Changeset - ae87bcb2817f
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2014-03-20 09:42:48
Put together explanation convey from pasted text and some additions of my own.
1 file changed with 5 insertions and 15 deletions:
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@@ -2357,28 +2357,18 @@ but it also makes clear that, under the copyright laws of a given country,

Thus, propagation is defined by behavior, and not by categories drawn from
some particular national copyright statute.  This helps not only with
internationalization, but also factually-based terminology aids in
developers' and users' understanding of GPL\@.

% FIXME: transition here to convey definition, maybe with \subsection {},
%        also maybe with: Similar is true with the term ``convey''.

we have further internationalized the license by removing references to
distribution and replacing them with a new factually-based term,
``conveying.'' Conveying is defined to include activities that constitute
propagation of copies to others.  With these changes, GPLv3 addresses
transfers of copies of software in behavioral rather than statutory terms.
At the same time, we have acknowledged the use of ``making available to the
public'' in jurisdictions outside the USA by adding it as a specific example
in the definition of ``propagate.'' We decided to leave the precise
definition of an organizational licensee, and the line drawn between
licensees and other parties, for determination under local law.

% FIXME: paragraph number change , and more on Convey once definition comes.

Further to this point, a subset of propagate --- ``convey'' --- is defined.
Conveying includes activities that constitute propagation of copies to
others.  As with the definition of propagate, GPLv3 thus addresses transfers
of copies of software in behavioral rather than statutory terms.  

% FIXME: Appropriate Legal Notices

Note finally that not all defined terms in GPLv3 appear in GPLv3~\S0.
Specifically, those defined terms that are confined in use to a single
section are defined in the section in which they are used.
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