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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2014-03-21 16:54:16
Spell check.
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@@ -259,13 +259,13 @@ between obeying a software license and friendship (by giving away a copy of a
program to your friend who likes the software you are using). Licenses that
respect software freedom, therefore, permit altruistic sharing of software
among friends.

The commercial environment also benefits of this freedom.  Commercial sharing
includes selling copies of Free Software: that is, Free Software can
be distribted for any monetary
be distributed for any monetary
price to anyone.  Those who redistribute Free Software commercially also have
the freedom to selectively distribute (i.e., you can pick your customers) and
to set prices at any level that redistributor sees fit.

Of course, most people get copies of Free Software very cheaply (and
sometimes without charge).  The competitive free market of Free Software
@@ -296,13 +296,13 @@ sharing Free Software.}.   Such noncommercial
sharing is the primary reason that Free Software thrives.

Commercial sharing of modified Free Software is equally important.
For commercial support to exist in a competitive free market, all
developers -- from single-person contractors to large software
companies -- must have the freedom to market their services as
improvers of Free Software.  All forms of such service marketing must
augmenters of Free Software.  All forms of such service marketing must
be equally available to all.

For example, selling support services for Free Software is fully
permitted. Companies and individuals can offer themselves as ``the place
to call'' when software fails or does not function properly.  For such a
service to be meaningful, the entity offering that service needs the
@@ -824,13 +824,13 @@ were simply copied and rewritten slightly for each new use\footnote{It
  remains an interesting accident of history that the early BSD problematic
  ``advertising clause'' (discussion of which is somewhat beyond the scope of
  this tutorial) lives on into current day, simply because while the
  University of California at Berkeley gave unilateral permission to remove
  the clause from \textit{its} copyrighted works, others who adapted the BSD
  license with their own names in place of UC-Berkeley's never have.}.  The
GPLv1's innovation of reuable licensing infrastructure, an obvious fact
GPLv1's innovation of reusable licensing infrastructure, an obvious fact
today, was indeed a novel invention for its day\footnote{We're all just
  grateful that the FSF also opposes business method patents, since the FSF's
  patent on a ``method for reusable licensing infrastructure'' would have
  not expired until 2006!}.

\section{The GNU General Public License, Version 2}
@@ -941,13 +941,13 @@ requirement that downstream licensors use the \textit{same} license for
combined and modified works.  As such, software licensed under the terms of
``GPLv2-only'' cannot be combined with works licensed ``GPLv3-or-later''.
This is admittedly a frustrating outcome.

Other copyleft licenses that appeared after GPL, such
as the Creative Commons ``Share Alike'' licenses, the Eclipse Public License
and the Mozilla Public License \textbf{require} all copyright holders chosing
and the Mozilla Public License \textbf{require} all copyright holders choosing
to use any version of those licenses to automatically accept and relicense
their copyrighted works under new versions.  Of course ,Creative Commons, the
Eclipse Foundation, and the Mozilla Foundation (like the FSF) have generally
served as excellent stewards of their licenses.  Copyright holders using
those licenses seems to find it acceptable that to fully delegate all future
licensing decisions for their copyrights to these organizations without a
@@ -1095,19 +1095,19 @@ notifying others down the distribution chain that they have rights under

Also mentioned by name is the warranty disclaimer. Most people today do
not believe that software comes with any warranty.  Notwithstanding the
\href{}{Maryland's} and \href{}{Virginia's} UCITA bills, there are few or no implied warranties with software.
However, just to be on the safe side, GPL clearly disclaims them, and the
GPL requires redistributors to keep the disclaimer very visible. (See
GPL requires re distributors to keep the disclaimer very visible. (See
Sections~\ref{GPLv2s11} and~\ref{GPLv2s12} of this tutorial for more on GPL's
warranty disclaimers.)

Note finally that GPLv2~\S1 creates groundwork for the important defense of
commercial freedom.  GPLv2~\S1 clearly states that in the case of verbatim
copies, one may make money.  Redistributors are fully permitted to charge
copies, one may make money.  Re distributors are fully permitted to charge
for the redistribution of copies of Free Software. In addition, they may
provide the warranty protection that the GPL disclaims as an additional
service for a fee. (See Section~\ref{Business Models} for more discussion
on making a profit from Free Software redistribution.)

@@ -1394,13 +1394,13 @@ Several circuits, most notably the Fourth and Seventh, have yet to
declare their definition of derivative work and whether or not the
AFC, Analytic Dissection, or some other test best fits their
interpretation of copyright law. Therefore, uncertainty exists with
respect to determining the extent to which a software program is a
derivative work of another in those circuits. However, one may presume
that they would give deference to the AFC test since it is by far the
majority rule amongst those circuits that have a standard for defining
majority rule among those circuits that have a standard for defining
a software derivative work.

\section{Cases Applying Software Derivative Work Analysis}

In the preeminent case regarding the definition of a derivative work for
software, Computer Associates v. Altai, the plaintiff alleged that its
@@ -1436,20 +1436,20 @@ programming language are entitled to copyright protection.  While the
court expressly declined to rule whether all APIs are free to use without 
license (872 F. Supp.2d 974 at 1002), the court held that the command 
structure and taxonomy of the APIs were not protectable under copyright law.
Specifically, the court characterized the command structure and taxonomy as
both a ``method of operation'' (using an approach not dissimilar to the 
First Circuit's analysis in Lotus) and a ``functional requirement for 
compatability'' (using Sega v. Accolade, 977 F.2d 1510 (9th Cir. 1992) and
compatibility'' (using Sega v. Accolade, 977 F.2d 1510 (9th Cir. 1992) and
Sony Computer Ent. v. Connectix, 203 F.3d 596 (9th Cir. 2000) as analogies),
and thus unprotectable subject matter under \S~102(b). 

Perhaps not surprisingly, there have been few other cases involving a highly
detailed software derivative work analysis. Most often, cases involve
clearer basis for decision, including frequent bad faith on the part of
the defendant or overaggressiveness on the part of the plaintiff.  
the defendant or over-aggressiveness on the part of the plaintiff.  


\chapter{Modified Source and Binary Distribution}

@@ -1562,13 +1562,13 @@ distributed and copied.  By default, under copyright law, the copyright
holder of \worki{} would not have been permitted to distribute \gplusi{};
copyright law forbids it without the expressed permission of the copyright
holder of \workg{}. (Imagine, for a moment, if \workg{} were a proprietary
product --- would its copyright holders  give you permission to create and distribute
\gplusi{} without paying them a hefty sum?)  The license of \workg{}, the
GPL, states the  options for the copyright holder of \worki{}
who may want to create and distribute \gplusi{}.  GPL's pregranted
who may want to create and distribute \gplusi{}.  GPL's pre-granted
permission to create and distribute derivative works, provided the terms
of GPL are upheld, goes far above and beyond the permissions that one
would get with a typical work not covered by a copyleft license.  (Thus, to
say that this restriction is any way unreasonable is simply ludicrous.)

@@ -1712,13 +1712,13 @@ from the sources provided.
Software distribution comes in many
forms.  Embedded manufacturers, for example, have the freedom to put
GPL'd software into mobile devices with very tight memory and space
constraints.  In such cases, putting the source right alongside the
binaries on the machine itself might not be an option.  While it is
recommended that this be the default way that people comply with GPL, the
GPL does provide options when such distribution is infeasible.
GPL does provide options when such distribution is unfeasible.

GPLv2~\S3, therefore, allows source code to be provided on any physical
``medium customarily used for software interchange.''  By design, this
phrase covers a broad spectrum --- the phrase seeks to pre-adapt to
changes in  technology.  When GPLv22 was first published in June
@@ -1882,13 +1882,13 @@ the recipient of a patented article has, not only an implied license to
make, use, and sell the article, but also an implied patent license to
repair the article to enable it to function properly, Bottom Line Mgmt.,
Inc. v. Pan Man, Inc., 228 F.3d 1352 (Fed. Cir. 2000). Additionally, the
Federal Circuit extended that rule to include any future recipients of the
patented article, not just the direct recipient from the distributor.
This theory comports well with the idea of Free Software, whereby software
is distributed amongst many entities within the community for the purpose
is distributed among many entities within the community for the purpose
of constant evolution and improvement. In this way, the law of implied
patent license used by the GPLv2 ensures that the community mutually
benefits from the licensing of patents to any single community member.

Note that simply because GPLv2'd software has an implied patent license does
not mean that any patents held by a distributor of GPLv2'd code become
@@ -1917,13 +1917,13 @@ creation and use of derivative works of that GPL'ed program.  However, if a
party uses that program without
complying with the GPLv2, then Company \compA{} can assert both copyright
infringement claims against the non-GPLv2-compliant party and
infringement of the patent, because the implied patent license only
extends to use of the software in accordance with the GPLv2. Further, if
Company \compB{} distributes a competitive advanced Web browsing program 
that is not a derivative work of Company \compA{}'s GPL'ed Web browsing software
that is not a derivative work of Company \compA{}'s GPL'd Web browsing software
program, Company \compA{} is free to assert its patent against any user or
distributor of that product. It is irrelevant whether Company \compB's
program is also distributed under the GPLv2, as Company \compB{} can not grant
implied licenses to Company \compA's patent.

This result also reassures companies that they need not fear losing their
@@ -2014,13 +2014,13 @@ most users, programmers, and lawyers alike tend to be more familiar with
EULAs. EULAs are believed by their authors to be contracts, requiring
formal agreement between the licensee and the software distributor to be
valid. This has led to mechanisms like ``shrink-wrap'' and ``click-wrap''
as mechanisms to perform acceptance ceremonies with EULAs.

The GPL does not need contract law to ``transfer rights.''  Usually, no rights
are transfered between parties.  By contrast, the GPL is primarily a permission
are transferred between parties.  By contrast, the GPL is primarily a permission
slip to undertake activities that would otherwise have been prohibited
by copyright law.  As such, GPL needs no acceptance ceremony; the
licensee is not even required to accept the license.

However, without the GPL, the activities of copying, modifying and
distributing the software would have otherwise been prohibited.  So, the
@@ -2909,13 +2909,13 @@ limitation or further obligation.
% the various options of GPLv3~\S6(a-e), which might all be in play at once!

\subsection{User Products, Installation Information and Device Lock-Down}

As discussed in \S~\ref{GPLv3-drm} of this tutorial, GPLv3 seeks thwart
technical measures such as signature checks in hardware to prevent
modification of GPLed software on a device.
modification of GPL'd software on a device.

To address this issue, GPLv3~\S6 requires that parties distributing object
code provide recipients with the source code through certain means.  When
those distributors pass on the CCS, they are also required to pass on any
information or data necessary to install modified software on the particular
device that included it.  (This strategy is not unlike that used in LGPLv2.1
@@ -2994,13 +2994,13 @@ Industries, Inc.}, 213 U.S.P.Q.~702 (S.D.~Tex.~1981). In this case, the
court concluded that TRS-80 microcomputers were consumer products, where
such computers were designed and advertised for a variety of users,
including small businesses and schools, and had only recently been
promoted for use in the home.}.

However, Magnuson-Moss is not a perfect fit because in the area of components
of dwellings, the settled interpretation under Magnuson-Moss underinclusive.
of dwellings, the settled interpretation under Magnuson-Moss under-inclusive.
Depending on how such components are manufactured or sold, they may or may
not be considered Magnuson-Moss consumer products.\footnote{Building
  materials that are purchased directly by a consumer from a retailer, for
  improving or modifying an existing dwelling, are consumer products under
  Magnuson-Moss, but building materials that are integral component parts of
  the structure of a dwelling at the time that the consumer buys the dwelling
@@ -3321,13 +3321,13 @@ do not attack the users of those programs.
It is generally understood that GPLv2 implies some limits on a licensee's
power to assert patent claims against the use of GPL-covered works.
However, the patent licensing practices that GPLv2~\S7 (corresponding to
GPLv3~\S12) is designed to prevent is only one of several ways in which
software patents threaten to make free programs non-free and to prevent users
from exercising their rights under the GPL. GPLv3 takes a more comprehensive
approach to combatting the danger of patents.
approach to combating the danger of patents.

GPLv2~\S7 has seen some success in deterring conduct that would otherwise
result in denial of full downstream enjoyment of GPL rights, and thus it is
preserved in GPLv3~\S12.  Experience has shown that more is necessary,
however, to ensure adequate community safety where companies act in concert
to heighten the anticompetitive use of patents that they hold or license.
@@ -3525,13 +3525,13 @@ Note that GPLv3~\S11\P6--7 are designed to stop distributors from colluding with
third parties to offer selective patent protection.  GPLv3 is designed to
ensure that all users receive the same rights; arrangements that circumvent
this make a mockery of free software, and we must do everything in our power
to stop them.

First, GPLv3~\S11\P6 states that any license that protects some recipients of
GPLed software must be extended to all recipients of the software.  
GPL'd software must be extended to all recipients of the software.  
If conveyors arrange to provide patent
protection to some of the people who get the software from you, that
protection is automatically extended to everyone who receives the software,
no matter how they get it. 

Second, GPLv3~\S11\P7
@@ -4335,6 +4335,29 @@ Consideration of such cases can help give insight on how to handle GPL
compliance in new situations.


% =====================================================================
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%%  LocalWords:  Sebro Novalis Ravicher GPLv GPL'd copylefted LGPLv OSI USC
%%  LocalWords:  noncommercially counterintuitive Berne copyrightable DRM UC
%%  LocalWords:  proprietarize proprietarization Stallman's Tridgell's RMS
%%  LocalWords:  Lessig Lessig's Stallman Proto GPLs proto Tai pre GPL's ful
%%  LocalWords:  legalbol AGPLv Runtime licensor licensors relicense UCITA
%%  LocalWords:  unprotectable Intl nd th Kepner Tregoe Bando Indust Mitel
%%  LocalWords:  Iqtel Bateman Mitek Arce protectable hoc faire de minimis
%%  LocalWords:  Borland Int'l uncopyrightable LLC APIs Ent Connectix DVD's
%%  LocalWords:  redistributor diachronic unshared subpart redistributors
%%  LocalWords:  CDs userbase reshifts licensor's distributee impliedly Mgmt
%%  LocalWords:  patentee  relicenses irrevocability Jacobsen Katzer TRW CCS
%%  LocalWords:  Unfreedonia administrivia Relicensing impermissibly centric
%%  LocalWords:  permissibility firehose bytecode minified Javascript DLLs
%%  LocalWords:  preprocessors functionalities offsite sublicensing DMCA CFR
%%  LocalWords:  anticircumvention WIPO BitTorrent multidirectional Magnuson
%%  LocalWords:  subdefinition Dryvit Stroebner Tandy TRS superset LGPL SLES
%%  LocalWords:  cryptographic relicensing removability sublicensed Novell
%%  LocalWords:  anticompetitive administrability sublicensable licensable
%%  LocalWords:  sublicense sublicensees sublicenses affixation Novell's
%%  LocalWords:  severability Affero LGPL'd lingua franca glibc facto LGPL's
%%  LocalWords:  relicensed runtime subunits relink downloadable MontaVista
%%  LocalWords:  CodeSourcery OpenTV MySQL TrollTech
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