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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2014-03-19 17:07:11
Merge commit 'refs/merge-requests/3' of
into gitorious-merge-requests/003

Fontana told me on IRC just now:
I hereby release them under CC0. I will assign to FSF if desired.

We briefly discussed whether Red Hat (Fontana's employer) might hold
copyright, and Fontana said:
Red Hat is hereby CC0ing it
1 file changed with 31 insertions and 22 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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@@ -19,444 +19,453 @@
% to receive
% the license text.


\part{Detailed Analysis of the GNU GPL and Related Licenses}


{\parindent 0in
\tutorialpartsplit{``Detailed Analysis of the GNU GPL and Related Licenses''}{This part} is: \\
Copyright \= \copyright{} 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 \= \hspace{.2in} Free Software Foundation, Inc. \\
Copyright \= \copyright{} 2014 \= \hspace{.2in} Bradley M. Kuhn \\
Copyright \= \copyright{} 2014 \= \hspace{.2in} Anthony K. Sebro, Jr. \\

Authors of \tutorialpartsplit{``Detailed Analysis of the GNU GPL and Related Licenses''}{this part} are: \\

Free Software Foundation, Inc. \\
Bradley M. Kuhn \\
David ``Novalis'' Turner \\
Daniel B. Ravicher \\
Tony Sebro \\
John Sullivan


The copyright holders of \tutorialpartsplit{``Detailed Analysis of the GNU GPL and Related Licenses''}{this part} hereby grant the freedom to copy, modify,
convey, Adapt, and/or redistribute this work under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International License.  A copy of that
license is available at
\verb=  }




\tutorialpartsplit{This tutorial}{This part of the tutorial} gives a
comprehensive explanation of the most popular Free Software copyright
license, the GNU General Public License (``GNU GPL'', or sometimes just
``GPL'') -- both version 2 (``GPLv2'') and version 3 (``GPLv3'') -- and
teaches lawyers, software developers, managers and business people how to use
the GPL (and GPL'd software) successfully both as a community-building
``Constitution'' for a software project, and to incorporate copylefted
software into a new Free Software business and in existing, successful

To successfully benefit of from this part of the tutorial, readers should
have a general familiarity with software development processes.  A basic
understanding of how copyright law applies to software is also helpful.  The
tutorial is of most interest to lawyers, software developers and managers who
run or advise software businesses that modify and/or redistribute software
under the terms of the GNU GPL (or who wish to do so in the future), and those
who wish to make use of existing GPL'd software in their enterprise.

Upon completion of this part of the tutorial, successful readers can expect
to have learned the following:


  \item The freedom-defending purpose of various terms in the GNU GPLv2 and GPLv3.

  \item The differences between GPLv2 and GPLv3.

  \item The redistribution options under the GPLv2 and GPLv3.

  \item The obligations when modifying GPLv2'd or GPLv3'd software.

  \item How to build a plan for proper and successful compliance with the GPL.

  \item The business advantages that the GPL provides.

  \item The most common business models used in conjunction with the GPL.

  \item How existing GPL'd software can be used in existing enterprises.

  \item The basics of LGPLv2.1 and LGPLv3, and how they
    differs from the GPLv2 and GPLv3, respectively.

  \item The basics to begin understanding the complexities regarding
    derivative and combined works of software.


\chapter{What Is Software Freedom?}

Study of the GNU General Public License (herein, abbreviated as \defn{GNU
  GPL} or just \defn{GPL}) must begin by first considering the broader world
of software freedom. The GPL was not created from a void, rather, it was
of software freedom. The GPL was not created in a vacuum. Rather, it was
created to embody and defend a set of principles that were set forth at the
founding of the GNU project and the Free Software Foundation (FSF) -- the
organization that upholds, defends and promotes the philosophy of software
freedom. A prerequisite for understanding both of the popular versions of GPL
preeminent organization that upholds, defends and promotes the philosophy of software
freedom. A prerequisite for understanding both of the popular versions
of the GPL
(GPLv2 and GPLv3) and their terms and conditions is a basic understanding of
the principles behind it.  The GPL family of licenses are unlike almost all
the principles behind them.  The GPL family of licenses are unlike nearly all
other software licenses in that they are designed to defend and uphold these

\section{The Free Software Definition}
\label{Free Software Definition}

The Free Software Definition is set forth in full on FSF's website at
\verb0 \verb0philosophy/free-sw.html0. This section presents
an abbreviated version that will focus on the parts that are most pertinent
to the GPL\@.

A particular program grants software freedom to a particular user if that
user is granted the following freedoms:



\item The freedom to run the program, for any purpose.

\item The freedom to study how the program works, and modify it

\item The freedom to redistribute copies.

\item The freedom to distribute copies of  modified versions to others.


The focus on ``a particular user'' is particularly pertinent here.  It is not
uncommon for the same version of a specific program to grant these freedoms
to some subset of its user base, while others have none or only some of these
freedoms.  Section~\ref{Proprietary Relicensing} talks in detail about how
this can unfortunately happen even if a program is released under the GPL\@.

Many people refer to software that gives these freedoms as ``Open Source.''
Besides having a different political focus than those who call it Free
Software,\footnote{The political differences between the Free Software
  Movement and the Open Source Movement are documented on FSF's Web site at
those who call the software ``Open Source'' are often focused on a side
Those who call the software ``Open Source'' are often focused on a side
issue.  Specifically, user access to the source code of a program is a
prerequisite to make use of the freedom to modify.  However, the important
issue is what freedoms are granted in the license of that source code.

Software freedom is only complete when no restrictions are imposed on how
these freedoms are exercised.  Specifically, users and programmers can
exercise these freedoms noncommercially or commercially.  Licenses that grant
these freedoms for noncommercial activities but prohibit them for commercial
activities are considered non-free.  Even the Open Source Initiative
(\defn{OSI}) (the arbiter of what is considered ``Open Source'') also rules
such licenses not in fitting with their ``Open Source Definition''.
such licenses not in fitting with its ``Open Source Definition''.

In general, software for which most or all of these freedoms are
restricted in any way is called ``non-Free Software.''  Typically, the
term ``proprietary software'' is used more or less interchangeably with
``non-Free Software.''  Personally, I tend to use the term ``non-Free
Software'' to refer to noncommercial software that restricts freedom
(such as ``shareware'') and ``proprietary software'' to refer to
commercial software that restricts freedom (such as nearly all of
Microsoft's and Oracle's offerings).

Keep in mind that the none of the terms ``software freedom'', ``open source''
and ``free software'' are not known to be trademarked by any organization in
and ``free software'' are known to be trademarked or otherwise legally
restricted by any organization in
any jurisdiction.  As such, it's quite common that these terms are abused and
misused by parties who wish to bank on the popularity of software freedom.
When one considers using, modifying or redistributing a software package that
purports to be Open Source or Free Software, one \textbf{must} verify that
the license grants software freedom
the license grants software freedom.

Furthermore, throughout this text, we generally prefer the term ``software
freedom'', as this is the least ambiguous term available to describe software
that meets the Free Software Definition.  For example, it is well known and
often discussed that the adjective ``free'' has two unrelated meanings in
English: ``free as in freedom'' and ``free as in price''.  Meanwhile, the
term ``open source'' is even more confusing, because it refers only to the
term ``open source'' is even more confusing, because it appears to refer only to the
``freedom to study'', which is merely a subset of one of the four freedoms.

The remainder of this section considers each of each component of software
freedom in detail.

\subsection{The Freedom to Run}

The first tenant of software freedom is the user's fully unfettered right to
The first tenet of software freedom is the user's fully unfettered right to
run the program.  The software's license must permit any conceivable use of
the software.  Perhaps, for example, the user has discovered an innovative
use for a particular program, one that the programmer never could have
predicted.  Such a use must not be restricted.

It was once rare that this freedom was restricted by even proprietary
software; but such is quite common today. Most End User Licensing Agreements
software; but such is quite common today. Most End User License Agreements
(EULAs) that cover most proprietary software typically restrict some types of
uses.  Such restrictions of any kind are an unacceptable restriction on
software freedom.

\subsection{The Freedom to Change and Modify}

Perhaps the most useful right of software freedom is the users' right to
change, modify and adapt the software to suit their needs.  Access to the
source code and related build and installation scripts are an essential part
of this freedom.  Without the source code, and the ability to build and
install the binary applications from that source, users cannot effectively
exercise this freedom.

Programmers take direct benefit from this freedom.  However, this freedom
Programmers directly benefit from this freedom.  However, this freedom
remains important to users who are not programmers.  While it may seem
counterintuitive at first, non-programmer users often exercise this freedom
indirectly in both commercial and noncommercial settings.  For example, users
often seek noncommercial help with the software on email lists and in users
often seek noncommercial help with the software on email lists and in user
groups.  To make use of such help they must either have the freedom to
recruit programmers who might altruistically assist them to modify their
software, or to at least follow rote instructions to make basic modifications

More commonly, users also exercise this freedom commercially.  Each user, or
group of users, may hire anyone they wish in a competitive free market to
modify and change the software.  This means that companies have a right to
hire anyone they wish to modify their Free Software.  Additionally, such
companies may contract with other companies to commission software

\subsection{The Freedom to Copy and Share}

Users share Free Software in a variety of ways. Software freedom advocates
work to eliminate a fundamental ethical dilemma of the software age: choosing
between obeying a software license and friendship (by giving away a copy of a
program to your friend who likes the software you are using). Licenses that
respect software freedom, therefore, permit altruistic sharing of software
among friends.

The commercial environment also benefits of this freedom.  Commercial sharing
includes selling copies of Free Software: Free Software can be sold at any
includes selling copies of Free Software: that is, Free Software can
be distribted for any monetary
price to anyone.  Those who redistribute Free Software commercially also have
the freedom to selectively distribute (i.e., you can pick your customers) and
to set prices at any level that redistributor sees fit.

Of course, most people get copies of Free Software very cheaply (and
sometimes without charge).  The competitive free market of Free Software
tends to keep prices low and reasonable.  However, if someone is willing to
pay billions of dollars for one copy of the GNU Compiler Collection, such a
sale is completely permitted.

Another common instance of commercial sharing is service-oriented
distribution.  For example, some distribution vendors provide immediate
security and upgrade distribution via a special network service.  Such
distribution is not necessarily contradictory with software freedom.

(Section~\ref{Business Models} of this tutorial talks in detail about some
common Free Software business models that take advantage of the freedom to
share commercially.)

\subsection{The Freedom to Share Improvements}

The freedom to modify and improve is somewhat empty without the freedom to
share those improvements.  The Software freedom community is built on the
pillar of altruistic sharing of improved Free Software. Inevitably, a
Free Software project sprouts a mailing list where improvements are shared
freely among members of the development community.  Such noncommercial
pillar of altruistic sharing of improved Free Software. Historically
it was typical for a
Free Software project to sprout a mailing list where improvements
would be shared
freely among members of the development community.  This is still
commonly the case, though today there are other or additional ways of
sharing Free Software. Such noncommercial
sharing is the primary reason that Free Software thrives.

Commercial sharing of modified Free Software is equally important.
For commercial support to exist in a competitive free market, all
developers -- from single-person contractors to large software
companies -- must have the freedom to market their services as
improvers of Free Software.  All forms of such service marketing must
be equally available to all.

For example, selling support services for Free Software is fully
permitted. Companies and individuals can offer themselves as ``the place
to call'' when software fails or does not function properly.  For such a
service to be meaningful, the entity offering that service needs the
right to modify and improve the software for the customer to correct any
problems that are beyond mere user error.

Software freedom licenses also permit any entity to distribute modified
versions of Free Software.  Most Free Software programs have a ``standard
version'' that is made available from the primary developers of the software.
However, all who have the software have the ``freedom to fork'' -- that is,
make available nontrivial modified versions of the software on a permanent or
semi-permanent basis.  Such freedom is central to vibrant developer and user

Companies and individuals have the right to make true value-added versions
of Free Software.  They may use freedom to share improvements to
distribute distinct versions of Free Software with different functionality
and features.  Furthermore, this freedom can be exercised to serve a
disenfranchised subset of the user community.  If the developers of the
standard version refuse to serve the needs of some of the software's
users, other entities have the right to create a long- or short-lived fork
to serve that sub-community.

\section{How Does Software Become Free?}

The previous section set forth key freedoms and rights that are referred to
as ``software freedom''.  This section discusses the licensing mechanisms
used to enable software freedom.  These licensing mechanism were ultimately
created as a community-oriented ``answer'' to the existing proprietary
software licensing mechanisms.  Thus, first, consider carefully why
proprietary software exists in the first place.

Proprietary software exists at all only because it is governed by copyright
law.\footnote{This statement is admittedly an oversimplification. Patents and
  trade secrets can cover software and make it effectively non-Free, and one
  can contract away their rights and freedoms regarding software, or source
  code can be practically obscured in binary-only distribution without
  reliance on any legal system.  However, the primary control mechanism for
  software is copyright, and therefore this section focuses on how copyright
  restrictions make software proprietary.} Copyright law, with respect to
software, typically governs copying, modifying, and redistributing that
software (For details of this in the USA, see
\href{}{\S~106} and
\href{}{\S~117} of
\href{}{Title 17} of the
\textit{United States Code}).\footnote{Copyright law in general also governs
  ``public performance'' of copyrighted works. There is no generally agreed
  definition for public performance of software and both GPLv2 and GPLv3 do
  not govern public performance.} By law (in the USA and in most other
  not restrict public performance.} By law (in the USA and in most other
jurisdictions), the copyright holder (most typically, the author) of the work controls
how others may copy, modify and/or distribute the work. For proprietary
software, these controls are used to prohibit these activities. In addition,
proprietary software distributors further impede modification in a practical
sense by distributing only binary code and keeping the source code of the
software secret.

Copyright is not a natural state, it is a legal construction. In the USA, the
Copyright is not a natural state, it is a legal construction. In the US, the
Constitution permits, but does not require, the creation of copyright law as
federal legislation.  Software, since it is ``an original works of authorship
fixed in any tangible medium of expression ...  from which they can be
perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with the
aid of a machine or device'' (as stated in
\href{}{17 USC \S~102}), is thus
covered by the statues, and is copyrighted by default.
covered by the statute, and is copyrighted by default.

However, software, in its natural state without copyright, is Free
Software. In an imaginary world with no copyright, the rules would be
different. In this world, when you received a copy of a program's source
code, there would be no default legal system to restrict you from sharing it
with others, making modifications, or redistributing those modified
versions.\footnote{Note that this is again an oversimplification; the
  complexities with this argument are discussed in

Software in the real world is copyrighted by default and is automatically
covered by that legal system.  However, it is possible to move software out
of the domain of the copyright system.  A copyright holder can often
\defn{disclaim} their copyright.  If copyright is disclaimed, the software is
not governed by copyright law.   Software not governed by copyright is in the
\defn{disclaim} their copyright (for example, under US copyright law
it is possible for a copyright holder to engage in conduct resulting
in abandonment of copyright).  If copyright is disclaimed, the software is
effectively no longer restricted by copyright law.   Software not restricted by copyright is in the
``public domain.''

\subsection{Public Domain Software}

Theoretically, an author can create public domain software by disclaiming all
copyright interest on the work. In the USA and other countries that have
signed the Berne convention on copyright, software is copyrighted
automatically by the author when she ``fixes the software into a tangible
medium.''  In the software world, this usually means typing the source code
of the software into a file.

Imagine if authors could truly disclaim those default control of copyright
law.  If so, the software is in the public domain -- no longer covered by
copyright.  Since copyright law is the construction allowing for most
restrictions on software (i.e., prohibition of copying, modification, and
redistribution), removing the software from the copyright system usually
yields software freedom for its users.

Carefully note that software in the public domain is \emph{not} licensed
in any way. It is nonsensical to say software is ``licensed for the
public domain,'' or any phrase that implies the copyright holder gave
expressed permission to take actions governed by copyright law.

By contrast, the copyright holders instead renounced copyright controls on
the work.  The law gave the copyright holder exclusive controls over the
work, and they chose to waive those controls.  Software in the public domain
is absent copyright and absent a license. The software freedoms discussed in
Section~\ref{Free Software Definition} are all granted because there is no
legal system in play to take them away.

Admittedly, a discussion of public domain software is an oversimplified
example.  First, disclaimer of copyright is actually difficult in practice.
Because copyright controls are usually automatically granted and because, in
some jurisdictions, some copyright controls cannot be waived (See
Section~\ref{non-usa-copyright} for further discussion), many copyright
holders sometimes incorrectly believe a work has been placed in the public
domain.  Second, due to aggressive lobbying by the entertainment industry,
the ``exclusive Right'' of copyright, that was supposed to only exist for
``Limited Times'' according to the USA Constitution, appears to be infinite:
simply purchased on the installment plan rather than in whole.  Thus, we must
assume no works of software will fall into the public domain merely due to
the passage of time.

The best example of software known to be in the public domain is software
that is published exclusively produced by the USA government.  Under
\href{}{17 USC 101 \S~105}, all
works published by the USA Government are not copyrightable.

\subsection{Why Copyright Free Software?}

If simply disclaiming copyright on software yields Free Software, then it
stands to reason that putting software into the public domain is the
easiest and most straightforward way to produce Free Software. Indeed,
some major Free Software projects have chosen this method for making their
software Free. However, most of the Free Software in existence \emph{is}
copyrighted. In most cases (particularly in those of FSF and the GNU
Project), this was done due to very careful planning.

Software released into the public domain does grant freedom to those users
who receive the standard versions on which the original author disclaimed
copyright. However, since the work is not copyrighted, any nontrivial
modification made to the work is fully copyrightable.

Free Software released into the public domain initially is Free, and
perhaps some who modify the software choose to place their work into the
public domain as well. However, over time, some entities will choose to
proprietarize their modified versions. The public domain body of software
feeds the proprietary software. The public commons disappears, because
fewer and fewer entities have an incentive to contribute back to the
commons. They know that any of their competitors can proprietarize their
enhancements. Over time, almost no interesting work is left in the public
domain, because nearly all new work is done by proprietarization.

A legal mechanism is needed to redress this problem. FSF was in fact
originally created primarily as a legal entity to defend software freedom,
and that work of defending software freedom is a substantial part of
its work today. Specifically because of this ``embrace, proprietarize and
extend'' cycle, FSF made a conscious choice to copyright its Free Software,
and then license it under ``copyleft'' terms. Many, including the
developers of the kernel named Linux, have chosen to follow this paradigm.


Copyleft is a legal strategy and mechanism to defend, uphold and propagate software
freedom. The basic technique of copyleft is as follows: copyright the
software, license it under terms that give all the software freedoms, but
use the copyright law controls to ensure that all who receive a copy of
the software have equal rights and freedom. In essence, copyleft grants
freedom, but forbids others to forbid that freedom to anyone else along
the distribution and modification chains.

Copyleft is a general concept. Much like ideas for what a computer might
do must be \emph{implemented} by a program that actually does the job, so
too must copyleft be implemented in some concrete legal structure.
``Share and share alike'' is a phrase that is used often enough to explain the
concept behind copyleft, but to actually make it work in the real world, a
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