Changeset - dccc2155aeeb
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2014-03-20 12:50:20
Rewrite paragraph describing last paragraph of GPLv3ยง2.
1 file changed with 7 insertions and 8 deletions:
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@@ -2521,104 +2521,103 @@ is that the library in question does not qualify for it.

\section{GPLv3~\S2: Basic Permissions}

GPLv3~\S2 can roughly be considered as an equivalent to GPLv2~\S0 (discussed
in \S~\ref{GPLv2sS0} of this tutorial).  However, the usual style of
improvements found in GPLv3 are found here as well.  For example, the first
sentence of GPLv3~\S2 furthers the goal internationalization.  Under the
copyright laws of some countries, it may be necessary for a copyright license
to include an explicit provision setting forth the duration of the rights
being granted. In other countries, including the USA, such a provision is
unnecessary but permissible.

GPLv3~\S2\P1 also acknowledges that licensees under the GPL enjoy rights of
copyright fair use, or the equivalent under applicable law.  These rights are
compatible with, and not in conflict with, the freedoms that the GPL seeks to
protect, and the GPL cannot and should not restrict them.

However, note that (sadly to some copyleft advocates) the unlimited freedom
to run is confined to the \textit{unmodified} Program.  This confinement is
unfortunately necessary since Programs that do not qualify as a User Product
in GPLv3~\S6 (see \S~\ref{user-product} in this tutorial) might have certain
unfortunate restrictions on the freedom to run\footnote{See
  \S~ref{freedom-to-run} of this tutorial for the details on ``the freedom to

GPLv3~\S2\P2 distinguishes between activities of a licensee that are
permitted without limitation and activities that trigger additional
requirements.  Specifically, GPLv3~\S2\P2 guarantees the basic freedoms of
privately modifying and running the program.

Also, GPLv3~\S2\P2 gives an explicit permission for a client to provide a
copy of its modified software to a contractor exclusively for that contractor
to modify it further, or run it, on behalf of the client.  However, the
client can \textit{only} exercise this control over its own copyrighted
changes to the GPL-covered program.  The parts of the program it obtained
from other contributors must be provided to the contractor with the usual GPL
freedoms.  Thus, GPLv3 permits users to convey covered works to contractors
operating exclusively on the users' behalf, under the users' direction and
control, and to require the contractors to keep the users' copyrighted
changes confidential, but \textit{only if} the contractor is limited to acting
on the users' behalf (just as the users' employees would have to act).

The strict conditions in this ``contractors provision'' are needed so that it
cannot be twisted to fit other activities, such as making a program available
to downstream users or customers.  By making the limits on this provision
very narrow, GPLv3 ensures that, in all other cases, contractors gets the
full freedoms of the GPL that they deserve.

% FIXME:  transition, and some word smith

The explicit prohibition of sublicensing ensures that enforcement of the GPL
is always by the copyright holder.  Usually, sublicensing is regarded as a
practical convenience or necessity for the licensee, to avoid having to
negotiate a license with each licensor in a chain of distribution.  The GPL
solves this problem in another way, through its automatic licensing
GPLv3~\S2's final paragraph includes an explicit prohibition of sublicensing.
This provision ensures that GPL enforcement is always by the copyright
holder.  Usually, sublicensing is regarded as a practical convenience or
necessity for the licensee, to avoid having to negotiate a license with each
licensor in a chain of distribution.  The GPL solves this problem in another
way --- through its automatic licensing provision found in GPLv3\~S10 (which
is discussed in more detail in \S\~ref{GPLv3s10} of this tutorial).

% FIXME: new section here, just to talk DRM before the other section.

GPLv3 introduces provisions that respond to the growing practice of
distributing GPL-covered programs in devices that employ technical means
to restrict users from installing and running modified versions.  This
practice thwarts the expectations of developers and users alike, because
the right to modify is one of the core freedoms the GPL is designed to

Technological measures to defeat users' rights --- often described by such
Orwellian phrases as ``digital rights management,'' which actually means
limitation or outright destruction of users' legal rights, or ``trusted
computing,'' which actually means selling people computers they cannot trust
--- are alike in one basic respect.  They all employ technical means to turn
the system of copyright law, where the powers of the copyright holder are
limited exceptions to general freedom, into a prison, where everything not
specifically permitted is utterly forbidden, and indeed, if the full extent
of their ambition is realized, would be technically impossible.  This system
of ``para-copyright'' has been created since the adoption of GPLv2, through
legislation in the United States, the European Union, and elsewhere that
makes it a serious civil or even criminal offense to escape from these
restrictions, even where the purpose in doing so is to restore the users'
legal rights that the technology wrongfully prevents them from exercising.

% FIXME: Remove FSF specific parts

As a digital rights organization, we would not be following our mission if we
did not oppose these injustices.  But the reason our license must respond to
these practices at all is the result of a remarkable irony. Those who wish to
impose DRM on the public would like to do so by using software covered by the
GPL, a license that is intended to preserve the very freedom that they seek
to crush.  They are not satisfied merely with publishing programs having
limited capability, which free software permits. They seek to go further, to
prevent the user from removing those limits, turning Freedom 1, the freedom
to modify, into a sham.

GPLv2 did not address the use of technical measures to take back the rights
that the GPL granted, because such measures did not exist in 1991, and would
have been irrelevant to the forms in which software was then delivered to
users.  But GPLv3 must address these issues: free software is ever more
widely embedded in devices that impose technical limitations on the user's
freedom to change it.

These unjust measures must not be confused with legitimate applications that
give users control, as by enabling them to choose higher levels of system or
data security within their networks, or by allowing them to protect the
security of their communications using keys they can generate or copy to
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