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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2014-12-20 00:09:01
Clarify sentence.

Make this sentence a bit clearer.
3 files changed with 3 insertions and 3 deletions:
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% compliance-guide.tex                            -*- LaTeX -*-

\part{A Practical Guide to GPL Compliance}

{\parindent 0in
This part is: \\
Copyright \= \copyright{} 2008, 2014 \= \hspace{.2in} Bradley M. Kuhn. \\
Copyright \= \copyright{} 2014 \> \hspace{.2in} Free Software Foundation, Inc. \\
Copyright \> \copyright{} 2008, 2014 \> \hspace{.2in} Software Freedom Law Center. \\


The copyright holders of this part hereby grant the freedom to copy, modify,
convey, Adapt, and/or redistribute this work under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International License.  A copy of that
license is available at


This part includes material from many sources, including the following
This part includes material from many sources, including some material from the following
CC-By-SA-licensed published works: \\

\item \hrefnofollow{}{\textit{The Practical Guide GPL Compliance}}, by Bradley M. Kuhn, Aaron
Williamson and Karen Sandler, first published on 2008-08-20. \\
\item \hrefnofollow{}{\textit{Software Freedom Law Center Guide to GPL Compliance, 2nd
  Edition}} by Eben Moglen and Mishi Choudhary, first published on 2014-10-31. \\

However, this work is primarily composed of the many contributions it
receives as a public, collaborative project.  Please
  its Git logs} for full documentation of all contributions.



\chapter*{Executive Summary}

This is a guide to effective compliance with the GNU General Public
License (GPL) and related licenses.  Copyleft advocates
usually seek to assist the community with
GPL compliance cooperatively.   This guide focuses on complying from the
start, so that readers can learn to avoid enforcement actions entirely, or, at
least, minimize  the negative impact when enforcement actions occur.
This guide  introduces and explains basic legal concepts related to the GPL and its
enforcement by copyright holders. It also outlines business practices and
methods that lead to better GPL compliance.  Finally, it recommends proper
post-violation responses to the concerns of copyright holders.


Copyright law grants exclusive rights to authors.  Authors who chose copyleft
seek to protect the freedom of users and developers to copy, share, modify
and redistribute the software.  However, copyleft is ultimately implemented
through copyright, and the GPL is primarily and by default a copyright
license.  (See \S~\ref{explaining-copyright} for more about the interaction
between copyright and copyleft.)  Copyright law grants an unnatural exclusive
control to copyright holders regarding copyright-controlled permissions
related to the work.  Therefore, copyright holders (or their agents) are the
ultimately the sole authorities to enforce copyleft and protect the rights of
users.  Actions for copyright infringement are the ultimate legal mechanism
for enforcement.  Therefore, copyright holders, or collaborative groups of
copyright holders, have historically been the actors in GPL enforcement.

The earliest of these efforts began soon after the GPL was written by
Richard M.~Stallman (RMS) in 1989, and consisted of informal community efforts,
often in public Usenet discussions.\footnote{One example is the public
  outcry over NeXT's attempt to make the Objective-C front-end to GCC
  proprietary.  RMS, in fact, handled this enforcement action personally and
  the Objective-C front-end is still part of upstream GCC today.}  Over the next decade, the Free Software Foundation (FSF),
which holds copyrights in many GNU programs, was the only visible entity
actively enforcing its GPL'd copyrights on behalf of the software freedom
FSF's enforcement
was generally a private process; the FSF contacted violators
confidentially and helped them to comply with the license.  Most
violations were pursued this way until the early 2000's.

By that time, Linux-based systems such as GNU/Linux and BusyBox/Linux had become very common, particularly in
embedded devices such as wireless routers.  During this period, public
ridicule of violators in the press and on Internet fora supplemented
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%      Tutorial Text for the Detailed Study and Analysis of GPL and LGPL course

% License: CC-By-SA-4.0

% The copyright holders hereby grant the freedom to copy, modify, convey,
% Adapt, and/or redistribute this work under the terms of the Creative
% Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International License.

% This text is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

% You should have received a copy of the license with this document in
% a file called 'CC-By-SA-4.0.txt'.  If not, please visit
% to receive
% the license text.


\part{Case Studies in GPL Enforcement}

{\parindent 0in
This part is: \\
Copyright \= \copyright{} 2003, 2004, 2014 \hspace{1mm} \= \hspace{} \=  \kill
Copyright \> \copyright{} 2014 \>  Bradley M. Kuhn. \\
Copyright \> \copyright{} 2014 \>  Denver Gingerich \\
Copyright \> \copyright{} 2003, 2004, 2014 \> Free Software Foundation, Inc. \\



The copyright holders hereby grant the freedom to copy, modify, convey,
Adapt, and/or redistribute this work under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International License.  A copy of that license is
available at \url{}.


This part includes material from many sources, including the following
This part includes material from many sources, including some material from the following
CC-By-SA-licensed published works: \\

\item \textit{Enforcement Case Studies}, written by Bradley M. Kuhn and published by the Free
  Software Foundation for its CLE courses  on 2004-01-20, 2004-08-24, and 2014-03-24.

However, this work is primarily composed of the many contributions it
receives as a public, collaborative project.  Please
  its Git logs} for full documentation of all contributions.


% =====================================================================
% =====================================================================


This one-day course presents the details of five different GPL
compliance cases handled by FSF's GPL Compliance Laboratory. Each case
offers unique insights into problems that can arise when the terms of
the GPL are not properly followed, and how diplomatic negotiation between
the violator and the copyright holder can yield positive results for
both parties.

Attendees should have successfully completely the course, a ``Detailed
Study and Analysis of the GPL and LGPL,'' as the material from that
course forms the building blocks for this material.

This course is of most interest to lawyers who have clients or
employers that deal with Free Software on a regular basis. However,
technical managers and executives whose businesses use or distribute
Free Software will also find the course very helpful.


These course materials are merely a summary of the highlights of the
course presented. Please be aware that during the actual GPL course, class
discussion supplements this printed curriculum. Simply reading it is
not equivalent to attending the course.

%FIXME-LATER: write these

%\chapter{Not All GPL Enforcement is Created Equal}

%\section{For-Profit Enforcement}

%\section{Community and Non-Profit Enforcement}

\chapter{Overview of Community Enforcement}

The GPL is a Free Software license with legal teeth. Unlike licenses like
the X11-style or various BSD licenses, the GPL (and by extension, the LGPL) is
designed to defend as well as grant freedom. We saw in the last course
that the GPL uses copyright law as a mechanism to grant all the key freedoms
essential in Free Software, but also to ensure that those freedoms
propagate throughout the distribution chain of the software.

\section{Termination Begins Enforcement}

As we have learned, the assurance that Free Software under the GPL remains
Free Software is accomplished through various terms of the GPL: \S 3 ensures
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% gpl-lgpl.tex                                                  -*- LaTeX -*-
%      Tutorial Text for the Detailed Study and Analysis of GPL and LGPL course

% License: CC-By-SA-4.0

% The copyright holders hereby grant the freedom to copy, modify, convey,
% Adapt, and/or redistribute this work under the terms of the Creative
% Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International License.

% This text is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

% You should have received a copy of the license with this document in
% a file called 'CC-By-SA-4.0.txt'.  If not, please visit
% to receive
% the license text.

% FIXME-LATER: I should make a macro like the Texinfo @xref stuff for places
%      where I'm saying ``see section X in this tutorial'', so that the extra
%      verbiage isn't there in the HTML versions that I'll eventually do.
%      Maybe something like that already exists?  In the worst case, I could
%      adapt @xref from texinfo.texi for it.


\part{Detailed Analysis of the GNU GPL and Related Licenses}

{\parindent 0in
\tutorialpartsplit{``Detailed Analysis of the GNU GPL and Related Licenses''}{This part} is: \\
Copyright \= \copyright{} 2003--2007, 2014 \hspace{.1mm} \=  \kill
Copyright \> \copyright{} 2014 \> Bradley M. Kuhn \\
Copyright \> \copyright{} 2014 \>  Anthony K. Sebro, Jr. \\
Copyright \> \copyright{} 2003--2007, 2014 \>  Free Software Foundation, Inc. \\
Copyright \> \copyright{} 2014 \>  Software Freedom Law Center.




The copyright holders of \tutorialpartsplit{``Detailed Analysis of the GNU GPL and Related Licenses''}{this part} hereby grant the freedom to copy, modify,
convey, Adapt, and/or redistribute this work under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International License.  A copy of that
license is available at


This part includes material from many sources, including the following
This part includes material from many sources, including some material from the following
CC-By-SA-licensed published works: \\

\item \textit{Detailed Analysis of the GNU GPL and Related Licenses}, written by
Bradley M. Kuhn, Daniel B.~Ravicher, and John Sullivan and published by the Free Software Foundation for its CLE courses on 2004-01-20,
2004-08-24, and 2014-03-24.
\item \hrefnofollow{}{\textit{GPLv3 First Discussion Draft Rationale}}, written and published by the Free
  Software Foundation on 2006-01-16.
\item \hrefnofollow{}{\textit{GPLv3 Second Discussion Draft Rationale}}, written and published by the Free
  Software Foundation circa 2006-07.
\item \hrefnofollow{}{\textit{GPLv3 Third Discussion Draft Rationale}}, written and published by the Free
  Software Foundation on   2007-03-28.
\item \hrefnofollow{}{\textit{GPLv3  Discussion Draft 3 FAQ}}, written and published by the Free1 Software Foundation on   2007-03-28.
\item \hrefnofollow{}{\textit{GPLv3 Final Discussion Draft Rationale}} written and published by the Free
  Software Foundation onon 2007-05-31.
\item \hrefnofollow{}{\textit{GPLv3 Final Rationale}}, written and published by the Free
  Software Foundation on 2007-06-29.

However, this work is primarily composed of the many contributions it
receives as a public, collaborative project.  Please
  its Git logs} for full documentation of all contributions.

\tutorialpartsplit{This tutorial}{This part of the tutorial} gives a
comprehensive explanation of the most popular Free Software copyright
license, the GNU General Public License (``GNU GPL'', or sometimes just
``GPL'') -- both version 2 (``GPLv2'') and version 3 (``GPLv3'') -- and
teaches lawyers, software developers, managers and business people how to use
the GPL (and GPL'd software) successfully both as a community-building
``Constitution'' for a software project, and to incorporate copylefted
software into a new Free Software business and in existing, successful

To benefit from this part of the tutorial, readers should
have a general familiarity with software development processes.  A basic
understanding of how copyright law applies to software is also helpful.  The
tutorial is of most interest to lawyers, software developers and managers who
run or advise software businesses that modify and/or redistribute software
under the terms of the GNU GPL (or who wish to do so in the future), and those
who wish to make use of existing GPL'd software in their enterprise.

Upon completion of this part of the tutorial, readers can expect
to have learned the following:


  \item The freedom-defending purpose of various terms in the GNU GPLv2 and GPLv3.

  \item The differences between GPLv2 and GPLv3.

  \item The redistribution options under the GPLv2 and GPLv3.

  \item The obligations when modifying GPLv2'd or GPLv3'd software.

  \item How to build a plan for proper and successful compliance with the GPL.

  \item The business advantages that the GPL provides.

  \item The most common business models used in conjunction with the GPL.

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