Changeset - ce9168a9af5b
[Not reviewed]
0 7 1
Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2014-12-22 21:30:00
Citations of third-party works in appendix only.

As alluded to in 2ea19b71d4a917babb29024f06acabfe73309f40 's commit
message on 2014-12-17 19:52:15 -0500, keeping any information on a
part-by-part basis is difficult and error-prone, since there exists no
reliable way to auto-generate such information accurately.

Therefore, citations to third-party works, in addition to remaining
fully documented in the commit log as they always have been, are now
placed in specifically one location in the body of the text itself: a
single appendix specifically designed for that purpose.

In this manner, contributors have no house-keeping work regarding
citations. Contributors need only list third party works and links in
one place: third-party-citations.tex.

Documentation in for making contributions of third-party
works is left as a TODO.
8 files changed with 69 insertions and 46 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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# Contributions Welcome!

The maintainers of this Copyleft Guide project encourage contribution from
the community.  Part of the impetus for this project was to create a
community around a "copyleft codebase" for information about copyleft.  In
other words, this project is a tutorial project about Copyleft that is like a
Free Software project.

## Who Is In Charge?

Currently, [Bradley M. Kuhn]( is the editor-in-chief of
this Guide project.  However, many other contributors have given patches and
improvements to the text.  Review the
[commit log in the Git repository](
for more details on who has contributed to the project.

## How Do I Get Involved?

The Guide is maintained in a copylefted distributed version control system called
[Git](  Currently, the project utilizes the services of
a  Git hosting website called [Gitorious]( (The
software which runs Gitorious is, itself, copylefted, too.)

Those who are comfortable with Gitorious can submit
[merge requests on's gitorious site](
See the section "Merge Request and Patch Workflow" below for more information
on the details of doing that.

However, lack of Git and/or LaTeX knowledge is *not a barrier* for
contribution to this project.  Useful contributions will be accepted by the
following means as well:

  * Patches posted to
    [the mailing list](

  * New sections of text or simply ideas and input emailed to
    [the mailing list](

  * Ideas and suggestions mentioned on the
    [irc channel #copyleft on freenode](irc://

Please, do not worry if your patches or new sections of text are not properly
formatted as patches and/or are not formatted in LaTeX properly.  Indeed,
feel free to offer patches that break LaTeX formatting, or to just write up
your suggestion in an email.  If the content is appropriate for the Guide,
the editor-in-chief or someone else will format your contribution properly
for LaTeX.

Note: by submitting contributions via any of these means, you agree to the
"Author's Certificate of Origin" (see below).

## How Do I Figure Out What To Contribute?

If you're looking for something to fix, just grep the *.tex files for "FIXME"
and you'll find plenty.  Many of them are simple and easy to do.  Some of
them are writing, and some of them are simply formatting-related.

If you want a larger, more involved writing project, take a look at the
[TODO list in this repository](  That list has bigger items that
other contributors have identified as necessary.  (BTW, the project
contributors are considering various possible copylefted bug-tracking
solutions, but admittedly haven't picked a bug-tracker yet.)

There is also a [TODO list on the website](, which
are mostly related to formatting, layout and infrastructure, but if you'd
like to help there, such help is also welcome.

## Contributing Third-Party CC-BY-SA'd Works


## Merge Request and Patch Workflow

Currently, the main location for work on this project is
[on Gitorious](, and active new
development on the project happens on the
['next' branch](
(which is
[auto-published on the URL](
Here is a suggested workflow for submitting patches — first doing so
*with* the Gitorious infrastructure, second *avoiding* the Gitorious
infrastructure but still using Git, and third avoiding Git altogether.

Merge requests and/or patches against
['next' branch]( are
typically much preferred, and the workflow explanations below assume that.
However, merge requests and/or patches against
['master' branch](
are not necessarily rejected.  In fact, if your change is a fix for typo,
spelling, grammar, formatting or anything urgent, submitting a patch against
'master' may make more sense.

To use the instructions below for proposals against the 'master' branch, just
replace 'next' everywhere below with 'master'.


### Contributing via Gitorious

First-time contributors may want to do the following four items first:

0. [Create an account on Gitorious](

1. [Visit](
    and click "Clone".

    Instead of the default, you might call your clone

2. On the command line create a *local* clone of your Clone, by typing:

        $ git clone copyleft-tutorial
        $ cd copyleft-tutorial
        $ git remote rename origin MYNAME-copyleft-tutorial-suggestions

    (The last part isn't strictly necessary; you just might want to name the
    upstream repository a more descriptive name, since below you'll add the
    official repository as well).

3. Now, add to your clone a copy of the "real" Conservancy policies
   repository, and make a branch that tracks the official version:

        $ git remote add copyleft-tutorial-official
        $ git fetch copyleft-tutorial-official
        $ git branch --track official-next copyleft-tutorial-official/next

That completes the first-time setup.  Next is a workflow each proposed merge

0. First, ensure the Git repository points at the right branch and all old
   changes are committed.

        $ git status

   The output of the last command should look like this:

        # On branch SOME_BRANCH
        nothing to commit (working directory clean)

   If you don't get that output, you probably have uncommitted changes from
   some other situation, which is beyond the scope of this document.

1. Now, get the most recent version of the 'next' branch:

        $ git checkout master
        $ git branch -D official-next
        $ git fetch copyleft-tutorial-official
        $ git branch --track official-next copyleft-tutorial-official/next
        $ git checkout official-next
        $ git pull

   (This step is more complicated than is typically found in a tutorial like
   this.  Experienced Git users will note the above is the easiest way to
   handle the fact that the 'next' branch is occasionally rebased against
   master.  If 'next' branch has not been rebased since the last time the
   operation was performed, the last two commands suffice for this step.)

1. Next, create a new branch to hold your changes:

        $ git checkout -b my-new-idea-for-tutorial official-next

   Use a name that briefly describes your planned proposal for

2. Make your edits.  If you're editing the tutorial, you likely want to focus
   on the files ending in '.tex'.  Commit frequently while you're editing

        $ git commit -a

   Write useful and clear commit messages that explain the purpose of the

3. When you are done all the changes related to 'my-new-idea-for-tutorial',
   verify they've all been committed this way:

        $ git status
        # On branch my-new-idea-for-tutorial
        nothing to commit (working directory clean)

4. Next, upload and publish those ideas to your own clone on Gitorious.

        $ git push MYNAME-copyleft-tutorial-suggestions my-new-idea-for-tutorial

    That's the end of the command-line part.

5. Now, visit Gitorious' merge-request creation web interface at

   Initiate your merge request with by setting:

        Summary:       Briefly describe your proposal
        Description:   More completely describe your proposal
        Target:        tutorial
        Target Branch: next
        Source Branch: my-new-idea-for-tutorial

6. While it's possible to discuss the details of the merge request via the
   web interface, for larger changes, it may be worthwhile to start a thread
   [the mailing list](
   about the merge request.  Include the URL of the merge request in the
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# Makefile for Copyleft Tutorial                      -*- GNUMakefile -*-

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% compliance-guide.tex                            -*- LaTeX -*-

\part{A Practical Guide to GPL Compliance}

{\parindent 0in
This part is: \\
Copyright \= \copyright{} 2008, 2014 \= \hspace{.2in} Bradley M. Kuhn. \\
Copyright \= \copyright{} 2014 \> \hspace{.2in} Free Software Foundation, Inc. \\
Copyright \> \copyright{} 2008, 2014 \> \hspace{.2in} Software Freedom Law Center. \\


The copyright holders of this part hereby grant the freedom to copy, modify,
convey, Adapt, and/or redistribute this work under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International License.  A copy of that
license is available at


This part includes material from many sources, including some material from the following
CC-By-SA-licensed published works: \\

\item \hrefnofollow{}{\textit{A Practical Guide GPL Compliance}} by Bradley M. Kuhn, Aaron
Williamson and Karen Sandler, first published on 2008-08-20. \\
\item \hrefnofollow{}{\textit{Software Freedom Law Center Guide to GPL Compliance, 2nd
  Edition}} by Eben Moglen and Mishi Choudhary, first published on 2014-10-31. \\

However, this work is primarily composed of the many contributions it
This work is primarily composed of the many contributions it
receives as a public, collaborative project.  Please
  its Git logs} for full documentation of all contributions.



\chapter*{Executive Summary}

This is a guide to effective compliance with the GNU General Public
License (GPL) and related licenses.  Copyleft advocates
usually seek to assist the community with
GPL compliance cooperatively.   This guide focuses on complying from the
start, so that readers can learn to avoid enforcement actions entirely, or, at
least, minimize  the negative impact when enforcement actions occur.
This guide  introduces and explains basic legal concepts related to the GPL and its
enforcement by copyright holders. It also outlines business practices and
methods that lead to better GPL compliance.  Finally, it recommends proper
post-violation responses to the concerns of copyright holders.


Copyright law grants exclusive rights to authors.  Authors who chose copyleft
seek to protect the freedom of users and developers to copy, share, modify
and redistribute the software.  However, copyleft is ultimately implemented
through copyright, and the GPL is primarily and by default a copyright
license.  (See \S~\ref{explaining-copyright} for more about the interaction
between copyright and copyleft.)  Copyright law grants an unnatural exclusive
control to copyright holders regarding copyright-controlled permissions
related to the work.  Therefore, copyright holders (or their agents) are the
ultimately the sole authorities to enforce copyleft and protect the rights of
users.  Actions for copyright infringement are the ultimate legal mechanism
for enforcement.  Therefore, copyright holders, or collaborative groups of
copyright holders, have historically been the actors in GPL enforcement.

The earliest of these efforts began soon after the GPL was written by
Richard M.~Stallman (RMS) in 1989, and consisted of informal community efforts,
often in public Usenet discussions.\footnote{One example is the public
  outcry over NeXT's attempt to make the Objective-C front-end to GCC
  proprietary.  RMS, in fact, handled this enforcement action personally and
  the Objective-C front-end is still part of upstream GCC today.}  Over the next decade, the Free Software Foundation (FSF),
which holds copyrights in many GNU programs, was the only visible entity
actively enforcing its GPL'd copyrights on behalf of the software freedom
FSF's enforcement
was generally a private process; the FSF contacted violators
confidentially and helped them to comply with the license.  Most
violations were pursued this way until the early 2000's.

By that time, Linux-based systems such as GNU/Linux and BusyBox/Linux had become very common, particularly in
embedded devices such as wireless routers.  During this period, public
ridicule of violators in the press and on Internet fora supplemented
ongoing private enforcement and increased pressure on businesses to
comply.  In 2003, the FSF formalized its efforts into the GPL Compliance
Lab, increased the volume of enforcement, and built community coalitions
to encourage copyright holders to together settle amicably with violators.
Beginning in 2004, Harald Welte took a more organized public enforcement
approach and launched \href{}{}, a website and mailing
list for collecting reports of GPL violations.  On the basis of these
reports, Welte successfully pursued many enforcement actions in Europe, including
formal legal action.  Harald earns the permanent fame as the first copyright
holder to bring legal action in a court regarding GPL compliance.

In 2007, two copyright holders in BusyBox, in conjunction with the
Software Freedom Conservancy (``Conservancy''), filed the first copyright infringement lawsuit
based on a violation of the GPL\@ in the USA. While  lawsuits are of course
quite public, the vast majority of Conservancy's enforcement actions 
are resolved privately via
cooperative communications with violators.  As both FSF and Conservancy have worked to bring
individual companies into compliance, both organizations have encountered numerous
violations resulting from preventable problems such as inadequate
attention to licensing of upstream software, misconceptions about the
GPL's terms, and poor communication between software developers and their
management.  This document highlights these problems and describe
best practices to encourage corporate Free Software users to reevaluate their
approach to GPL'd software and avoid future violations.

Both FSF and Conservancy continue GPL enforcement and compliance efforts
for software under the GPL, the GNU Lesser
Public License (LGPL) and other copyleft licenses.  In doing so, both organizations have
found that most violations stem from a few common, avoidable mistakes.  All copyleft advocates  hope to educate the community of
commercial distributors, redistributors, and resellers on how to avoid
violations in the first place, and to respond adequately and appropriately
when a violation occurs.

\section{Who Has Compliance Obligations?}

All distributors of modified or unmodified versions of copylefted works
unmodified versions of the works have compliance obligations.  Common methods
of modifying the works include innumerable common acts, such as:


  \item embedding those works as executable copies
    into a device,

  \item transferring a digital copy of executable copies to someone else,

  \item posting a patch to the copylefted software to a public mailing list.


Such distributors have obligations to (at least) the users to whom they (or
intermediary parties) distribute those copies.  In some cases, distributors
have obligations to third parties not directly receiving their distribution
of the works (depending on the distributors chosen licensing options, as
described later in \S~\ref{binary-distribution-permission}).  In addition,
distributors have compliance obligations to upstream parties, such as
preservation of reasonable legal notices embedded in the code, and
appropriate labeling of modified versions.

Online service providers and distributors alike have other compliance
obligations.  In general, they must refrain from imposing any additional
restrictions on downstream parties. Most typically, such compliance problems
arise from ``umbrella licenses:'' EULAs, or sublicenses that restrict
downstream users' rights under copyleft. (See \S~\ref{GPLv2s6} and

Patent holders having claims reading on GPL'd works they distribute must
refrain from enforcing those claims against parties to whom they distribute.
Furthermore, patent holders holding copyrights on GPLv3'd works must further
grant an explicit patent license for any patent claims reading on the version
they distributed, and therefore cannot enforce those specific patent claims
against anyone making, using or selling a work based on their distributed
version.  All parties must refrain from acting as a provider of services or
distributor of licensed works if they have accepted, or had imposed on them
by judicial action, any legal conditions that would prevent them from meeting
any obligation under GPL\@.  (See \S~\ref{GPLv2s7}, \S~\ref{GPLv3s11} and

\section{What Are The Risks of Non-Compliance?}

Copyleft experts have for decades observed a significant mismatch between the
assumptions most businesses make about copyleft compliance and the realities.
Possibly due to excessive marketing of proprietary tools and services from
the for-profit compliance industry, businesses perennially focus on the wrong
concerns.  This tutorial seeks to educate those businesses about what
actually goes wrong, what causes disputes, and how to resolve those disputes.

Many businesses currently invest undue resources to avoid unlikely risks that
have low historical incidence of occurrence and low cost of remediation,
while leaving unmanaged the risks that have historically resulted in all the
litigation and other adverse outcomes.  For example, some ``compliance
industry''\footnote{``Compliance industry'' refers to third-party for-profit
  companies that market proprietary software tools and/or consulting services
  that purport to aid businesses with their Free Software license compliance
  obligations, such as those found in GPL and other copyleft licenses.  This
  tutorial leaves the term in quotes throughout, primarily to communicate the
  skepticism most of this tutorial's authors feel regarding the mere
  existence of this industry.  Not only do copyleft advocates object on
  principle to proprietary software tools in general, and to their ironic use
  specifically to comply with copyleft, but also to the ``compliance
  industry'' vendors' marketing messaging, which some copyleft advocates
  claim as a cause in the risk misassessments discussed herein.  Bradley
  M.~Kuhn, specifically, regularly uses the term ``compliance industrial
    analogize the types of problems in this industry to those warned against
    in the phrase of origin}.} vendors insist that great effort must be
expended to carefully list, in the menus or manuals of embedded electronics
products, copyright notices for every last copyright holder that contributed
to the Free Software included in the product.  While nearly all Free Software
licenses, including copylefts like GPL, require preservation and display of
copyright notices, failure to meet this specific requirement is trivially
remedied.  Therefore, businesses should spend just reasonable efforts to
properly display copyright notices, and note that failure to do so is simply
remedied: add the missing copyright notice!

\section{Understanding Who's Enforcing}

The mismatch between actual compliance risk and compliance risk management
typically results from a misunderstanding of licensor intentions.  For-profit
businesses often err by assuming other actors have kindred motivations.  The
primary enforcers of the GPL, however, have goals that for-profit businesses
will find strange and perhaps downright alien.

Specifically, community-oriented GPL enforcement organizations (called
``COGEOs'' throughout the remainder of this tutorial) are typically
non-profit charities (such as the FSF and Software Freedom Conservancy) who
declare, as part of their charitable mission, advancement of software freedom
for all users.  In the USA, these COGEOs are all classified as charitable
under the IRS's 501(c)(3) designation, which is reserved for organizations
that have a mission to enhance the public good.

As such, these COGEOs enforce GPL primarily to pursue the policy goals and
motivations discussed throughout this tutorial: to spread software freedom
further.  As such, COGEOs are unified in their primary goal to bring the
violator back into compliance as quickly as possible, and redress the damage
caused by the violation.  COGEOs are steadfast in their position in a
violation negotiation: comply with the license and respect freedom.

Certainly, other entities do not share the full ethos of software freedom as
institutionalized by COGEOs, and those entities pursue GPL violations
differently.  Oracle, a company that produces the GPL'd MySQL database, upon
discovering GPL violations typically negotiates a proprietary software
license separately for a fee.  While this practice is not one a COGEO would
undertake nor endorse, a copyleft license technically permits this
behavior.  To put a finer point on this practice already discussed
in~\S~\ref{Proprietary Relicensing}, copyleft advocates usually find copyleft
enforcement efforts focused on extract alternative proprietary licenses
distasteful at best, and a corrupt manipulation of copyleft at worst.  Much
to the advocates' chagrin, such for-profit enforcement efforts seem to
increase rather than decrease.

Thus, unsurprisingly, for-profit adopters of GPL'd software often incorrectly
assume that all copyright holders seek royalties.  Businesses therefore focus
on the risk of so-called ``accidental'' (typically as the result of
unsupervised activity by individual programmers) infringe copyright by
incorporating ``snippets'' of copylefted code into their own proprietary
computer program.  ``Compliance industry'' flagship products, therefore,
focus on ``code scanning'' services that purport to detect accidental
inclusions.  Such effort focuses on proprietary software development and view
Free Software as a foreign interloper.  Such approach not only ignores
current reality that many companies build their products directly on major
copylefted projects (e.g., Android vendor's use of the kernel named Linux),
but also creates a culture of fear among developers, leading them into a
downward spiral of further hiding their necessary reliance on copylefted
software in the company's products.

Fortunately, COGEOs regard GPL compliance failures as an opportunity to
improve compliance.  Every compliance failure downstream represents a loss of
rights by their users. The COGEOs are the guardian of its users' and
developers' rights.  Their activity seeks to restore those rights, and
to protect the project's contributors' intentions in the making of their

\chapter{Best Practices to Avoid Common Violations}

Unlike highly permissive licenses (such as the ISC license), which
typically only require preservation of copyright notices, licensees face many
important requirements from the GPL.  These requirements are
carefully designed to uphold certain values and standards of the software
freedom community.  While the GPL's requirements may initially appear
counter-intuitive to those more familiar with proprietary software
licenses, by comparison, its terms are in fact clear and quite favorable to
licensees.  Indeed, the GPL's terms actually simplify compliance when
violations occur.

GPL violations occur (or, are compounded) most often when companies lack sound
practices for the incorporation of GPL'd components into their
internal development environment.  This section introduces some best
practices for software tool selection, integration and distribution,
inspired by and congruent with software freedom methodologies.  Companies should
establish such practices before building a product based on GPL'd
software.\footnote{This document addresses compliance with GPLv2,
  GPLv3, LGPLv2, and LGPLv3.  Advice on avoiding the most common
  errors differs little for compliance with these four licenses.
  \S~\ref{lgpl} discusses the key differences between GPL and LGPL

\section{Evaluate License Applicability}
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% comprehensive-gpl-guide.tex                                    -*- LaTeX -*-
% Toplevel file to build the entire book.
\documentclass[10pt, letterpaper, openany, oneside]{book}
% I'm somewhat convinced that this book would be better formatted using
%  the memoir class :

% For the moment, I've thrown in fancychap because I don't have time to
% research memoir.


% FIXME: Some overall formatting hacks that would really help:

%   * I have started using  \hyperref[LABEL]{text} extensively, which seems
%     to work great in the PDF and HTML versions, but in the Postscript
%     version, the link lost entirely.  I think we need an additional command
%     to replace \hyperref which takes an optional third argument that will
%     insert additional text only when generating print versions, such as:
%      \newhyperref[GPLv2s3]{the requirements for binary distribution under
%      GPLv2}{(see section~\ref*{GPLv2s3} for more information)}
%     This is a careful balance, because it'd be all too easy to over-pepper
%     the printed version with back/forward references, but there are
%     probably times when this is useful.

%   * Similar issue: \href{} is well known not to carry the URLs in the print
%     versions.  Adding a footnote with the URL for the print version is
%     probably right.  (or maybe a References page?)

%   * The text is extremely inconsistent regarding formatting of code and
%     commands.  The following varied different methods have been used:
%         + the \verb%..% inline form
%         + verbatim environment (i.e., \begin{verbatim}
%         + {\tt }
%         + \texttt{}
%         + the lstlisting environment (i.e., \begin{lstlisting}
%     These should be made consistent, using only two forms: one for line and
%     one for a long quoted section.



% FIXME: s/GPL enforcers/COGEOs/g

%        (the term coined later but not used throughout) This can't be done
%        by rote, since it may not be appropriate everywhere and shouldn't be
%        used *before* it's coined in the early portions of
%        compliance-guide.tex (and it's probably difficult to coin it earlier
%        anyway).  BTW, I admit COGEOs isn't the best acronym, but I started
%        with ``Community Enforcement Organizations'', which makes CEO, which
%        is worse. :)  My other opting was   COEO, which seemed too close to
%        CEO.  Suggestions welcome.

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{\sc Copyleft and the  \\

GNU General Public License:


A Comprehensive Tutorial \\


and Guide

{\parindent 0in
Copyright \= \copyright{} 2003--2007, 2014 \hspace{} \=  \kill
Copyright \> \copyright{} 2014 \>  Bradley M. Kuhn. \\
Copyright \> \copyright{} 2014 \>  Anthony K. Sebro, Jr. \\
Copyright \= \copyright{} 2014 \> Denver Gingerich \\
Copyright \= \copyright{} 2003--2007, 2014 \> \hspace{.2in} Free Software Foundation, Inc. \\
Copyright \> \copyright{} 2008, 2014 \>  Software Freedom Law Center. \\


The copyright holders hereby grant the freedom to copy, modify, convey,
Adapt, and/or redistribute this work under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International License.  A copy of that license is
available at \url{}.

Each part of this book, except the appendix, is separately under this same
license, but copyrighted by different entities at different times.  Each part
therefore also contains its own copyright and licensing notice.  The notice
above is for the entire work, and includes the full copyright and licensing
details, except for the appendix.

The appendix includes copies of the texts of various licenses published
by the FSF, and they are all licensed under the license, ``Everyone is permitted
to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing
it is not allowed.''.  However, those who seek to make modified versions of
those licenses should note the
\href{}{explanation given in the GPL FAQ}.


This material is regularly updated by a community of contributors and is
available online at all times at \url{}.  Patches
are indeed welcome to this material.  Sources can be found in the Git
repository at: \url{}




This tutorial is the culmination of nearly a decade of studying and writing
about software freedom licensing and the GPL\@.  Each part of this tutorial
is a course unto itself, educating the reader on a myriad of topics from the
deep details of the GPLv2 and GPLv3, common business models in the copyleft
licensing area (both the friendly and unfriendly kind), best practices for
compliance with the GPL, for engineers, managers, and lawyers, as well as
real-world case studies of GPL enforcement matters.

It is unlikely that all the information herein is necessary to learn all at
once, and therefore this tutorial likely serves best as a reference book.
The material herein has been used as the basis for numerous live tutorials
and discussion groups since 2002, and the materials have been periodically
updated.   They likely stand on their own as excellent reference material.

However, if you are reading these course materials without attending a live
tutorial session, please note that this material is merely a summary of the
highlights of the various CLE and other tutorial courses based on this
material.  Please be aware that during the actual courses, class discussion
and presentation supplements this printed curriculum.  Simply reading this
material is \textbf{not equivalent} to attending a course.










Show inline comments
%      Tutorial Text for the Detailed Study and Analysis of GPL and LGPL course

% License: CC-By-SA-4.0

% The copyright holders hereby grant the freedom to copy, modify, convey,
% Adapt, and/or redistribute this work under the terms of the Creative
% Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International License.

% This text is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

% You should have received a copy of the license with this document in
% a file called 'CC-By-SA-4.0.txt'.  If not, please visit
% to receive
% the license text.


\part{Case Studies in GPL Enforcement}

{\parindent 0in
This part is: \\
Copyright \= \copyright{} 2003, 2004, 2014 \hspace{1mm} \= \hspace{} \=  \kill
Copyright \> \copyright{} 2014 \>  Bradley M. Kuhn. \\
Copyright \> \copyright{} 2014 \>  Denver Gingerich \\
Copyright \> \copyright{} 2003, 2004, 2014 \> Free Software Foundation, Inc. \\



The copyright holders hereby grant the freedom to copy, modify, convey,
Adapt, and/or redistribute this work under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International License.  A copy of that license is
available at \url{}.


This part includes material from many sources, including some material from the following
CC-By-SA-licensed published works: \\

\item \textit{Enforcement Case Studies}, written by Bradley M. Kuhn and published by the Free
  Software Foundation for its CLE courses  on 2004-01-20, 2004-08-24, and 2014-03-24.

However, this work is primarily composed of the many contributions it
This work is primarily composed of the many contributions it
receives as a public, collaborative project.  Please
  its Git logs} for full documentation of all contributions.


% =====================================================================
% =====================================================================


This one-day course presents the details of five different GPL
compliance cases handled by FSF's GPL Compliance Laboratory. Each case
offers unique insights into problems that can arise when the terms of
the GPL are not properly followed, and how diplomatic negotiation between
the violator and the copyright holder can yield positive results for
both parties.

Attendees should have successfully completely the course, a ``Detailed
Study and Analysis of the GPL and LGPL,'' as the material from that
course forms the building blocks for this material.

This course is of most interest to lawyers who have clients or
employers that deal with Free Software on a regular basis. However,
technical managers and executives whose businesses use or distribute
Free Software will also find the course very helpful.


These course materials are merely a summary of the highlights of the
course presented. Please be aware that during the actual GPL course, class
discussion supplements this printed curriculum. Simply reading it is
not equivalent to attending the course.

%FIXME-LATER: write these

%\chapter{Not All GPL Enforcement is Created Equal}

%\section{For-Profit Enforcement}

%\section{Community and Non-Profit Enforcement}

\chapter{Overview of Community Enforcement}

The GPL is a Free Software license with legal teeth. Unlike licenses like
the X11-style or various BSD licenses, the GPL (and by extension, the LGPL) is
designed to defend as well as grant freedom. We saw in the last course
that the GPL uses copyright law as a mechanism to grant all the key freedoms
essential in Free Software, but also to ensure that those freedoms
propagate throughout the distribution chain of the software.

\section{Termination Begins Enforcement}

As we have learned, the assurance that Free Software under the GPL remains
Free Software is accomplished through various terms of the GPL: \S 3 ensures
that binaries are always accompanied with source; \S 2 ensures that the
sources are adequate, complete and usable; \S 6 and \S 7 ensure that the
license of the software is always the GPL for everyone, and that no other
legal agreements or licenses trump the GPL. It is \S 4, however, that ensures
that the GPL can be enforced.

Thus, \S 4 is where we begin our discussion of GPL enforcement. This
clause is where the legal teeth of the license are rooted. As a copyright
license, the GPL governs only the activities governed by copyright law ---
copying, modifying and redistributing computer software. Unlike most
copyright licenses, the GPL gives wide grants of permission for engaging with
these activities. Such permissions continue, and all parties may exercise
them until such time as one party violates the terms of the GPL\@. At the
moment of such a violation (i.e., the engaging of copying, modifying or
redistributing in ways not permitted by the GPL) \S 4 is invoked. While other
parties may continue to operate under the GPL, the violating party loses their

Specifically, \S 4 terminates the violators' rights to continue
engaging in the permissions that are otherwise granted by the GPL\@.
Effectively, their rights revert to the copyright defaults ---
no permission is granted to copy, modify, nor redistribute the work.
Meanwhile, \S 5 points out that if the violator has no rights under
the GPL, they are prohibited by copyright law from engaging in the
activities of copying, modifying and distributing. They have lost
these rights because they have violated the GPL, and no other license
gives them permission to engage in these activities governed by copyright law.

\section{Ongoing Violations}

In conjunction with \S 4's termination of violators' rights, there is
one final industry fact added to the mix: rarely does one engage in a
single, solitary act of copying, distributing or modifying software.
Almost always, a violator will have legitimately acquired a copy of a
GPL'd program, either making modifications or not, and then begun
distributing that work. For example, the violator may have put the
software in boxes and sold them at stores. Or perhaps the software
was put up for download on the Internet. Regardless of the delivery
mechanism, violators almost always are engaged in {\em ongoing\/}
violation of the GPL\@.

In fact, when we discover a GPL violation that occurred only once --- for
example, a user group who distributed copies of a GNU/Linux system without
source at one meeting --- we rarely pursue it with a high degree of
tenacity. In our minds, such a violation is an educational problem, and
unless the user group becomes a repeat offender (as it turns out, they
never do), we simply forward along a FAQ entry that best explains how user
groups can most easily comply with the GPL, and send them on their merry way.

It is only the cases of {\em ongoing\/} GPL violation that warrant our
active attention. We vehemently pursue those cases where dozens, hundreds
or thousands of customers are receiving software that is out of
compliance, and where the company continually offers for sale (or
distributes gratis as a demo) software distributions that include GPL'd
components out of compliance. Our goal is to maximize the impact of
enforcement and educate industries who are making such a mistake on a
large scale.

In addition, such ongoing violation shows that a particular company is
committed to a GPL'd product line. We are thrilled to learn that someone
is benefiting from Free Software, and we understand that sometimes they
become confused about the rules of the road. Rather than merely
giving us a postmortem to perform on a past mistake, an ongoing violation
gives us an active opportunity to educate a new contributor to the GPL'd
commons about proper procedures to contribute to the community.

Our central goal is not, in fact, to merely clear up a particular violation.
In fact, over time, we hope that our compliance lab will be out of
business. We seek to educate the businesses that engage in commerce
related to GPL'd software to obey the rules of the road and allow them to
operate freely under them. Just as a traffic officer would not revel in
reminding people which side of the road to drive on, so we do not revel in
violations. By contrast, we revel in the successes of educating an
ongoing violator about the GPL so that GPL compliance becomes a second-nature
matter, allowing that company to join the GPL ecosystem as a contributor.

\section{How are Violations Discovered?}

Our enforcement of the GPL is not a fund-raising effort; in fact, FSF's GPL
Compliance Lab runs at a loss (in other words, it is subsided by our
donors). Our violation reports come from volunteers, who have encountered,
in their business or personal life, a device or software product that
appears to contain GPL'd software. These reports are almost always sent
via email to $<$$>$.

Our first order of business, upon receiving such a report, is to seek
independent confirmation. When possible, we get a copy of the software
product. For example, if it is an offering that is downloadable from a
Web site, we download it and investigate ourselves. When it is not
possible for us to actually get a copy of the software, we ask the
reporter to go through the same process we would use in examining the

By rough estimation, about 95\% of violations at this stage can be
confirmed by simple commands. Almost all violators have merely made an
error and have no nefarious intentions. They have made no attempt to
remove our copyright notices from the software. Thus, given the
third-party binary, {\tt tpb}, usually, a simple command (on a GNU/Linux
system) such as the following will find a Free Software copyright notice
and GPL reference:
{\tt strings tpb | grep Copyright}
In other words, it is usually more than trivial to confirm that GPL'd
software is included.

Once we have confirmed that a violation has indeed occurred, we must then
determine whose copyright has been violated. Contrary to popular belief,
FSF does not have the power to enforce the GPL in all cases. Since the GPL
operates under copyright law, the powers of enforcement --- to seek
redress once \S 4 has been invoked --- lie with the copyright holder of
the software. FSF is one of the largest copyright holders in the world of
GPL'd software, but we are by no means the only one. Thus, we sometimes
discover that while GPL'd code is present in the software, there is no
software copyrighted by FSF present.

In cases where FSF does not hold copyright interest in the software, but
we have confirmed a violation, we contact the copyright holders of the
software, and encourage them to enforce the GPL\@. We offer our good offices
to help negotiate compliance on their behalf, and many times, we help as a
third party to settle such GPL violations. However, what we will describe
primarily in this course is FSF's first-hand experience enforcing its own
copyrights and the GPL\@.

\section{First Contact}

The Free Software community is built on a structure of voluntary
cooperation and mutual help. Our community has learned that cooperation
works best when you assume the best of others, and only change policy,
procedures and attitudes when some specific event or occurrence indicates
that a change is necessary. We treat the process of GPL enforcement in
the same way. Our goal is to encourage violators to join the cooperative
community of software sharing, so we want to open our hand in friendship.

Therefore, once we have confirmed a violation, our first assumption is
that the violation is an oversight or otherwise a mistake due to confusion
about the terms of the license. We reach out to the violator and ask them
to work with us in a collaborative way to bring the product into
compliance. We have received the gamut of possible reactions to such
requests, and in this course, we examine four specific examples of such
compliance work.

% FIXME: make this section properly TeX-formatted
\chapter{ThinkPenguin Wireless Router: Excellent CCS}

Too often, case studies examine failure and mistakes.  Indeed, most of the
chapters that follow herein will consider the myriad difficulties discovered
in community-oriented GPL enforcement for the last two decades.  However, to
begin, this is a case study in how copyleft compliance can indeed be done correctly.

This example is, in fact, more than ten years in the making.  Since almost
the inception of for-profit corporate adoption of Free Software, companies
have requested a clear example of a model citizen to emulate.  Sadly, while
community-oriented enforcers have vetted uncounted thousands of ``Complete,
Corresponding Source'' (CCS) candidates from hundreds of companies, this
particular CCS release described herein is the first ever declared a ``pristine

% FIXME (above): link to a further discussion of CCS in the compliance guide
% when a good spot exists, then (below) link to a ``CCS iteration''
% discussion in compliance-guide.tex when one exists.  (the ``iteration
% process'' is discussed in~\ref{} of this guide)

Of course, most CCS examined for the last decade has (eventually) complied
with the GPL, perhaps after many iterations of review by the enforcer.
However, in the experience of the two primary community-oriented enforcers
(Conservancy and the FSF), such CCS results routinely 
``barely comply with GPL's requirements''.  To use an academic analogy:
while a ``C'' is certainly a passing grade, any instructor prefers to
disseminate to the class an exemplar sample that earned an ``A''.

Fortunately, thanks in large part to the FSF's
``Respects Your Freedom'' (RYF) certification campaign\footnote{\href{}{RYF is
    a campaign by FSF to certify products that truly meet the principles of
    software freedom}.  Products must meet
    standards for RYF certification}, and among them is a pristine example of
  CCS\@.}, a few electronics products on the market meet
a higher standard of copyleft compliance.  As such, for the first
time in the history of copyleft, CCS experts have pristine examples to study
and present as exemplars worthy of emulation.

This case study therefore examines the entire life-cycle of a GPL compliance
investigation: from product purchase, to source request, to CCS review, and concluding
in a final compliance determination.
Specifically, this chapter discusses the purchase, CCS provision, and a
step-by-step build and installation analysis of a specific, physical,
embedded electronics product:
  ``TPE-NWIFIROUTER'' wireless router by ThinkPenguin}.\footnote{The FSF of
  course performed a thorough CCS check as part of its certification process.
  The analysis discussed herein was independently performed by Software
  Freedom Conservancy without reviewing the FSF's findings.  Thus, this
  analysis is ``true to form'', and explains the typical procedures Conservancy
  uses when investigating a potential GPL violation.  In this case, obviously, no
  violation was uncovered.}

\section{Consumer Purchase and Unboxing}

Show inline comments
% gpl-lgpl.tex                                                  -*- LaTeX -*-
%      Tutorial Text for the Detailed Study and Analysis of GPL and LGPL course

% License: CC-By-SA-4.0

% The copyright holders hereby grant the freedom to copy, modify, convey,
% Adapt, and/or redistribute this work under the terms of the Creative
% Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International License.

% This text is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

% You should have received a copy of the license with this document in
% a file called 'CC-By-SA-4.0.txt'.  If not, please visit
% to receive
% the license text.

% FIXME-LATER: I should make a macro like the Texinfo @xref stuff for places
%      where I'm saying ``see section X in this tutorial'', so that the extra
%      verbiage isn't there in the HTML versions that I'll eventually do.
%      Maybe something like that already exists?  In the worst case, I could
%      adapt @xref from texinfo.texi for it.


\part{Detailed Analysis of the GNU GPL and Related Licenses}

{\parindent 0in
\tutorialpartsplit{``Detailed Analysis of the GNU GPL and Related Licenses''}{This part} is: \\
Copyright \= \copyright{} 2003--2007, 2014 \hspace{.1mm} \=  \kill
Copyright \> \copyright{} 2014 \> Bradley M. Kuhn \\
Copyright \> \copyright{} 2014 \>  Anthony K. Sebro, Jr. \\
Copyright \> \copyright{} 2003--2007, 2014 \>  Free Software Foundation, Inc. \\
Copyright \> \copyright{} 2014 \>  Software Freedom Law Center.




The copyright holders of \tutorialpartsplit{``Detailed Analysis of the GNU GPL and Related Licenses''}{this part} hereby grant the freedom to copy, modify,
convey, Adapt, and/or redistribute this work under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International License.  A copy of that
license is available at


This part includes material from many sources, including some material from the following
CC-By-SA-licensed published works: \\

\item \textit{Detailed Analysis of the GNU GPL and Related Licenses}, written by
Bradley M. Kuhn, Daniel B.~Ravicher, and John Sullivan and published by the Free Software Foundation for its CLE courses on 2004-01-20,
2004-08-24, and 2014-03-24.
\item \hrefnofollow{}{\textit{GPLv3 First Discussion Draft Rationale}}, written and published by the Free
  Software Foundation on 2006-01-16.
\item \hrefnofollow{}{\textit{GPLv3 Second Discussion Draft Rationale}}, written and published by the Free
  Software Foundation circa 2006-07.
\item \hrefnofollow{}{\textit{GPLv3 Third Discussion Draft Rationale}}, written and published by the Free
  Software Foundation on   2007-03-28.
\item \hrefnofollow{}{\textit{GPLv3  Discussion Draft 3 FAQ}}, written and published by the Free1 Software Foundation on   2007-03-28.
\item \hrefnofollow{}{\textit{GPLv3 Final Discussion Draft Rationale}} written and published by the Free
  Software Foundation onon 2007-05-31.
\item \hrefnofollow{}{\textit{GPLv3 Final Rationale}}, written and published by the Free
  Software Foundation on 2007-06-29.

However, this work is primarily composed of the many contributions it
This work is primarily composed of the many contributions it
receives as a public, collaborative project.  Please
  its Git logs} for full documentation of all contributions.

\tutorialpartsplit{This tutorial}{This part of the tutorial} gives a
comprehensive explanation of the most popular Free Software copyright
license, the GNU General Public License (``GNU GPL'', or sometimes just
``GPL'') -- both version 2 (``GPLv2'') and version 3 (``GPLv3'') -- and
teaches lawyers, software developers, managers and businesspeople how to use
the GPL (and GPL'd software) successfully both as a community-building
``Constitution'' for a software project, and to incorporate copylefted
software into a new Free Software business and in existing, successful

To benefit from this part of the tutorial, readers should
have a general familiarity with software development processes.  A basic
understanding of how copyright law applies to software is also helpful.  The
tutorial is of most interest to lawyers, software developers and managers who
run or advise software businesses that modify and/or redistribute software
under the terms of the GNU GPL (or who wish to do so in the future), and those
who wish to make use of existing GPL'd software in their enterprise.

Upon completion of this part of the tutorial, readers can expect
to have learned the following:


  \item The freedom-defending purpose of various terms in the GNU GPLv2 and GPLv3.

  \item The differences between GPLv2 and GPLv3.

  \item The redistribution options under the GPLv2 and GPLv3.

  \item The obligations when modifying GPLv2'd or GPLv3'd software.

  \item How to build a plan for proper and successful compliance with the GPL.

  \item The business advantages that the GPL provides.

  \item The most common business models used in conjunction with the GPL.

  \item How existing GPL'd software can be used in existing enterprises.

  \item The basics of LGPLv2.1 and LGPLv3, and how they
    differ from the GPLv2 and GPLv3, respectively.

  \item The basics to begin understanding the complexities regarding
    derivative and combined works of software.


\chapter{What Is Software Freedom?}

Study of the GNU General Public License (herein, abbreviated as \defn{GNU
  GPL} or just \defn{GPL}) must begin by first considering the broader world
of software freedom. The GPL was not created in a vacuum. Rather, it was
created to embody and defend a set of principles that were set forth at the
founding of the GNU Project and the Free Software Foundation (FSF) -- the
preeminent organization that upholds, defends and promotes the philosophy of software
freedom. A prerequisite for understanding both of the popular versions
of the GPL
(GPLv2 and GPLv3) and their terms and conditions is a basic understanding of
the principles behind them.  The GPL family of licenses are unlike nearly all
other software licenses in that they are designed to defend and uphold these

\section{The Free Software Definition}
\label{Free Software Definition}

The Free Software Definition is set forth in full on FSF's website at
\verb0 \verb0philosophy/free-sw.html0. This section presents
an abbreviated version that will focus on the parts that are most pertinent
to the GPL\@.

A particular user has software freedom with respect to a particular program if that
user has the following freedoms:



\item The freedom to run the program, for any purpose.

\item The freedom to study how the program works, and modify it

\item The freedom to redistribute copies.

\item The freedom to distribute copies of  modified versions to others.


The focus on ``a particular user'' is particularly pertinent here.  It is not
uncommon for a subset of a specific program's user base to have these freedoms, while other
users of the same version the program have none or only some of these freedoms.
Section~\ref{Proprietary Relicensing} talks in detail about how
this can unfortunately happen even if a program is released under the GPL\@.

Many people refer to software with these freedoms as ``Open Source.''
Besides having a different political focus from those who call such software
by the name ``Free
Software'',\footnote{The political differences between the Free Software
  Movement and the Open Source Movement are documented on FSF's Web site at
 those who call the software ``Open Source'' are often focused on a side
issue.  Specifically, user access to the source code of a program is a
prerequisite to make use of the freedom to modify.  However, the important
issue is what freedoms are granted in the license that applies to that source code.

Software freedom is only complete when no restrictions are imposed on how
these freedoms are exercised.  Specifically, users and programmers can
exercise these freedoms noncommercially or commercially.  Licenses that grant
these freedoms for noncommercial activities but prohibit them for commercial
activities are considered non-free.  The Open Source Initiative
(\defn{OSI}) (the arbiter of what is considered ``Open Source'') also regards
such licenses as inconsistent with its ``Open Source Definition''.

In general, software for which any of these freedoms are restricted in any
way is called ``nonfree'' software.  Some use the term ``proprietary
software'' more or less interchangeably with ``nonfree software''.  The FSF
published a useful
\href{}{explanation of various
  types of software and how they relate to one another}.

Keep in mind that none of the terms ``software freedom'', ``open source''
and ``free software'' are known to be trademarked or otherwise legally
restricted by any organization in
any jurisdiction.  As such, it's quite common that these terms are abused and
misused by parties who wish to bank on the popularity of software freedom.
When one considers using, modifying or redistributing a software package that
purports to be Open Source or Free Software, one \textbf{must} verify that
the license grants software freedom.

Furthermore, throughout this text, we generally prefer the term ``software
freedom'', as this is the least ambiguous term available to describe software
that meets the Free Software Definition.  For example, it is well known and
often discussed that the adjective ``free'' has two unrelated meanings in
English: ``free as in freedom'' and ``free as in price''.  Meanwhile, the
term ``open source'' is even more confusing, because it appears to refer only to the
``freedom to study'', which is merely a subset of one of the four freedoms.

The remainder of this section considers each of each component of software
freedom in detail.

\subsection{The Freedom to Run}

The first tenet of software freedom is the user's fully unfettered right to
run the program.  The software's license must permit any conceivable use of
the software.  Perhaps, for example, the user has discovered an innovative
use for a particular program, one that the programmer never could have
predicted.  Such a use must not be restricted.

It was once rare that this freedom was restricted by even proprietary
software; but such is quite common today. Most End User License Agreements
(EULAs) that cover most proprietary software typically restrict some types of
uses.  Such restrictions of any kind are an unacceptable restriction on
software freedom.

\subsection{The Freedom to Change and Modify}

Perhaps the most useful right of software freedom is the users' right to
change, modify and adapt the software to suit their needs.  Access to the
source code and related build and installation scripts are an essential part
of this freedom.  Without the source code, and the ability to build and
install the binary applications from that source, users cannot effectively
exercise this freedom.

Programmers directly benefit from this freedom.  However, this freedom
remains important to users who are not programmers.  While it may seem
counterintuitive at first, non-programmer users often exercise this freedom
indirectly in both commercial and noncommercial settings.  For example, users
often seek noncommercial help with the software on email lists and in user
groups.  To make use of such help they must either have the freedom to
recruit programmers who might altruistically assist them to modify their
software, or to at least follow rote instructions to make basic modifications

More commonly, users also exercise this freedom commercially.  Each user, or
group of users, may hire anyone they wish in a competitive free market to
modify and change the software.  This means that companies have a right to
hire anyone they wish to modify their Free Software.  Additionally, such
companies may contract with other companies to commission software

\subsection{The Freedom to Copy and Share}

Users share Free Software in a variety of ways. Software freedom advocates
work to eliminate a fundamental ethical dilemma of the software age: choosing
between obeying a software license and friendship (by giving away a copy of a
program to your friend who likes the software you are using). Licenses that
respect software freedom, therefore, permit altruistic sharing of software
among friends.

The commercial environment also benefits from this freedom.  Commercial sharing
includes selling copies of Free Software: that is, Free Software can
be distributed for any monetary
price to anyone.  Those who redistribute Free Software commercially also have
the freedom to selectively distribute (i.e., you can pick your customers) and
to set prices at any level that redistributor sees fit.

Of course, most people get copies of Free Software very cheaply (and
sometimes without charge).  The competitive free market of Free Software
tends to keep prices low and reasonable.  However, if someone is willing to
pay billions of dollars for one copy of the GNU Compiler Collection, such a
sale is completely permitted.

Another common instance of commercial sharing is service-oriented
distribution.  For example, some distribution vendors provide immediate
security and upgrade distribution via a special network service.  Such
distribution is not necessarily contradictory with software freedom.

(Section~\ref{Business Models} of this tutorial talks in detail about some
common Free Software business models that take advantage of the freedom to
share commercially.)

\subsection{The Freedom to Share Improvements}

The freedom to modify and improve is somewhat empty without the freedom to
share those improvements.  The software freedom community is built on the
pillar of altruistic sharing of improved Free Software. Historically
it was typical for a
Free Software project to sprout a mailing list where improvements
would be shared
freely among members of the development community.\footnote{This is still
commonly the case, though today there are additional ways of
sharing Free Software.}  Such noncommercial
sharing is the primary reason that Free Software thrives.

Commercial sharing of modified Free Software is equally important.
For commercial support to exist in a competitive free market, all
developers -- from single-person contractors to large software
companies -- must have the freedom to market their services as
augmenters of Free Software.  All forms of such service marketing must
be equally available to all.

For example, selling support services for Free Software is fully
permitted. Companies and individuals can offer themselves as ``the place
to call'' when software fails or does not function properly.  For such a
service to be meaningful, the entity offering that service needs the
right to modify and improve the software for the customer to correct any
problems that are beyond mere user error.

Software freedom licenses also permit any entity to distribute modified
versions of Free Software.  Most Free Software programs have a ``standard
version'' that is made available from the primary developers of the software.
However, all who have the software have the ``freedom to fork'' -- that is,
make available nontrivial modified versions of the software on a permanent or
semi-permanent basis.  Such freedom is central to vibrant developer and user

Show inline comments
% license-texts.tex                                                  -*- LaTeX -*-
%      Tutorial Text for the Detailed Study and Analysis of GPL and LGPL course
% Copyright (C) 1989, 1991, 1999, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

\part{Full Texts of the GNU GPL and Related Licenses}

In this appendix, we include a full copy of GPLv2, GPLv3, LGPLv2.1,
LGPLv3, and AGPLv3.  These are the most commonly used licenses in the GPL
family of licenses.
The remaining appendices include a full copy of GPLv2, GPLv3,
LGPLv2.1, LGPLv3, and AGPLv3.  These are the most commonly used licenses in
the GPL family of licenses.

\chapter{The GNU General Public License, version 2}
{\parindent 0in

Version 2, June 1991

Copyright \copyright\ 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.


59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA


Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.

{\bf\large Preamble}


The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom
to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is
intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change Free
Software---to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.

When we speak of Free Software, we are referring to freedom, not price.
Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the
freedom to distribute copies of Free Software (and charge for this service
if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it,
that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new Free programs;
and that you know you can do these things.

To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to
deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. These
restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.

For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or
for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that you have. You
must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And
you must show them these terms so they know their rights.

We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and (2)
offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.

Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain that
everyone understands that there is no warranty for this Free Software. If
the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we want its
recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so that any
problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original authors'

Finally, any Free program is threatened constantly by software patents.
We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a Free program will
individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the program
proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any patent must
be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.

The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.

{\Large \sc Terms and Conditions For Copying, Distribution and




This License applies to any program or other work which contains a notice
placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed under the
terms of this General Public License. The ``Program,'' below, refers to
any such program or work, and a ``work based on the Program'' means either
the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a
work containing the Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with
modifications and/or translated into another language. (Hereinafter,
translation is included without limitation in the term ``modification.'')
Each licensee is addressed as ``you.''

Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.

\item You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source
  code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously
  and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice
  and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to
  this License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any other
  recipients of the Program a copy of this License along with the Program.

You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you
may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.


You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:



You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that
you changed the files and the date of any change.


You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.

If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)



These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.

Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.

In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.


You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:



Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,


Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,


Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)



The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.

If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.

You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.

You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.

Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.

If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
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% attributions.tex                                                  -*- LaTeX -*-
%    Part containing all attributions in one place. 
% Copyright (C) 2014, Bradley M. Kuhn

\chapter{Citations of Incorporated Material from Other Published Works}

As a public, collaborative project, this Guide is primarily composed of the
many contributions received via its
  contribution process}.  Please
\href{}{review its
  Git logs} for full documentation of all contributions.
Below is a list of CC-By-SA-licensed works, with specific titles and
publication dates, from which any material was incorporated into this Guide.
The specific methods and details of incorporation are fully
documented in the
\href{}{Git logs}
of the project.
\item \textit{Detailed Analysis of the GNU GPL and Related Licenses}, written by
Bradley M. Kuhn, Daniel B.~Ravicher, and John Sullivan and published by the Free Software Foundation for its CLE courses on 2004-01-20,
2004-08-24, and 2014-03-24.
\item \hrefnofollow{}{\textit{GPLv3 First Discussion Draft Rationale}}, written and published by the Free
  Software Foundation on 2006-01-16.
\item \hrefnofollow{}{\textit{GPLv3 Second Discussion Draft Rationale}}, written and published by the Free
  Software Foundation circa 2006-07.
\item \hrefnofollow{}{\textit{GPLv3 Third Discussion Draft Rationale}}, written and published by the Free
  Software Foundation on   2007-03-28.
\item \hrefnofollow{}{\textit{GPLv3  Discussion Draft 3 FAQ}}, written and published by the Free1 Software Foundation on   2007-03-28.
\item \hrefnofollow{}{\textit{GPLv3 Final Discussion Draft Rationale}} written and published by the Free
  Software Foundation onon 2007-05-31.
\item \hrefnofollow{}{\textit{GPLv3 Final Rationale}}, written and published by the Free
  Software Foundation on 2007-06-29.
\item \hrefnofollow{}{\textit{A Practical Guide GPL Compliance}} written by Bradley M. Kuhn, Aaron
Williamson and Karen Sandler and first published on 2008-08-20.
\item \hrefnofollow{}{\textit{Software Freedom Law Center Guide to GPL Compliance, 2nd
  Edition}} by Eben Moglen and Mishi Choudhary and first published on 2014-10-31.
\item \textit{Enforcement Case Studies}, written by Bradley M. Kuhn and published by the Free
  Software Foundation for its CLE courses  on 2004-01-20, 2004-08-24, and 2014-03-24.

Please note, however, that this list above does not include nor adequately
represent the substantial contributions from those who directly
contributed to this Guide using its Git (and formerly, CVS) repository.
Rather, this is a list of third-party published works from which any text was
herein included under their CC-By-SA licensing.  Thus, as the reader might
expect, the
  control logs} contain the only true and accurate view available of who has
contributed which portions of this project.
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