Changeset - dca1aa011573
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 9 years ago 2015-03-10 02:03:53
"by definition" is clearer here than "by default"

There's probably another phrase we could use that's even better.
1 file changed with 1 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -2452,25 +2452,25 @@ Ultimately, GPLv2 and GPLv3 co-exist as active licenses in regular use.  As
discussed in Chapter~\ref{tale-of-two-copylefts}, GPLv1 was never regularly
used alongside GPLv2.  However, given GPLv2's widespread popularity and
existing longevity by the time GPLv3 was published, it is not surprising that
some licensors still prefer GPLv2-only or GPLv2-or-later.  GPLv3 gained major
adoption by many projects, old and new, but many projects have not upgraded
due to (in some cases) mere laziness and (in other cases) policy preference
for some of GPLv2's terms and/or policy opposition to GPLv3's terms.

Given this ``two GPLs world'' is reality, it makes sense to consider GPLv3 in
terms of how it differs from GPLv2.  Also, most of the best GPL experts in
the world must deal regularly with both licenses, and admittedly have decades
of experience with GPLv2 while the most experience with GPLv3 that's possible
is by default less than a decade.  These two factors usually cause even new
is by definition less than a decade.  These two factors usually cause even new
students of GPL to start with GPLv2 and move on to GPLv3, and this tutorial
follows that pattern.

Overall, the changes made in GPLv3 admittedly \textit{increased} the
complexity of the license.  The FSF stated at the start of the GPLv3 process
that they would have liked to oblige those who have asked for a simpler and
shorter GPL\@.  Ultimately, the FSF gave priority to making GPLv3 a better
copyleft license in the spirit of past GPL's.  Obsession for concision should
never trump software freedom.

The FSF had many different, important goals in seeking to upgrade to GPLv3.
However, one important goal that is often lost in the discussion of policy
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