Changeset - e8a8778ae5ec
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2014-03-19 16:39:40
All uses of \S should really have a ~ to avoid bad line breaks.
1 file changed with 7 insertions and 7 deletions:
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@@ -1332,39 +1332,39 @@ from their alignment and presentation, while ``broad'' protection is given
to copyrightable expression itself. Depending on the degree of protection
afforded, the court then sets the appropriate standard for a subjective
comparison of the works to determine whether, as a whole, they are
sufficiently similar to support a finding that one is a derivative work of
the other. ``Thin'' protection requires the second work be virtually
identical in order to be held a derivative work of an original, while
``broad'' protection requires only a ``substantial similarity.''

\section{No Protection for ``Methods of Operation''}

The First Circuit has taken the position that the AFC test is inapplicable 
when the works in question relate to unprotectable elements set forth in 
\S 102(b).  Their approach results in a much narrower definition
\S~102(b).  Their approach results in a much narrower definition
of derivative work for software in comparison to other circuits. Specifically, 
First Circuit holds that ``method of operation,'' as used in \S 102(b) of
First Circuit holds that ``method of operation,'' as used in \S~102(b) of
the Copyright Act, refers to the means by which users operate
computers. Lotus Development Corp. v. Borland Int’l., Inc., 49 F.3d 807
(1st Cir. 1995).  In Lotus, the court held that a menu command
hierarchy for a computer program was uncopyrightable because it did not
merely explain and present the program’s functional capabilities to the
user, but also served as a method by which the program was operated and
controlled. As a result, under the First Circuit’s test, literal copying
of a menu command hierarchy, or any other ``method of operation,'' cannot
form the basis for a determination that one work is a derivative of
another.  As a result, courts in the First Circuit that apply the AFC test
do so only after applying a broad interpretation of \S 102(b) to filter out
do so only after applying a broad interpretation of \S~102(b) to filter out
unprotected elements. E.g., Real View, LLC v. 20-20 Technologies, Inc., 
683 F. Supp.2d 147, 154 (D. Mass. 2010).


\section{No Test Yet Adopted}

Several circuits, most notably the Fourth and Seventh, have yet to
declare their definition of derivative work and whether or not the
AFC, Analytic Dissection, or some other test best fits their
interpretation of copyright law. Therefore, uncertainty exists with
respect to determining the extent to which a software program is a
derivative work of another in those circuits. However, one may presume
@@ -1404,25 +1404,25 @@ obvious to contain any original expression.
In the case of Oracle America v. Google, 872 F. Supp.2d 974 (N.D. Cal. 2012),
the Northern District of California District Court examined the question of 
whether the application program interfaces (APIs) associated with the Java
programming language are entitled to copyright protection.  While the 
court expressly declined to rule whether all APIs are free to use without 
license (872 F. Supp.2d 974 at 1002), the court held that the command 
structure and taxonomy of the APIs were not protectable under copyright law.
Specifically, the court characterized the command structure and taxonomy as
both a ``method of operation'' (using an approach not dissimilar to the 
First Circuit's analysis in Lotus) and a ``functional requirement for 
compatability'' (using Sega v. Accolade, 977 F.2d 1510 (9th Cir. 1992) and
Sony Computer Ent. v. Connectix, 203 F.3d 596 (9th Cir. 2000) as analogies),
and thus unprotectable subject matter under \S 102(b). 
and thus unprotectable subject matter under \S~102(b). 

Perhaps not surprisingly, there have been few other cases involving a highly
detailed software derivative work analysis. Most often, cases involve
clearer basis for decision, including frequent bad faith on the part of
the defendant or overaggressiveness on the part of the plaintiff.  


\chapter{Modified Source and Binary Distribution}

In this chapter, we discuss the two core sections that define the rights
@@ -1917,25 +1917,25 @@ implied patent license to any of its patents that cover that program.

\chapter{Defending Freedom on Many Fronts}

Chapters~\ref{run-and-verbatim} and~\ref{source-and-binary} presented the
core freedom-defending provisions of GPLv2\@, which are in GPLv2~\S\S0--3.
GPLv2\S\S~4--7 of the GPLv2 are designed to ensure that GPLv2~\S\S0--3 are
not infringed, are enforceable, are kept to the confines of copyright law but
also  not trumped by other copyright agreements or components of other
entirely separate legal systems.  In short, while GPLv2~\S\S0--3 are the parts
of the license that defend the freedoms of users and programmers,
GPLv2~\S\S4--7 are the parts of the license that keep the playing field clear
so that \S\S 0--3 can do their jobs.
so that \S\S~0--3 can do their jobs.

\section{GPLv2~\S4: Termination on Violation}

GPLv2~\S4 is GPLv2's termination clause.  Upon first examination, it seems
strange that a license with the goal of defending users' and programmers'
freedoms for perpetuity in an irrevocable way would have such a clause.
However, upon further examination, the difference between irrevocability
and this termination clause becomes clear.

The GPL is irrevocable in the sense that once a copyright holder grants
rights for someone to copy, modify and redistribute the software under terms
@@ -3021,25 +3021,25 @@ copy, and distribute code free from threats by patent holders. It is
particularly intended to discourage a GPL licensee from securing a patent
directed to unreleased modifications of GPL'd code and then suing the
original developers or others for making their own equivalent modifications.

Several other free software licenses include significantly broader patent
retaliation provisions. In our view, too little is known about the
consequences of these forms of patent retaliation. As we explain below,
section 7 permits distribution of a GPL'd work that includes added parts
covered by terms other than those of the GPL. Such terms may include certain
kinds of patent retaliation provisions that are broader than those of section

\section{GPLv3~\S12: Familiar as GPLv2 \S 7}
\section{GPLv3~\S12: Familiar as GPLv2 \S~7}

% FIXME:  probably mostly still right, needs some updates, though.

The wording in the first sentence of section 12 has been revised
slightly to clarify that an agreement, such as a litigation settlement
agreement or a patent license agreement, is one of the ways in which
conditions may be ``imposed'' on a GPL licensee that may contradict the
conditions of the GPL, but which do not excuse the licensee from
compliance with those conditions.  This change codifies what has been
our interpretation of GPLv2.  

% FIXME:  probably mostly still right, needs some updates, though.
@@ -3496,25 +3496,25 @@ Now that we have established a good working definition of works that
rules for distributing these two different works.

The rules for distributing ``works that use the library'' are covered in
LGPLv2.1~\S6\@. LGPLv2.1~\S6 is much like GPLv2~\S3, as it requires the release
of source when a binary version of the LGPL'd software is released. Of
course, it only requires that source code for the library itself be made
available. The work that ``uses'' the library need not be provided in
source form. However, there are also conditions in LGPLv2.1~\S6 to make sure
that a user who wishes to modify or update the library can do so.

LGPLv2.1~\S6 lists five choices with regard to supplying library source
and granting the freedom to modify that library source to users. We
will first consider the option given by \S 6(b), which describes the
will first consider the option given by \S~6(b), which describes the
most common way currently used for LGPLv2.1 compliance on a ``work that
uses the library.''

LGPLv2.1~\S6(b) allows the distributor of a ``work that uses the library'' to
simply use a dynamically linked, shared library mechanism to link with the
library. This is by far the easiest and most straightforward option for
distribution. In this case, the executable of the work that uses the
library will contain only the ``stub code'' that is put in place by the
shared library mechanism, and at runtime the executable will combine with
the shared version of the library already resident on the user's computer.
If such a mechanism is used, it must allow the user to upgrade and
replace the library with interface-compatible versions and still be able
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