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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2014-03-20 12:02:05
Move this text out of the way from discussion of section 2.
1 file changed with 6 insertions and 6 deletions:
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@@ -2486,54 +2486,48 @@ of copylefted programs compiled for Windows.
However, in isolation, (a) would be too permissive, as it would sometimes
allowing distributors to evade important GPL requirements.  Part (b) reigns
in (a).  Specifically, (b) specifies only a few functionalities that a the
system library may provide and still qualify for the exception.  The goal is
to ensure system libraries are truly adjunct to a major essential operating
system component, compiler, or interpreter.  The more low-level the
functionality provided by the library, the more likely it is to be qualified
for this exception.

Admittedly, the system library exception is a frequently discussed topic of
obsessed GPL theorists.  The amount that has been written on the system
library exception (both the GPLv2 and GPLv3 versions of it), if included
herein,  could easily increase this section of the tutorial to a length
greater than all the others.

Like any exception to the copyleft requirements of GPL, would-be GPL
violators frequently look to the system library exception as a potential
software freedom circumvention technique.  When considering whether or not a
library qualifies for the system library exception, here is a pragmatic
thesis to consider, based on the combined decades of experience in GPL
interpretation of this tutorial's authors: the harder and more strained the
reader must study and read the system library exception, the more likely it
is that the library in question does not qualify for it.

% FIXME: These don't belong here

It is important to note that section 11, paragraph 3 refers to a work that is
conveyed, and section 10, paragraph 2 refers to a kind of automatic
counterpart to conveying achieved as the result of a transaction. 

\section{GPLv3~\S2: Basic Permissions}

% FIXME: phrase ``unmodified Program'' appears due to User Products exception

We have included the first sentence of section 2 to further internationalize
the GPL. Under the copyright laws of some countries, it may be necessary for
a copyright license to include an explicit provision setting forth the
duration of the rights being granted. In other countries, including the
United States, such a provision is unnecessary but permissible.

The first paragraph of section 2 also acknowledges that licensees under the
GPL enjoy rights of copyright fair use, or the equivalent under applicable
law. These rights are compatible with, and not in conflict with, the freedoms
that the GPL seeks to protect, and the GPL cannot and should not restrict

% FIXME: propagate and convey

Section 2 distinguishes between activities of a licensee that are permitted
without limitation and activities that trigger additional requirements. The
second paragraph of section 2 guarantees the basic freedoms of privately
modifying and running the program. However, the right to privately modify and
run the program is terminated if the licensee brings a patent infringement
lawsuit against anyone for activities relating to a work based on the
@@ -3524,48 +3518,54 @@ protecting inadvertent violators against unfair results.
We have restructured the form of section 8 by replacing non-automatic
termination with automatic termination coupled with opportunities for
provisional and permanent reinstatement of rights.  The revised wording does
not alter the underlying policy or details of procedure established in the
previous drafts, including the 60-day period of repose and 30-day cure
opportunity for first-time violators.  The restoration of automatic
termination was motivated in part to facilitate enforcement in European
countries.  We also believe the revised wording will be easier to understand
and apply in all jurisdictions.

\section{GPLv3~\S9: Acceptance}

% FIXME: needs some work here

Section 9 means what it says: mere receipt or execution of code neither
requires nor signifies contractual acceptance under the GPL.  Speaking more
broadly, we have intentionally structured our license as a unilateral grant
of copyright permissions, the basic operation of which exists outside of any
law of contract.  Whether and when a contractual relationship is formed
between licensor and licensee under local law do not necessarily matter to
the working of the license.

\section{GPLv3~\S10: Explicit Downstream License}

% FIXME: These don't belong here, but it's closer to where it ought to be now.

It is important to note that section 11, paragraph 3 refers to a work that is
conveyed, and section 10, paragraph 2 refers to a kind of automatic
counterpart to conveying achieved as the result of a transaction. 

% FIXME: needs filled out and more here.

Draft1 removed the words ``at no charge'' from what is now subsection 5b, the
core copyleft provision, for reasons related to our current changes to the
second paragraph of section 4: it had contributed to a misconception that the
GPL did not permit charging for distribution of copies.  The purpose of the
``at no charge'' wording was to prevent attempts to collect royalties from
third parties.  The removal of these words created the danger that the
imposition of licensing fees would no longer be seen as a license

We therefore have added a new explicit prohibition on imposition of licensing
fees or royalties in section 10.  This section is an appropriate place for
such a clause, since it is a specific consequence of the general requirement
that no further restrictions be imposed on downstream recipients of
GPL-covered code.

Careful readers of the GPL have suggested that its explicit prohibition
against imposition of further restrictions\footnote{GPLv2, section 6; Draft
  3, section 10, third paragraph.} has, or ought to have, implications for
those who assert patents against other licensees.  Draft 2 took some steps to
clarify this point in a manner not specific to patents, by describing the
imposition of ``a license fee, royalty, or other charge'' for exercising GPL
rights as one example of an impermissible further restriction.  In Draft 3 we
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