

Unfortunately, many GPL violators ignore their obligations until they are
contacted by a copyright holder or the lawyer of a copyright holder.  You
should certainly contact your own lawyer if you have received a letter
alleging that you have infringed copyrights that were licensed to you
under the GPL\@.  This section outlines a typical enforcement case and
provides some guidelines for response.  These discussions are
generalizations and do not all apply to every alleged violation.

\section{Understanding Who's Enforcing}
% FIXME-LATER: this text needs work.

Both  FSF and Conservancy has, as part their mission,  to spread software
freedom. When FSF or Conservancy
enforces GPL, the goal is to bring the violator back into compliance as
quickly as possible, and redress the damage caused by the violation.
That is FSF's steadfast position in a violation negotiation --- comply
with the license and respect freedom.

However, other entities who do not share the full ethos of software freedom
as institutionalized by FSF pursue GPL violations differently.  Oracle, a
company that produces the GPL'd MySQL database, upon discovering GPL
violations typically negotiates a proprietary software license separately for
a fee.  While this practice is not one that FSF nor Conservancy would ever
consider undertaking or even endorsing, it is a legally way for copyright
holders to proceed.

Generally, GPL enforcers come in two varieties.  First, there are
Conservancy, FSF, and other ``community enforcers'', who primary seek the
policy goals of GPL (software freedom), and see financial compensation as
ultimately secondary to those goals.  Second, there are ``for-profit
enforcers'' who use the GPL as a either a crippleware license, or sneakily
induce infringement merely to gain proprietary licensing revenue.

Note that the latter model \texit{only} works for companies who hold 100\% of
the copyrights in the infringed work.  As such, multi-copyright-held works
are fully insulated from these tactics.


\section{Communication Is Key}

GPL violations are typically only escalated when a company ignores the
copyright holder's initial communication or fails to work toward timely
compliance.  We urge accused violators to respond very promptly to the
initial request.  As the process continues, follow up weekly with the
compliance.  Accused violators should respond very promptly to the
initial request.  As the process continues, violators should follow up weekly with the
copyright holders to make sure everyone agrees on targets and deadlines
for resolving the situation.

Ensure that any staff who might receive communications regarding alleged
GPL violations understands how to channel the communication appropriately
within your organization.  Often, initial contact is addressed for general
correspondence (e.g., by mail to corporate headquarters or by e-mail to
general informational or support-related addresses).  Train the staff that
processes such communications to escalate them to someone with authority
to take action.  An unknowledgable response to such an inquiry (e.g., from
a first-level technical support person) can cause negotiations to fail

Answer promptly by multiple means (paper letter, telephone call, and
email), even if your response merely notifies the sender that you are
investigating the situation and will respond by a certain date.  Do not
let the conversation lapse until the situation is fully resolved.
Proactively follow up with synchronous communication means to be sure
communications sent by non-reliable means (such as email) were received.

Remember that the software freedom community generally values open communication and
cooperation, and these values extend to GPL enforcement.  You will
generally find that software freedom developers and their lawyers are willing to
have a reasonable dialogue and will work with you to resolve a violation
once you open the channels of communication in a friendly way.


Many redistributors overlook GPL's termination provision (GPLv2~\S~4 and
GPLv3~\S~8).  Under v2, violators forfeit their rights to redistribute and
modify the GPL'd software until those rights are explicitly reinstated by
the copyright holder.  In contrast, v3 allows violators to rapidly resolve
some violations without consequence.

If you have redistributed an application under GPLv2\footnote{This applies
  to all programs licensed to you under only GPLv2 (``GPLv2-only'').
  However, most so-called GPLv2 programs are actually distributed with
  permission to redistribute under GPLv2 \emph{or any later version of the
    GPL} (``GPLv2-or-later'').  In the latter cases, the redistributor can
  choose to redistribute under GPLv2, GPLv3, GPLv2-or-later or even
  GPLv3-or-later.  Where the redistributor has chosen v2 explicitly, the
  v2 termination provision will always apply.  If the redistributor has
  chosen v3, the v3 termination provision will always apply.  If the
  redistributor has chosen GPLv2-or-later, then the redistributor may want
  to narrow to GPLv3-only upon violation, to take advantage of the
  termination provisions in v3.}, but have violated the terms of GPLv2,
you must request a reinstatement of rights from the copyright holders
before making further distributions, or else cease distribution and
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