Changeset - 9ef0ff86028a
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2014-03-21 16:54:46
1 file changed with 5 insertions and 3 deletions:
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@@ -267,16 +267,18 @@ happier in their jobs if their tools already track the precise version of
source that corresponds to any deployed binary.

\section{Avoid the ``Build Guru''}

Too many software projects rely on only one or a very few team members who
know how to build and assemble the final released product.  Such knowledge
centralization not only creates engineering redundancy issues, but it also
endangers GPL compliance, which requires you to provide build scripts.
centralization not only creates engineering redundancy issues, but also
thwarts GPL compliance.  Specifically, CCS does not just require source code,
but scripts and other material that explain how to control compilation and
installation of the executable and object code.

Avoid relying on a ``build guru'', a single developer who is the only one
Thus, avoid relying on a ``build guru'', a single developer who is the only one
who knows how to produce your final product. Make sure the build process
is well defined.  Train every developer on the build process for the final
binary distribution, including (in the case of embedded software)
generating a final firmware image suitable for distribution to the
customer.  Require developers to use revision control for build processes.
Make a rule that adding new components to the system without adequate
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