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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 6 years ago 2018-09-26 17:31:16
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New section regarding GPLv2 Irrevocability is ready to go live.
2 files changed with 120 insertions and 4 deletions:
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% comprehensive-gpl-guide.tex                                    -*- LaTeX -*-
% Toplevel file to build the entire book.
\documentclass[10pt, letterpaper, openany, oneside]{book}
% I'm somewhat convinced that this book would be better formatted using
%  the memoir class :

% For the moment, I've thrown in fancychap because I don't have time to
% research memoir.


% FIXME: Some overall formatting hacks that would really help:

%   * I have started using  \hyperref[LABEL]{text} extensively, which seems
%     to work great in the PDF and HTML versions, but in the Postscript
%     version, the link lost entirely.  I think we need an additional command
%     to replace \hyperref which takes an optional third argument that will
%     insert additional text only when generating print versions, such as:
%      \newhyperref[GPLv2s3]{the requirements for binary distribution under
%      GPLv2}{(see section~\ref*{GPLv2s3} for more information)}
%     This is a careful balance, because it'd be all too easy to over-pepper
%     the printed version with back/forward references, but there are
%     probably times when this is useful.

%   * Similar issue: \href{} is well known not to carry the URLs in the print
%     versions.  Adding a footnote with the URL for the print version is
%     probably right.  (or maybe a References page?)

%   * The text is extremely inconsistent regarding formatting of code and
%     commands.  The following varied different methods have been used:
%         + the \verb%..% inline form
%         + verbatim environment (i.e., \begin{verbatim}
%         + {\tt }
%         + \texttt{}
%         + the lstlisting environment (i.e., \begin{lstlisting}
%     These should be made consistent, using only two forms: one for line and
%     one for a long quoted section.



% FIXME: s/GPL enforcers/COGEOs/g

%        (the term coined later but not used throughout) This can't be done
%        by rote, since it may not be appropriate everywhere and shouldn't be
%        used *before* it's coined in the early portions of
%        compliance-guide.tex (and it's probably difficult to coin it earlier
%        anyway).  BTW, I admit COGEOs isn't the best acronym, but I started
%        with ``Community Enforcement Organizations'', which makes CEO, which
%        is worse. :)  My other opting was   COEO, which seemed too close to
%        CEO.  Suggestions welcome.

\usepackage[verbose, twoside, dvips,
              paperwidth=8.5in, paperheight=11in,
              left=1in, right=1in, top=1.25in, bottom=.75in,
% Make sure hyperref is last in the package list.  Order matters here, See:



\hypersetup{pdfinfo={Title={Copyleft and the GNU General Public License: A Comprehensive Tutorial and Guide}}}






{\sc Copyleft and the  \\

GNU General Public License:


A Comprehensive Tutorial \\


and Guide

{\parindent 0in
Copyright \= \copyright{} 2003--2005, 2008, 2014--2015 \hspace{} \=  \kill
Copyright \> \copyright{} 2003--2005, 2008, 2014--2015 \>  Bradley M. Kuhn. \\
Copyright \= \copyright{} 2003--2005, 2008, 2014--2015, 2018 \hspace{} \=  \kill
Copyright \> \copyright{} 2018 \>  Chestek Legal. \\
Copyright \> \copyright{} 2003--2005, 2008, 2014--2015, 2018 \>  Bradley M. Kuhn. \\
Copyright \> \copyright{} 2014--2015 \>  Anthony K. Sebro, Jr. \\
Copyright \= \copyright{} 2014 \> Denver Gingerich. \\
Copyright \= \copyright{} 2003--2007, 2014 \>  Free Software Foundation, Inc. \\
Copyright \> \copyright{} 2008, 2014 \>  Software Freedom Law Center. \\


The copyright holders grant the freedom to copy, modify, convey,
adapt, and/or redistribute this work (except
Appendices~\ref{GPLv2-full-text}--\ref{AGPLv3-full-text}) under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International License.  A copy of that license is
available at \url{}.

Appendices~\ref{GPLv2-full-text}--\ref{AGPLv3-full-text} include copies of the texts of various licenses published
by the FSF, and they are all licensed under the license, ``Everyone is permitted
to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing
it is not allowed.''.  However, those who seek to make modified versions of
those licenses should note the
\href{}{explanation given in the GPL FAQ}.


As a public, collaborative project, this Guide is primarily composed of the
many contributions received via its
  contribution process}.  Please
\href{}{review its
  Git logs} for full documentation of all contributions, and
  contains a list of third-party works from which some material herein was

The most recent version is
available online at \url{}.  Patches
are indeed welcome to this material.  Sources can be found in the Git
repository at \url{}.




This tutorial is the culmination of nearly a decade of studying and writing
about software freedom licensing and the GPL\@.  Each part of this tutorial
is a course unto itself, educating the reader on a myriad of topics from the
deep details of the GPLv2 and GPLv3, common business models in the copyleft
licensing area (both the friendly and unfriendly kind), best practices for
compliance with the GPL, for engineers, managers, and lawyers, as well as
real-world case studies of GPL enforcement matters.

It is unlikely that all the information herein is necessary to learn all at
once, and therefore this tutorial likely serves best as a reference book.
The material herein has been used as the basis for numerous live tutorials
and discussion groups since 2002, and the materials have been periodically
updated.   They likely stand on their own as excellent reference material.

However, if you are reading these course materials without attending a live
tutorial session, please note that this material is merely a summary of the
highlights of the various CLE and other tutorial courses based on this
material.  Please be aware that during the actual courses, class discussion
and presentation supplements this printed curriculum.  Simply reading this
material is \textbf{not equivalent} to attending a course.


% FIXME: We need an Introduction.  I think ideally it goes here, before Part
%  I.  The introduction should cover initially:
%     * Why we cover the topics in the order that we do, in particular, why
%       we discuss all GPLv2 before mentioning  GPLv3 (i.e., explain why we
%       take a diachronic approach to study of GPL).
%     * It should briefly discuss Free Culture / Software Freedom stuff.
%       Maybe some early material currently living in gpl-lgpl.tex should move
%       to the introduction, maybe not.  The goal is to prepare for the
%       moment when we can merge in material about CC-BY-SA.









Show inline comments
@@ -1971,544 +1971,659 @@ source CD images for every release version for the last three years
must be kept on hand to burn such CDs quickly. The requests might not
even come from actual customers; the offer for source must be valid
for ``any third party''.

That phrase is another place where some get confused --- thinking again
that full public distribution of source is required.  The offer for source
must be valid for ``any third party'' because of the freedoms of
redistribution granted by GPLv2~\S\S1--2.  A company may ship a binary image
and an offer for source to only one customer.  However, under GPL, that
customer has the right to redistribute that software to the world if she
likes.  When she does, that customer has an obligation to make sure that
those who receive the software from her can exercise their freedoms under
GPL --- including the freedom to modify, rebuild, and redistribute the
source code.

GPLv2~\S3(c) is created to save her some trouble, because by itself GPLv2~\S3(b)
would unfairly favor large companies.  GPLv2~\S3(b) allows the
separation of the binary software from the key tool that people can use
to exercise their freedom. The GPL permits this separation because it is
good for re-distributors, and those users who turn out not to need the
source.  However, to ensure equal rights for all software users, anyone
along the distribution chain must have the right to get the source and
exercise those freedoms that require it.

Meanwhile, GPLv2~\S3(b)'s compromise primarily benefits companies that
distribute binary software commercially.  Without GPLv2~\S3(c), that benefit
would be at the detriment of the companies' customers; the burden of
source code provision would be unfairly shifted to the companies'
customers.  A customer, who had received binaries with a GPLv2~\S3(b)-compliant
offer, would be required under GPLv2 (sans GPLv2~\S3(c)) to acquire the source,
merely to give a copy of the software to a friend who needed it.  GPLv2~\S3(c)
reshifts this burden to entity who benefits from GPLv2~\S3(b).

GPLv2~\S3(c) allows those who undertake \emph{noncommercial} distribution to
simply pass along a GPLv2~\S3(b)-compliant source code offer.  The customer who
wishes to give a copy to her friend can now do so without provisioning the
source, as long as she gives that offer to her friend.  By contrast, if
she wanted to go into business for herself selling CDs of that software,
she would have to acquire the source and either comply via GPLv2~\S3(a), or
write her own GPLv2~\S3(b)-compliant source offer.

This process is precisely the reason why a GPLv2~\S3(b) source offer must be
valid for all third parties.  At the time the offer is made, there is no
way of knowing who might end up noncommercially receiving a copy of the
software.  Companies who choose to comply via GPLv2~\S3(b) must thus be
prepared to honor all incoming source code requests.  For this and the
many other additional necessary complications under GPLv2~\S\S3(b--c), it is
only rarely a better option than complying via GPLv2~\S3(a).

\chapter{GPL's Implied Patent Grant}

We digress again briefly from our section-by-section consideration of GPLv2
to consider the interaction between the terms of GPL and patent law. The
GPLv2, despite being silent with respect to patents, actually confers on its
licensees more rights to a licensor's patents than those licenses that
purport to address the issue. This is the case because patent law, under
the doctrine of implied license, gives to each distributee of a patented
article a license from the distributor to practice any patent claims owned
or held by the distributor that cover the distributed article. The
implied license also extends to any patent claims owned or held by the
distributor that cover ``reasonably contemplated uses'' of the patented
article. To quote the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals, the highest court
for patent cases other than the Supreme Court:

Generally, when a seller sells a product without restriction, it in
effect promises the purchaser that in exchange for the price paid, it will
not interfere with the purchaser's full enjoyment of the product
purchased. The buyer has an implied license under any patents of the
seller that dominate the product or any uses of the product to which the
parties might reasonably contemplate the product will be put.
Hewlett-Packard Co. v. Repeat-O-Type Stencil Mfg. Corp., Inc., 123 F.3d
1445, 1451 (Fed. Cir. 1997).

Of course, Free Software is licensed, not sold, and there are indeed
restrictions placed on the licensee, but those differences are not likely
to prevent the application of the implied license doctrine to Free
Software, because software licensed under the GPL grants the licensee the
right to make, use, and sell the software, each of which are exclusive
rights of a patent holder. Therefore, although the GPLv2 does not expressly
grant the licensee the right to do those things under any patents the
licensor may have that cover the software or its reasonably contemplated
uses, by licensing the software under the GPLv2, the distributor impliedly
licenses those patents to the GPLv2 licensee with respect to the GPLv2'd

An interesting issue regarding this implied patent license of GPLv2'd
software is what would be considered ``uses of the [software] to which
the parties might reasonably contemplate the product will be put.'' A
clever advocate may argue that the implied license granted by GPLv2 is
larger in scope than the express license in other Free Software
licenses with express patent grants, in that the patent license
clause of many of those other Free  Software licenses are specifically 
limited to the patent claims covered by the code as licensed by the patentee.

In contrast, a GPLv2 licensee, under the doctrine of implied patent license, 
is free to practice any patent claims held by the licensor that cover 
``reasonably contemplated uses'' of the GPL'd code, which may very well 
include creation and distribution of modified works since the GPL's terms, 
under which the patented code is distributed, expressly permits such activity.


Further supporting this result is the Federal Circuit's pronouncement that
the recipient of a patented article has, not only an implied license to
make, use, and sell the article, but also an implied patent license to
repair the article to enable it to function properly, Bottom Line Mgmt.,
Inc. v. Pan Man, Inc., 228 F.3d 1352 (Fed. Cir. 2000). Additionally, the
Federal Circuit extended that rule to include any future recipients of the
patented article, not just the direct recipient from the distributor.
This theory comports well with the idea of Free Software, whereby software
is distributed among many entities within the community for the purpose
of constant evolution and improvement. In this way, the law of implied
patent license used by the GPLv2 ensures that the community mutually
benefits from the licensing of patents to any single community member.

Note that simply because GPLv2'd software has an implied patent license does
not mean that any patents held by a distributor of GPLv2'd code become
worthless. To the contrary, the patents are still valid and enforceable
against either:


\item any software other than that licensed under the GPLv2 by the patent
  holder, and

\item any party that does not comply with the GPLv2
with respect to the licensed software.


For example, if Company \compA{} has a patent on advanced Web browsing, but
also licenses a Web browsing program under the GPLv2, then it
cannot assert the patent against any party based on that party's use of 
Company \compA{}'s GPL'd Web browsing software program, or on that party's
creation and use of modified versions of that GPL'd program.  However, if a
party uses that program without
complying with the GPLv2, then Company \compA{} can assert both copyright
infringement claims against the non-GPLv2-compliant party and
infringement of the patent, because the implied patent license only
extends to use of the software in accordance with the GPLv2. Further, if
Company \compB{} distributes a competitive advanced Web browsing program 
that is not a modified version of Company \compA{}'s GPL'd Web browsing software
program, Company \compA{} is free to assert its patent against any user or
distributor of that product. It is irrelevant whether Company \compB's
program is also distributed under the GPLv2, as Company \compB{} can not grant
implied licenses to Company \compA's patent.

This result also reassures companies that they need not fear losing their
proprietary value in patents to competitors through the GPLv2 implied patent
license, as only those competitors who adopt and comply with the GPLv2's
terms can benefit from the implied patent license. To continue the
example above, Company \compB{} does not receive a free ride on Company
\compA's patent, as Company \compB{} has not licensed-in and then
redistributed Company A's advanced Web browser under the GPLv2. If Company
\compB{} does do that, however, Company \compA{} still has not lost
competitive advantage against Company \compB{}, as Company \compB{} must then,
when it re-distributes Company \compA's program, grant an implied license
to any of its patents that cover the program. Further, if Company \compB{}
relicenses an improved version of Company A's program, it must do so under
the GPLv2, meaning that any patents it holds that cover the improved version
are impliedly licensed to any licensee. As such, the only way Company
\compB{} can benefit from Company \compA's implied patent license, is if it,
itself, distributes Company \compA's software program and grants an
implied patent license to any of its patents that cover that program.

\chapter{Defending Freedom on Many Fronts}

Chapters~\ref{run-and-verbatim} and~\ref{source-and-binary} presented the
core freedom-defending provisions of GPLv2\@, which are in GPLv2~\S\S0--3.
GPLv2\S\S~4--7 of the GPLv2 are designed to ensure that GPLv2~\S\S0--3 are
not infringed, are enforceable, are kept to the confines of copyright law but
also not trumped by other copyright agreements or components of other
entirely separate legal systems.  In short, while GPLv2~\S\S0--3 are the parts
of the license that defend the freedoms of users and programmers,
GPLv2~\S\S4--7 are the parts of the license that keep the playing field clear
so that \S\S~0--3 can do their jobs.

\section{GPLv2~\S4: Termination on Violation}

GPLv2~\S4 is GPLv2's termination clause.  Upon first examination, it seems
strange that a license with the goal of defending users' and programmers'
freedoms for perpetuity in an irrevocable way would have such a clause.
However, upon further examination, the difference between irrevocability
and this termination clause becomes clear.
and this termination clause becomes clear. (See~\ref{gplv2-irrevocable} for
expanded discussion of GPLv2 irrevocability.)

The GPL is irrevocable in the sense that once a copyright holder grants
rights for someone to copy, modify and redistribute the software under terms
of the GPL, they cannot later revoke that grant.  Since the GPL has no
provision allowing the copyright holder to take such a prerogative, the
license is granted as long as the copyright remains in effect.\footnote{In
  the USA, due to unfortunate legislation, the length of copyright is nearly
  perpetual, even though the Constitution forbids perpetual copyright.} The
copyright holders have the right to relicense the same work under different
licenses (see Section~\ref{Proprietary Relicensing} of this tutorial), or to
stop distributing the GPLv2'd version (assuming GPLv2~\S3(b) was never used),
but they may not revoke the rights under GPLv2 already granted.

In fact, when an entity loses their right to copy, modify and distribute
GPL'd software, it is because of their \emph{own actions}, not that of the
copyright holder.  The copyright holder does not decide when GPLv2~\S4
termination occurs (if ever); rather, the actions of the licensee determine

Under copyright law, the GPL has granted various rights and freedoms to
the licensee to perform specific types of copying, modification, and
redistribution.  By default, all other types of copying, modification, and
redistribution are prohibited.  GPLv2~\S4 says that if you undertake any of
those other types (e.g., redistributing binary-only in violation of GPLv2~\S3),
then all rights under the license --- even those otherwise permitted for
those who have not violated --- terminate automatically.

GPLv2~\S4 makes GPLv2 enforceable.  If licensees fail to adhere to the
license, then they are stuck without any permission under to engage in
activities covered by copyright law.  They must completely cease and desist
from all copying, modification and distribution of the GPL'd software.

At that point, violating licensees must gain the forgiveness of the copyright
holders to have their rights restored.  Alternatively, the violators could
negotiate another agreement, separate from GPL, with the copyright
holder.  Both are common practice, although
\tutorialpartsplit{as discussed in \textit{A Practical Guide to GPL
    Compliance}, there are }{Chapter~\ref{compliance-understanding-whos-enforcing}
  explains further} key differences between these two very different uses of GPL.

\section{GPLv2~\S5: Acceptance, Copyright Style}

GPLv2~\S5 brings us to perhaps the most fundamental misconception and common
confusion about GPLv2\@. Because of the prevalence of proprietary software,
most users, programmers, and lawyers alike tend to be more familiar with
EULAs. EULAs are believed by their authors to be contracts, requiring
formal agreement between the licensee and the software distributor to be
valid. This has led to mechanisms like ``shrink-wrap'' and ``click-wrap''
as mechanisms to perform acceptance ceremonies with EULAs.

The GPL does not need contract law to ``transfer rights.''  Usually, no rights
are transferred between parties.  By contrast, the GPL is primarily a permission
slip to undertake activities that would otherwise have been prohibited
by copyright law.  As such, GPL needs no acceptance ceremony; the
licensee is not even required to accept the license.

However, without the GPL, the activities of copying, modifying and
distributing the software would have otherwise been prohibited.  So, the
GPL says that you only accepted the license by undertaking activities that
you would have otherwise been prohibited without your license under GPL\@.
This is a certainly subtle point, and requires a mindset quite different
from the contractual approach taken by EULA authors.

An interesting side benefit to GPLv2~\S5 is that the bulk of users of Free
Software are not required to accept the license.  Undertaking fair and
unregulated use of the work, for example, does not bind you to the GPL,
since you are not engaging in activity that is otherwise controlled by
copyright law.  Only when you engage in those activities that might have an
impact on the freedom of others does license acceptance occur, and the
terms begin to bind you to fair and equitable sharing of the software.  In
other words, the GPL only kicks in when it needs to for the sake of

While GPL is by default a copyright license, it is certainly still possible
to consider GPL as a contract as well.  For example, some distributors chose
to ``wrap'' their software in an acceptance ceremony to the GPL, and nothing in
the GPL prohibits that use.  Furthermore, the ruling in \textit{Jacobsen
  v. Katzer, 535 F.3d 1373, 1380 (Fed.Cir.2008)} indicates that \textbf{both}
copyright and contractual remedies may be sought by a copyright holder
seeking to enforce a license designed to uphold software freedom.

% FIXME-LATER: Write this

%\section{Using GPL Both as a Contract and Copyright License}

\section{GPLv2~\S6: GPL, My One and Only}

A point that was glossed over in Section~\ref{GPLv2s4}'s discussion of GPLv2~\S4
was the irrevocable nature of the GPL\@. The GPLv2 is indeed irrevocable,
and it is made so formally by GPLv2~\S6.

The first sentence in GPLv2~\S6 ensures that as software propagates down the
distribution chain, that each licensor can pass along the license to each
new licensee.  Under GPLv2~\S6, the act of distributing automatically grants a
license from the original licensor to the next recipient.  This creates a
chain of grants that ensure that everyone in the distribution has rights
under the GPLv2\@.  In a mathematical sense, this bounds the bottom ---
making sure that future licensees get no fewer rights than the licensee before.

The second sentence of GPLv2~\S6 does the opposite; it bounds from the top.  It
prohibits any licensor along the distribution chain from placing
additional restrictions on the user.  In other words, no additional
requirements may trump the rights and freedoms given by GPLv2\@.

The final sentence of GPLv2~\S6 makes it abundantly clear that no individual
entity in the distribution chain is responsible for the compliance of any
other.  This is particularly important for noncommercial users who have
passed along a source offer under GPLv2~\S3(c), as they cannot be assured that
the issuer of the offer will honor their GPLv2~\S3 obligations.

In short, GPLv2~\S6 says that your license for the software is your one and
only copyright license allowing you to copy, modify and distribute the

GPLv2~\S6 is GPLv2's ``automatic downstream licensing''
provision\footnote{This section was substantially expanded for clarity and
  detail in \hyperref[GPLv3s10]{GPLv3~\S10}.}.  Each time you
redistribute a GPL'd program, the recipient automatically receives a license
from each original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the program subject
to the conditions of the license.  The redistributor need not take any
to ensure the downstream recipient's acceptance of the license terms.
This places every copyright holder in the chain of descent of the code
in legal privity, or direct relationship, with every downstream
redistributor.  Two legal effects follow.  First, downstream parties
who remain in compliance have valid permissions for all actions
(including modification and redistribution) even if their immediate upstream
supplier of the software has been terminated for license
violation\footnote{\label{German-reinstatement-footnote} While this is legally true, as a practical matter, a
  failure of ``complete, corresponding source'' (CCS) provisioning by an
  upstream could make it effectively impossible for a downstream party to
  engage in a commercial redistribution pursuant to
  \hyperref[GPLv2s3]{GPLv2~\S3(a--b)}.  (\S~\ref{upstream} in the Compliance
  Guide portion of this tutorial discussed related details.)}.
licensed rights are not dependent on compliance of their upstream, because
their licenses issue directly from the copyright holder.  Second, automatic
termination cannot be cured by obtaining additional copies from an alternate
supplier: the license permissions emanate only from the original licensors,
and if they have automatically terminated permission, no act by any
intermediate license holder can restore those terminated
rights\footnote{While nearly all attorneys and copyleft theorists are in
  agreement on this point, German copyleft legal expert
  \href{}{Till Jaeger}
  vehemently disagrees.  Jaeger's position is as follows: under German
  copyright law, a new copy of GPL'd software is a ``fresh'' license under
  GPL, and if compliance continues from that point further, the violator's
  permissions under copyright law are automatically restored, notwithstanding
  the strict termination provision in \hyperref[GPLv2s4]{GPLv2~\S4}.
  However, in
  practice, this issue is only salient with regard to \hyperref[Proprietary
    Relicensing]{proprietary relicensing} business models, since other copyright
  holders typically formally restore distributions rights once the only
  remaining compliance issue is ``you lost copyright permission due to
  GPLv2~\S4''.  Therefore, the heated debates, which have raged between
  Jaeger and almost everyone else in the copyleft community for nearly a
  decade, regard an almost moot and wholly esoteric legal detail.}.

\section{GPLv2 Irrevocability}

This section digresses briefly to examine the manner in which GPLv2\S\S~4--6
interact together to assure that the license grant is irrevocable.
There are two legal theories why a contributor cannot terminate their license
grant. First is an argument that the text of the GPL prevents it; second is
that a contributor would be estopped from succeeding on an infringement claim
for continued use of the code even if it wasn't removed.

\subsection{The text of the GPLv2}

The GPLv2 have several provisions that, when taken together, can be construed
as an irrevocable license from each contributor. First, the GPLv2 says ``by
\emph{modifying} or distributing the Program (or any work based on the Program), you
indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms and
conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the Program or works based
on it'' (GPLv2\S5, emphasis added).  A contributor by definition is modifying
the code and therefore has agreed to all the terms in the GPLv2, which
includes the web of mechanisms in the GPLv2 that ensure the code can be used
by all.

More specifically, the downstream license grant says ``the recipient
automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy,
distribute or modify the Program subject to these terms and conditions.''
(GPLv2\S6). So in this step, the contributor has granted a license to the
downstream, on the condition that the downstream complies with the license

That license granted to downstream is irrevocable, again provided that the
downstream user complies with the license terms: ``[P]arties who have
received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their
licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance''

Thus, anyone downstream of the contributor (which is anyone using the
contributor's code), has an irrevocable license from the contributor. A
contributor may claim to revoke their grant, and subsequently sue for
copyright infringement, but a court would likely find the revocation was
ineffective and the downstream user had a valid license defense to a claim of

Nevertheless, for purposes of argument, we will assume that for some
reason the GPLv2 is not enforceable against the contributor\footnote{For
  example, the argument has been made that there may be a failure of
  consideration on the part of the contributor. While \textit{Jacobsen
    v. Katzer}, 535 F.3d 1373 (Fed. Cir. 2008) is accepted as holding that
  there is consideration received by the contributor in a FOSS license, the
  posture of the case was one where the contributor advocated for the theory,
  not against it. The author is not aware of any other decisions that have analyzed
  the question in any depth, so it perhaps could be challenged in the right
  factual situation.}, or that the irrevocable license can be
revoked\footnote{A contract without a definable duration can be terminated on
  reasonable notice. \textit{Great W. Distillery Prod. v. John A. Wathen Distillery
  Co.}, 10 Cal. 2d 442, 447, 74 P.2d 745, 747 (1937). The term nevertheless
  can be a term of indefinite length where its continuing effect is tied to
  the conduct of the parties. \emph{Id}.}. In that case, the application of
promissory estoppel will likely mean that the contributor still cannot
enforce their copyright against downstream users.

\subsection{Promissory estoppel}

``Promissory estoppel'' is a legal theory that says, under some
circumstances, a promise is enforceable against the promisee even after the
promisee tries to renege on the promise. The test for how and when promissory
estoppel applies differs from state to state, but generally where there is a
``promise which the promisor should reasonably expect to induce action or
forbearance on the part of the promisee or a third person and which does
induce such action or forbearance is binding if injustice can be avoided only
by enforcement of the promise.''\footnote{\textit{Kajima/Ray Wilson v. Los Angeles
Cty. Metro. Transp. Auth.}, 23 Cal. 4th 305, 310, 1 P.3d 63, 66 (2000), \emph{citing}
Restatement (Second) of Contracts \S 90(1) (1979).} Breaking it down, it is:
\item where there is a clear and definite promise;
\item where the promisor has a reasonable expectation that the offer will
  induce action or forbearance on the part of the promisee;

\item which does induce actual and reasonable action or forbearance by the promisee; and

\item which causes a detriment which can only be avoided by the enforcement
  of the promise.

In this case, the promisor is the contributor. This should be an easy
standard to meet in any widely used software.
\item The promise is contained in the GPL, which is a promise that one can
  continue to use the licensed software as long as the terms of the license
  are met.


\item A contributor knows that there is a broad user base and users consume
  the software relying on the grant in the GPL as assuring their continued
  ability to use the software (one might even say it is the \textit{sine qua
    non} of the intent of the GPL).

\item Users do, in fact, rely on the promises in the GPL, as they ingest the software
  and base their businesses on their continued ability to use the software.

\item Whether the user will suffer detriment is case-specific, but using
  Linux, a software program that is often fundamental to the operation of a
  business, as an example, the loss of its use would have a significantly
  detrimental, perhaps even fatal, effect on the continued operation of the



Whether as a matter of a straightforward contractual obligation, or as a
matter of promissory estoppel, a contributor's attempt to revoke a copyright
license grant and then enforce their copyright against a user is highly
unlikely to succeed.

\section{GPLv2~\S7: ``Give Software Liberty or Give It Death!''}

In essence, GPLv2~\S7 is a verbosely worded way of saying for non-copyright
systems what GPLv2~\S6 says for copyright.  If there exists any reason that a
distributor knows of that would prohibit later licensees from exercising
their full rights under GPL, then distribution is prohibited.

Originally, this was designed as the title of this section suggests --- as
a last ditch effort to make sure that freedom was upheld.  However, in
modern times, it has come to give much more.  Now that the body of GPL'd
software is so large, patent holders who would want to be distributors of
GPL'd software have a tough choice.  They must choose between avoiding
distribution of GPL'd software that exercises the teachings of their
patents, or grant a royalty-free, irrevocable, non-exclusive license to
those patents.  Many companies have chosen the latter.

Thus, GPLv2~\S7 rarely gives software death by stopping its distribution.
Instead, it is inspiring patent holders to share their patents in the same
freedom-defending way that they share their copyrighted works.

\section{GPLv2~\S8: Excluding Problematic Jurisdictions}

GPLv2~\S8 is rarely used by copyright holders.  Its intention is that if a
particular country, say Unfreedonia, grants particular patents or allows
copyrighted interfaces (no country to our knowledge even permits those
yet), that the GPLv2'd software can continue in free and unabated
distribution in the countries where such controls do not exist.

As far as is currently known, GPLv2~\S8 has very rarely been formally used by
copyright holders.  Admittedly, some have used GPLv2~\S8 to explain various
odd special topics of distribution (usually related in some way to
GPLv2~\S7).  However, generally speaking, this section is not proven
particularly useful in the more than two decades of GPLv2 history.

Meanwhile, despite many calls by the FSF (and others) for those licensors who
explicitly use this section to come forward and explain their reasoning, no
one ever did.  Furthermore, research conducted during the GPLv3 drafting
process found exactly one licensor who had invoked this section to add an
explicit geographical distribution limitation, and the reasoning for that one
invocation was not fitting with FSF's intended spirit of GPLv2~\S8.  As such,
GPLv2~\S8 was not included at all in GPLv3.

\chapter{Odds, Ends, and Absolutely No Warranty}

GPLv2~\S\S0--7 constitute the freedom-defending terms of the GPLv2.  The remainder
of the GPLv2 handles administrivia and issues concerning warranties and

\section{GPLv2~\S9: FSF as Stewards of GPL}

FSF reserves the exclusive right to publish future versions of the GPL\@;
GPLv2~\S9 expresses this.  While the stewardship of the copyrights on the body
of GPL'd software around the world is shared among thousands of
individuals and organizations, the license itself needs a single steward.
Forking of the code is often regrettable but basically innocuous.  Forking
of licensing is disastrous.

(Chapter~\ref{tale-of-two-copylefts} discusses more about the various
versions of GPL.)

\section{GPLv2~\S10: Relicensing Permitted}

GPLv2~\S10 reminds the licensee of what is already implied by the nature of
copyright law.  Namely, the copyright holder of a particular software
program has the prerogative to grant alternative agreements under separate
copyright licenses.

\section{GPLv2~\S11: No Warranty}

Most warranty disclaimer language shouts at you.  The
\href{}{Uniform Commercial
  Code~\S2-316}, which most of the USA's states and commonwealths have adopted as their local
law, allows disclaimers of warranty, provided that the disclaimer is ``conspicuous''.
There is apparently general acceptance that \textsc{all caps} is the
preferred way to make something conspicuous, and that has over decades worked
its way into the voodoo tradition of warranty disclaimer writing.

That said, there is admittedly some authority under USA law suggesting that
conspicuousness can be established by
capitalization and is absent when a disclaimer has the same typeface as the
terms surrounding it (see \textit{Stevenson v.~TRW, Inc.}, 987 F.2d 288, 296
(5th Cir.~1993)).  While GPLv3's drafters doubted that such authority would
apply to copyright licenses like the GPL, the FSF has nevertheless left
warranty and related disclaimers in \textsc{all caps} throughout all versions
of GPL\@.\footnote{One of the authors of this tutorial, Bradley M.~Kuhn, has
  often suggested the aesthetically preferable compromise of a
  \textsc{specifically designed ``small caps'' font, such as this one, as an
  since the latter adds more ugliness than conspicuousness.  Kuhn once
  engaged in reversion war with a lawyer who disagreed, but that lawyer never
  answered Kuhn's requests for case law that argues THIS IS INHERENTLY MORE
  CONSPICUOUS \textsc{Than this is}.}

% FIXME: Should UCITA be mentioned anywhere in here?  It was previously
% mentioned elsewhere in the tutorial but it was out of context and not
% useful.  If it should be mentioned anywhere, here is probably the spot, but
% it's not clear we should mention it at all, since it's specific just to two
% state/commonwealths in the USA: MD and VA.

Critics have occasionally questioned GPL's enforceability in some jurisdictions because its
disclaimer of warranties is impermissibly broad.  However,
have generally failed to articulate specific precedents in their
jurisdictions that would directly indicate a problem with GPL's warranty
disclaimer.  Meanwhile,
\href{}{Article 35 of
  the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of
  Goods} (often abbreviated ``CISG'', which
  countries have adopted}) permits the disclaimer of warranties, so
jurisdictions adopting this treaty allow some form of warranty
disclaimer\footnote{Scholars continue to debate to what extent CISG applies to software
  licenses.  For example, Diedrich concluded that ``CISG is prima facie
  applicable to international transactions involving the transfer of computer
  software for a price'', but Sono disagrees with this ``prevailing view'',
  presenting an ``analysis [that] restricts the applicability of the CISG to
  software transactions by excluding `license contracts'''.  (See
    Diedrich, \textit{The CISG and Computer Software Revisited}}, 6 Vindobona
  Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration, Supplement 55--75
  (2002), and
\href{}{Hiroo Sono,
  \textit{The Applicability and Non-Applicability of the CISG to Software
    Transactions}}, Camilla B. Andersen \& Ulrich G. Schroeter eds., Sharing
International Commercial Law across National Boundaries: Festschrift for
Albert H. Kritzer on the Occasion of his Eightieth Birthday, Wildy, Simmonds
\& Hill Publishing (2008) 512--526.)}.
Nevertheless, to account for possible jurisdictional variances regarding this
or any other issue, GPLv2~\S11 contains
a jurisdictional savings provision, which
states that it is to be interpreted only as broadly as allowed by applicable
law.  Such a provision ensures that both it, and the entire GPL, is
enforceable in any jurisdiction, regardless of any particular law regarding
the permissibility of certain warranty disclaimers.

Finally, one important point to remember when reading GPLv2~\S11 is that GPLv2~\S1
permits the sale of warranty as an additional service, which GPLv2~\S11 affirms.

\section{GPLv2~\S12: Limitation of Liability}

There are many types of warranties, and in some jurisdictions some of them
cannot be disclaimed.  Therefore, usually agreements will have both a
warranty disclaimer and a limitation of liability, as we have in GPLv2~\S12.
GPLv2~\S11 thus gets rid of all implied warranties that can legally be
disavowed. GPLv2~\S12, in turn, limits the liability of the actor for any
warranties that cannot legally be disclaimed in a particular jurisdiction.

Again, some have argued the GPL is unenforceable in some jurisdictions
because its limitation of liability is impermissibly broad. However, \S
12, just like its sister, GPLv2~\S11, contains a jurisdictional savings
provision, which states that it is to be interpreted only as broadly as
allowed by applicable law.  As stated above, such a provision ensures that
both GPLv2~\S12, and the entire GPL, is enforceable in any jurisdiction,
regardless of any particular law regarding the permissibility of limiting

So end the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License.

\chapter{GPL Version 3}

This chapter discusses the text of GPLv3.  Much of this material herein
includes text that was adapted (with permission) from text that FSF
originally published as part of the so-called ``rationale documents'' for the
various discussion drafts of GPLv3.

The FSF ran a somewhat public process to develop GPLv3, and it was the first
attempt of its kind to develop a Free Software license this way.  Ultimately,
RMS was the primary author of GPLv3, but he listened to feedback from all
sorts of individuals and even for-profit companies.  Nevertheless, in
attempting to understand GPLv3 after the fact, the materials available from
the GPLv3 process have a somewhat ``drinking from the firehose'' effect.
This chapter seeks to explain GPLv3 to newcomers, who perhaps are familiar
with GPLv2 and who did not participate in the GPLv3 process.

Those who wish to drink from the firehose and take a diachronic approach to
GPLv3 study by reading the step-by-step public drafting process of the GPLv3 (which
occurred from Monday 16 January 2006 through Monday 19 November 2007) should
visit \url{}.

\section{Understanding GPLv3 As An Upgraded GPLv2}

Ultimately, GPLv2 and GPLv3 co-exist as active licenses in regular use.  As
discussed in Chapter~\ref{tale-of-two-copylefts}, GPLv1 was never regularly
@@ -4696,319 +4811,319 @@ conditions:
  Note, however, LGPLv2.1~\S3 allows relicensing of works under its terms
  instead under the terms of GPLv2-or-later.  This provides, for example, a
  pathway for those who do not want to use code under the requirements of
  LGPLv2.1 to do so under GPLv2 or GPLv3 at their discretion.

\item Binary distribution of the library only, covered in LGPLv2.1~\S4,
  which is effectively equivalent to LGPLv2.1~\S3

\item Creating aggregates of libraries that are separate and independent works from
  each other, and distributing them as a unit (in LGPLv2.1~\S7)



Due to time constraints, we cannot cover these additional terms in detail,
but they are mostly straightforward. The key to understanding LGPLv2.1 is
understanding the difference between a ``work based on the library'' and a
``work that uses the library.''  Once that distinction is clear, the
remainder of LGPLv2.1 is close enough to GPL that the concepts discussed in
our more extensive GPL unit can be directly applied.


LGPLv3 was designed to rectify  architectural flaws in the GNU family of
licenses.  Historically , LGPLv2.1 was a textual modification of GPLv2.
Reconciliation of licensing terms upon combination of LGPLv2.1'd and GPLv2'd
works is cumbersome, from a licensing bookkeeping perspective.

LGPLv3 redresses this historical problem through extensive use of
\hyperref[GPLv3s7]{GPLv3~\S7}'s exception architecture.  LGPLv3 is therefore
a set of additional permission to GPLv3.

%FIXME: harken back to policy motivations of LGPL and how GPLv3 as a whole is
%always an option.

\section{Section 0: Additional Definitions}

LGPLv3~\S0 defines the ``Library'' -- a work that presents one or more
interfaces at which a ``use'' can be made by an ``Application.''  Class
inheritance is ``deemed'' a use of an interface.  An ``Application,'' which is
other program code using one or more ``Library'' interfaces can be combined
with the code on the other side of the interfaces it uses to form a
``Combined Work.''

\section{LGPLv3~\S1: Exception to GPLv3~\S3}

LGPLv3~\S1 excepts away the interference with use of LGPLv3 code as part of
``effective technological measures'' of access limitation for other copyrighted
works provided otherwise by GPLv3~\S3.

\section{LGPLv3~\S2: Conveying Modified Versions}

LGPLv3~\S2 continues to require, as LGPLv2.1~\S2(d) requires, that the Library
not be modified to require keys, tokens, tables, or other global non-argument
data unrelated to function. This is again stated as a ``good faith effort''
requirement, but failure to cure on notice is strong evidence of the absence
of good faith.  LGPLv3~\S2(b) permits removal of the permissions entirely (as
prescribed by GPLv3~\S7); however, such removal reduces the license of the
entire covered work back to pure GPLv3.   Thus, exercising LGPLv3~\S2(b) as a
compliance alternative to LGPLv3~\S2(a) likely creates more compliance
obligations than it removes.

\section{LGPLv3~\S3: Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files}

LGPLv3~\S3's front matter assures incorporation of smaller header files into
non-copylefted object code can proceed unimpeded.  More complex
header files (those that do not meet the limitations provided in the
section), can still be incorporated into object code, a copy of appropriate
licensing information must accompany distribution (per LGPLv3~\S3(a--b).

%FIXME: talk about copyrightabilty lines and the like and why the ten line rule.

\section{LGPLv3~\S4: Combined Works}

LGPLv3~\S4 is the combination permission at the heart of LGPLv3. It restates
the license limitation provision of LGPLv2.1~\S2 to clarify that the terms on
the Combined Work may not prohibit user modification of the Library code, or
the debugging of such modifications to the Library code by means of whatever
reverse engineering is necessary.

LGPLv3~\S4(d)(0) contains the source provision requirement, for the Minimal
Corresponding Source, which ``means the Corresponding Source for the Combined
Work, excluding any source code for portions of the Combined Work that,
considered in isolation, are based on the Application, and not on the Linked
Version [of the Library]''. The alternative to the provision of source code is
distribution by way of the ``shared library'' mechanism under LGPLv3~\S4(d)(1),
described with respect to LGPLv2.1~\S6.

In addition, LGPLv3~\S4(e) requires the delivery of ``installation information''
required to install the modified version of the Library in ``user products''
under GPLv3~\S6. Where Library Minimal Corresponding Source is not made
available under LGPLv3~\S4(d)(1), LGPLv3~\S4(e) reaffirms that ``installation information''
must still be compliantly delivered under the terms of GPLv3~\S6.

All other provisions of GPLv3 are in force as previously described, and are
not excepted by the additional permission granted in LGPLv3.

If the distributor of the combined work intends not to distribute or offer
the source code of the LGPL'd components, the LGPL'd work must be separately
distributed (subject to source code delivery requirements as part of that
separate distribution) and packaged in a ``shared library'' mechanism, which
means that it:
  \item uses at run time a copy of the library already present on
    the user's computer system, rather than copying library functions into
    the executable, and

  \item will operate properly with a modified version of
    the library, if the user installs one, as long as the modified version is
    interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with.

Taken all together, LGPLv3~\S4's primary implications for redistributors are
two-fold, as follows:

\item  If you create a program that links through a shared library mechanism to
    a work that is separately distributed under LGPLv3, then you can
    distribute the resultant program under a license of your choice and you
    need not convey the LGPLv3'd work's source code. If you distribute the
    library along with your program, or are the separate distributor of the
    work in another context or as another product, you must distribute its
    corresponding source under the terms of LGPLv3 or GPLv3-or-later.

\item If you choose to statically link or otherwise combine your program with
    an LGPLv3'd work via mechanisms other than a shared library, you may choose your own license for the work provided the
    license terms limitations for user modification, reverse engineering and
    debugging are met, and given that the LGPL'd components are still
    governed by LGPL's terms. You must offer or provide CCS for the LGPL'd components. The source code
    material provided must be sufficient to regenerate the combined work with
    a user-modified version of the LGPL'd components.


% FIXME-LATER: There should be a chapter on GPL Exceptions generally.

% Here is some CC-By-SA text from another source that would make an
% acceptable introduction to a section on the GCC RTL Exception if such a
% chapter is written:

% This GCC Runtime Library Exception (``Exception'') is an additional
% permission as provided by Section 7 of GPLv3. The purpose of this Exception
% is to allow compilation of non-GPL (including proprietary) programs making
% use of the header files and runtime libraries covered by this Exception and
% containing code from the copyleft toolchain embedded by the compiler in the
% object code of the program as part of the compilation process. The GCC
% Runtime Library Exception covers any file that has a notice in its license
% headers stating that the exception applies.


\chapter{Integrating the GPL into Business Practices}

Since GPL'd software is now extremely prevalent through the industry, it
is useful to have some basic knowledge about using GPL'd software in
business and how to build business models around GPL'd software.

\section{Using GPL'd Software In-House}

As discussed in Sections~\ref{GPLv2s0} and~\ref{GPLv2s5} of this tutorial,
the GPL only governs the activities of copying, modifying and
distributing software programs that are not governed by the license.
Thus, in FSF's view, simply installing the software on a machine and
using it is not controlled or limited in any way by the GPL\@. Using Free
Software in general requires substantially fewer agreements and less
license compliance activity than any known proprietary software.

Even if a company engages heavily in copying the software throughout the
enterprise, such copying is not only permitted by GPLv2~\S\S1 and 3, but it is
encouraged!  If the company simply deploys unmodified (or even modified)
Free Software throughout the organization for its employees to use, the
obligations under the license are very minimal. Using Free Software has a
substantially lower cost of ownership --- both in licensing fees and in
licensing checking and handling -- than the proprietary software

\section{Business Models}
\label{Business Models}

Using Free Software in house is certainly helpful, but a thriving
market for Free Software-oriented business models also exists. There is the
traditional model of selling copies of Free Software distributions.
Many companies make substantial revenue
from this model. Some choose this model because they have
found that for higher-end hardware, the profit made from proprietary
software licensing fees is negligible. The real profit is in the hardware,
but it is essential that software be stable, reliable and dependable, and
the users be allowed to have unfettered access to it. Free Software, and
GPLd software in particular, is the right choice. For instance IBM can be
GPL'd software in particular, is the right choice. For instance IBM can be
assured that proprietary versions of the their software will not exist to
compete on their hardware.


For example, charging a ``convenience fee'' for Free Software,
when set at a reasonable price (around \$60 or so), can produce some
profit. Even though Red Hat's system is fully downloadable on their
Web site, people still go to local computer stores and buy copies of their
box set, which is simply a printed version of the manual (available under
a Free license as well) and the Free Software system it documents.


Custom support, service, and software improvement contracts
are the most widely used models for GPL'd software. The GPL is
central to their success, because it ensures that the code base
remains common, and that large and small companies are on equal
footing for access to the technology. Consider, for example, the GNU
Compiler Collection (GCC). Cygnus Solutions, a company started in the
early 1990s, was able to grow steadily simply by providing services
for GCC --- mostly consisting of new ports of GCC to different or new,
embedded targets. Eventually, Cygnus was so successful that
it was purchased by Red Hat where it remains a profitable division.

However, there are very small companies that compete in
this space. Modern industry demands the trust created by GPL protected
code-bases. Companies can cooperate on the software and
improve it for everyone. Meanwhile, companies who rely on GCC for their
work are happy to pay for improvements, and for ports to new target
platforms. Nearly all the changes fold back into the standard
versions, and those forks that exist remain freely available.


\label{Proprietary Relicensing}

A final common business model that is perhaps the most controversial is
proprietary relicensing of a GPL'd code base. This is only an option for
software in which a particular entity holds exclusive rights to
relicense.\footnote{Entities typically hold exclusive relicensing rights
  either by writing all the software under their own copyrights, collecting
  copyright assignments from all contributors, or by otherwise demanding
  unconditional relicensing permissions from all contributors via some legal
  agreement} As discussed earlier in this tutorial, a copyright holder is
permitted under copyright law to license a software system under her
copyright as many different ways as she likes to as many different parties as
she wishes.

Some companies use this to their
financial advantage with regard to a GPL'd code base. The standard
version is available from the company under the terms of the GPL\@.
However, parties can purchase separate proprietary software licensing for
a fee.

This business model is at best problematic and at worst predatory because it means that the GPL'd code
base must be developed in a somewhat monolithic way, because volunteer
Free Software developers may be reluctant to assign their copyrights to
the company because it will not promise to always and forever license the
software as Free Software. Indeed, the company will surely use such code
contributions in proprietary versions licensed for fees.

\section{Ongoing Compliance}

GPL compliance is in fact a very simple matter --- much simpler than
typical proprietary software agreements and EULAs. Usually, the most
difficult hurdle is changing from a proprietary software mindset to one
that seeks to foster a community of sharing and mutual support. Certainly
complying with the GPL from a users' perspective gives substantially fewer
headaches than proprietary license compliance.

For those who go into the business of distributing {\em modified}
versions of GPL'd software, the burden is a bit higher, but not by
much. The glib answer is that by releasing the whole product as Free
Software, it is always easy to comply with the GPL. However,
admittedly to the dismay of FSF, many modern and complex software
systems are built using both proprietary and GPL'd components that are
clearly and legally separate and independent works, merely aggregated
together on the same device.

However, it sometimes is easier, quicker, and cheaper to simply
improve an existing GPL'd application than to start from scratch.  In
exchange for this amazing benefit, the license requires that the modifier gives
back to the commons that made the work easier in the first place. It is a
reasonable trade-off and a way to help build a better world while also
making a profit.

Note that FSF does provide services to assist companies who need
assistance in complying with the GPL. You can contact FSF's GPL
Compliance Labs at $<$$>$.

%FIXME-LATER: should have \tutorialpart

If you are particularly interested in matters of GPL compliance, we
recommend the next two parts, which include both recommendations on good
compliance and compliance case studies.

% =====================================================================
% =====================================================================

%%  LocalWords:  Sebro Novalis Ravicher GPLv GPL'd copylefted LGPLv OSI USC
%%  LocalWords:  noncommercially counterintuitive Berne copyrightable DRM UC
%%  LocalWords:  proprietarize proprietarization Stallman's Tridgell's RMS
%%  LocalWords:  Lessig Lessig's Stallman Proto GPLs proto Tai pre GPL's ful
%%  LocalWords:  legalbol AGPLv Runtime licensor licensors relicense UCITA
%%  LocalWords:  unprotectable Intl nd th Kepner Tregoe Bando Indust Mitel
%%  LocalWords:  Iqtel Bateman Mitek Arce protectable hoc faire de minimis
%%  LocalWords:  Borland Int'l uncopyrightable LLC APIs Ent Connectix DVD's
%%  LocalWords:  redistributor diachronic unshared subpart redistributors
%%  LocalWords:  CDs userbase reshifts licensor's distributee impliedly Mgmt
%%  LocalWords:  patentee  relicenses irrevocability Jacobsen Katzer TRW CCS
%%  LocalWords:  Unfreedonia administrivia Relicensing impermissibly centric
%%  LocalWords:  permissibility firehose bytecode minified Javascript DLLs
%%  LocalWords:  preprocessors functionalities offsite sublicensing DMCA CFR
%%  LocalWords:  anticircumvention WIPO BitTorrent multidirectional Magnuson
%%  LocalWords:  subdefinition Dryvit Stroebner Tandy TRS superset LGPL SLES
%%  LocalWords:  cryptographic relicensing removability sublicensed Novell
%%  LocalWords:  anticompetitive administrability sublicensable licensable
%%  LocalWords:  sublicense sublicensees sublicenses affixation Novell's
%%  LocalWords:  severability Affero LGPL'd lingua franca glibc facto LGPL's
%%  LocalWords:  relicensed runtime subunits relink downloadable MontaVista
%%  LocalWords:  CodeSourcery OpenTV MySQL TrollTech Michlmayr Copyleft's
%%  LocalWords:  GPLRequireSourcePostedPublic privity Downstream's Jaeger
%%  LocalWords:  Jaeger's copyleft's executables estoppel infringer
%%  LocalWords:  unenforceability enforceability CISG

0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)