Changeset - dd9e08222238
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2014-03-20 21:24:41
Rewrote paragraph.
1 file changed with 5 insertions and 9 deletions:
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@@ -2881,105 +2881,101 @@ over a network, provided that the distributor offers equivalent access to
copy the Corresponding Source Code ``in the same way through the same
place''.  This wording might be interpreted to permit peer-to-peer
distribution of binaries \textit{if} they are packaged together with the CCS,
but such packaging impractical, for at least three reasons.  First, even if
the CCS is packaged with the object code, it will only be available to a
non-seeding peer at the end of the distribution process, but the peer will
already have been providing parts of the binary to others in the network.
Second, in practice, peer-to-peer forms of transmission are poorly suited
means for distributing CCS.  In large distributions, packaging CCS with the
object code may result in a substantial increase in file size and
transmission time.  Third, in current practice, CCS packages themselves tend
\textit{not} to be transmitted through BitTorrent --- owing to reduced demand
-- thus, there generally will be too few participants downloading the same
source package at the same time to enable effective seeding and distribution.

GPLv3~\S6(e) addresses this issues.  If a licensee conveys such a work of
object code using peer-to-peer transmission, that licensee is in compliance
with GPLv3~\S6 if the licensee informs other peers where the object code and
its CCS are publicly available at no charge under subsection GPLv3~\S6(d).
The CCS therefore need not be provided through the peer-to-peer system that
was used for providing the binary.

Second, GPLv3\S9 also clarifies that ancillary propagation of a covered work
that occurs as part of the process of peer-to-peer file transmission does not
require acceptance, just as mere receipt and execution of the Program does
not require acceptance.  Such ancillary propagation is permitted without
limitation or further obligation.

% FIXME-LATER: Would be nice to explain much more about interactions between
% the various options of GPLv3~\S6(a-e), which might all be in play at once!

\subsection{User Products, Installation Information and Device Lock-Down}

As discussed in \S~\ref{GPLv3-drm} of this tutorial, GPLv3 seeks thwart
technical measures such as signature checks in hardware to prevent
modification of GPLed software on a device.

To address this issue, GPLv3~\S6 requires that parties distributing object
code provide recipients with the source code through certain means.  When
those distributors pass on the CCS, they are also required to pass on any
information or data necessary to install modified software on the particular
device that included it.  (This strategy is not unlike that used in LGPLv2.1
to enable users to link proprietary programs to modified libraries.)

% FIXME-LATER: LGPLv2.1 section should talk about this explicitly and this
%              should be a forward reference here

In addition, the scope of these requirements has been narrowed.  This draft
introduces the concept of a "User Product," which includes devices that are
sold for personal, family, or household use.  Distributors are only
required to provide installation information when they convey object code
in a User Product.  After some discussion with committees, we discovered
that the proposals in the second discussion draft would interfere with a
number of existing business models that don't seem to be dangerous.  We
believe that this compromise will achieve the greatest success in
preventing tivoization.

The scope of these requirements are narrow.  GPLv3~\S6 introduces the concept
of a ``User Product'', which includes devices that are sold for personal,
family, or household use.  Distributors are only required to provide
Installation Information when they convey object code in a User Product.

In brief, we condition the right to convey object code in a defined class of
``User Products,'' under certain circumstances, on providing whatever
information is required to enable a recipient to replace the object code with
a functioning modified version.

%FIXME: this really big section on user product stuff may be too much for the
%       tutorial

In our earlier drafts, the requirement to provide encryption keys
applied to all acts of conveying object code, as this requirement was
part of the general definition of Corresponding Source. Section 6 of
Draft 3 now limits the applicability of the technical restrictions
provisions to object code conveyed in, with, or specifically for use in
a defined class of ``User Products.''

In our discussions with companies and governments that use specialized
or enterprise-level computer facilities, we found that sometimes these
organizations actually want their systems not to be under their own
control. Rather than agreeing to this as a concession, or bowing to
pressure, they ask for this as a preference. It is not clear that we
need to interfere, and the main problem lies elsewhere. 

While imposing technical barriers to modification is wrong regardless of
circumstances, the areas where restricted devices are of the greatest
practical concern today fall within the User Product definition. Most,
if not all, technically-restricted devices running GPL-covered programs
are consumer electronics devices, and we expect that to remain true in
the near future. Moreover, the disparity in clout between the
manufacturers and these users makes it difficult for the users to reject
technical restrictions through their weak and unorganized market
power. Even if limited to User Products, as defined in Draft 3, the
provision still does the job that needs to be done. Therefore we have
decided to limit the technical restrictions provisions to User Products
in this draft.

The core of the User Product definition is a subdefinition of ``consumer
product'' taken verbatim from the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, a federal
consumer protection law in the United States: ``any tangible personal
property which is normally used for personal, family, or household
purposes.''\footnote{15 U.S.C.~\S\ 2301.}  The United States has had
three decades of experience of liberal judicial and administrative
interpretation of this definition in a manner favorable to consumer
rights.\footnote{The Magnuson-Moss consumer product definition itself
has been influential in the United States and Canada, having been
adopted in several state and provincial consumer protection laws.}  We
mean for this body of interpretation to guide interpretation of the
consumer product subdefinition in section 6, which will provide a degree
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