Changeset - f31235afbc80
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enyst - 10 years ago 2014-09-19 22:09:45
Possible fixes for incomplete or unclear phrases

Signed-off-by: enyst <>
1 file changed with 9 insertions and 9 deletions:
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@@ -2954,50 +2954,50 @@ limitation or further obligation.
As discussed in \S~\ref{GPLv3-drm} of this tutorial, GPLv3 seeks to thwart
technical measures such as signature checks in hardware to prevent
modification of GPL'd software on a device.

To address this issue, GPLv3~\S6 requires that parties distributing object
code provide recipients with the source code through certain means.  When
those distributors pass on the CCS, they are also required to pass on any
information or data necessary to install modified software on the particular
device that included it.  (This strategy is not unlike that used in LGPLv2.1
to enable users to link proprietary programs to modified libraries.)

% FIXME-LATER: LGPLv2.1 section should talk about this explicitly and this
%              should be a forward reference here

\subsubsection{User Products}


The scope of these requirements is narrow.  GPLv3~\S6 introduces the concept
of a ``User Product'', which includes devices that are sold for personal,
family, or household use.  Distributors are only required to provide
Installation Information when they convey object code in a User Product.

In brief, the right to convey object code in a defined class of ``User
Products,'' under certain circumstances, on providing whatever information is
required to enable a recipient to replace the object code with a functioning
Products,'' under certain circumstances, depends on providing whatever information
is required to enable a recipient to replace the object code with a functioning
modified version.

This was a compromise that was difficult for the FSF to agree to during the
GPLv3 drafting process.  However, companies and governments that use
specialized or enterprise-level computer facilities reported that they
actually \textit{want} their systems not to be under their own control.
Rather than agreeing to this as a concession, or bowing to pressure, they ask
for this as a \textit{preference}.  It is not clear that the GPL should interfere
here, since the main problem lies elsewhere.

While imposing technical barriers to modification is wrong regardless of
circumstances, the areas where restricted devices are of the greatest
practical concern today fall within the User Product definition.  Most, if
not all, technically-restricted devices running GPL-covered programs are
consumer electronics devices.  Moreover, the disparity in clout between the
manufacturers and these users makes it difficult for the users to reject
technical restrictions through their weak and unorganized market power.  Even
limited to User Products, this provision addresses the fundamental problem.

% FIXME-LATER: link \href to USC 2301

The core of the User Product definition is a subdefinition of ``consumer
product'' adapted from the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, a federal
consumer protection law in the USA found in 15~USC~\S2301: ``any tangible
@@ -4259,55 +4259,55 @@ As discussed in Sections~\ref{GPLv2s0} and~\ref{GPLv2s5} of this tutorial,
the GPL only governs the activities of copying, modifying and
distributing software programs that are not governed by the license.
Thus, in FSF's view, simply installing the software on a machine and
using it is not controlled or limited in any way by the GPL\@. Using Free
Software in general requires substantially fewer agreements and less
license compliance activity than any known proprietary software.

Even if a company engages heavily in copying the software throughout the
enterprise, such copying is not only permitted by GPLv2~\S\S1 and 3, but it is
encouraged!  If the company simply deploys unmodified (or even modified)
Free Software throughout the organization for its employees to use, the
obligations under the license are very minimal. Using Free Software has a
substantially lower cost of ownership --- both in licensing fees and in
licensing checking and handling -- than the proprietary software

\section{Business Models}
\label{Business Models}

Using Free Software in house is certainly helpful, but a thriving
market for Free Software-oriented business models also exists. There is the
traditional model of selling copies of Free Software distributions.
Many companies make substantial revenue
from this model. Some choose this model because they have
found that for higher-end hardware, the cost of the profit made from
proprietary software licensing fees is negligible. The real profit is
in the hardware, but it is essential that software be stable, reliable
and dependable, and the users be allowed to have unfettered access to
it. Free Software, and GPL'd software in particular (because IBM can
be assured that proprietary versions of the same software will not
exist to compete on their hardware) is the right choice.
found that for higher-end hardware, the profit made from proprietary
software licensing fees is negligible. The real profit is in the hardware,
but it is essential that software be stable, reliable and dependable, and
the users be allowed to have unfettered access to it. Free Software, and
GPL'd software in particular (because IBM can be assured that proprietary
versions of the same software will not exist to compete on their hardware)
is the right choice.

For example, charging a ``convenience fee'' for Free Software,
when set at a reasonable price (around \$60 or so), can produce some
profit. Even though Red Hat's system is fully downloadable on their
Web site, people still go to local computer stores and buy copies of their
box set, which is simply a printed version of the manual (available under
a Free license as well) and the Free Software system it documents.


However, custom support, service, and software improvement contracts
are the most widely used models for GPL'd software. The GPL is
central to their success, because it ensures that the code base
remains common, and that large and small companies are on equal
footing for access to the technology. Consider, for example, the GNU
Compiler Collection (GCC). Cygnus Solutions, a company started in the
early 1990s, was able to grow steadily simply by providing services
for GCC --- mostly consisting of new ports of GCC to different or new,
embedded targets. Eventually, Cygnus was so successful that
it was purchased by Red Hat where it remains a profitable division.

However, there are very small companies that compete in
this space. Because the code-base is protected by the GPL, it creates and
demands industry trust. Companies can cooperate on the software and
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