Changeset - cd25fdd2c919
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 9 years ago 2014-12-21 00:34:05
Document work-around for 'next' branch rebases.

Upstream in the tutorial repository, the next branch is
sometimes rebased against the master branch. (For example, this occurs
when there have been quick fixes done on 'master' while new drafting
occurs on 'next'.)

This procedure, while convoluted, is the best way I've found to
compensate for this problem. Hosting sites like Gitorious really aren't
designed for rebased branches.
1 file changed with 18 insertions and 5 deletions:
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@@ -116,35 +116,48 @@ First-time contributors may want to do the following four items first:
   repository, and make a branch that tracks the official version:

        $ git remote add copyleft-tutorial-official
        $ git fetch copyleft-tutorial-official
        $ git branch --track official-next copyleft-tutorial-official/next

That completes the first-time setup.  Next is a workflow each proposed merge

0. First, ensure the Git repository points at the right branch and all old
   changes are committed.

        $ git checkout official-next
        $ git pull copyleft-tutorial-official
        $ git status

   The output of the last command should look like this:

        # On branch official-next
        # On branch SOME_BRANCH
        nothing to commit (working directory clean)

   If you don't get that output, you probably have uncommitted changes, which
   is beyond the scope of this tutorial.
   If you don't get that output, you probably have uncommitted changes from
   some other situation, which is beyond the scope of this document.

1. Now, get the most recent version of the 'next' branch:

        $ git checkout master
        $ git branch -D official-next
        $ git fetch copyleft-tutorial-official
        $ git branch --track official-next copyleft-tutorial-official/next
        $ git checkout official-next
        $ git pull

   (This step is more complicated than is typically found in a tutorial like
   this.  Experienced Git users will note the above is the easiest way to
   handle the fact that the 'next' branch is occasionally rebased against
   master.  If 'next' branch has not been rebased since the last time the
   operation was performed, the last two commands suffice for this step.)

1. Next, create a new branch to hold your changes:

        $ git checkout -b my-new-idea-for-tutorial official-next

   Use a name that briefly describes your planned proposal for

2. Make your edits.  If you're editing the tutorial, you likely want to focus
   on the files ending in '.tex'.  Commit frequently while you're editing

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