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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2014-03-20 14:11:47
Correct various references and labels to consistency.
1 file changed with 9 insertions and 6 deletions:
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@@ -957,17 +957,17 @@ However, note that FSF gives herein the control of copyright holders to
decide whether or not to implicitly trust the FSF in its work of drafting
future GPL versions.  The FSF, for its part, does encourage copyright holders
to chose by default ``GPLv$X$-or-later'' (where $X$ is the most recent
version of the GPL published by the FSF).  However, the FSF \textbf{does not
  mandate} that a choice to use any GPL requires a copyright holder ceding
its authority for future licensing decisions to the FSF.  In fact, the FSF
considered this possibility for GPLv3 and chose not to do so, instead opting
for the third-party steward designation clause discussed in

\section{Complexities of Two Simultaneously Popular Copylefts}

Obviously most GPL advocates would prefer widespread migration to GPLv3, and
many newly formed projects who seek a copyleft license tend to choose a
GPLv3-based license.  However, many existing copylefted projects continue
with GPLv2-only or GPLv2-or-later as their default license.

@@ -1454,16 +1454,17 @@ the defendant or overaggressiveness on the part of the plaintiff.

In this chapter, we discuss the two core sections that define the rights
and obligations for those who modify, improve, and/or redistribute GPL'd
software. These sections, GPLv2~\S\S2--3, define the central core rights and
requirements of GPLv2\@.

\section{GPLv2~\S2: Share and Share Alike}

For many, this is where the ``magic'' happens that defends software
freedom upon redistribution.  GPLv2~\S2 is the only place in GPLv2
that governs the modification controls of copyright law.  If users
modifies a GPLv2'd program, they must follow the terms of GPLv2~\S2 in making
those changes.  Thus, this sections ensures that the body of GPL'd software, as it
continues and develops, remains Free as in freedom.

@@ -1619,17 +1620,17 @@ a virus is bad for you, but also because simple contact with a GPL'd
code-base does not impact the license of other programs.  A programmer must
expended actual effort  to cause a work to fall under the terms
of the GPL.  Redistributors are always welcome to simply ship GPL'd
software alongside proprietary software or other unrelated Free Software,
as long as the terms of GPL are adhered to for those packages that are
truly GPL'd.

\section{GPLv2~\S3: Producing Binaries}

Software is a strange beast when compared to other copyrightable works.
It is currently impossible to make a film or a book that can be truly
obscured.  Ultimately, the full text of a novel, even one written by
William Faulkner, must presented to the reader as words in some
human-readable language so that they can enjoy the work.  A film, even one
directed by David Lynch, must be perceptible by human eyes and ears to
have any value.
@@ -1743,17 +1744,17 @@ the source code right alongside the binaries in the same place is
sufficient to comply with GPLv2~\S3.


As is shown above, Under GPLv2~\S3(a), embedded manufacturers can put the
binaries on the device and ship the source code along on a CD\@.  However,
sometimes this turns out to be too costly.  Including a CD with every
device could prove too costly, and may practically (although not legally)
prohibit using GPL'd software. For this situation and others like it, GPlv2\S~3(b) is available.
prohibit using GPL'd software. For this situation and others like it, GPLv2\S~3(b) is available.

GPLv2~\S3(b) allows a distributor of binaries to instead provide a written
offer for source code alongside those binaries.  This is useful in two
specific ways.  First, it may turn out that most users do not request the
source, and thus the cost of producing the CDs is saved --- a financial
and environmental windfall.  In addition, along with a GPLv2~\S3(b) compliant
offer for source, a binary distributor might choose to \emph{also} give a
URL for source code.  Many who would otherwise need a CD with source might
@@ -2521,17 +2522,17 @@ library qualifies for the system library exception, here is a pragmatic
thesis to consider, based on the combined decades of experience in GPL
interpretation of this tutorial's authors: the harder and more strained the
reader must study and read the system library exception, the more likely it
is that the library in question does not qualify for it.

\section{GPLv3~\S2: Basic Permissions}

GPLv3~\S2 can roughly be considered as an equivalent to GPLv2~\S0 (discussed
in \S~\ref{GPLv2sS0} of this tutorial).  However, the usual style of
in \S~\ref{GPLv2s0} of this tutorial).  However, the usual style of
improvements found in GPLv3 are found here as well.  For example, the first
sentence of GPLv3~\S2 furthers the goal internationalization.  Under the
copyright laws of some countries, it may be necessary for a copyright license
to include an explicit provision setting forth the duration of the rights
being granted. In other countries, including the USA, such a provision is
unnecessary but permissible.

GPLv3~\S2\P1 also acknowledges that licensees under the GPL enjoy rights of
@@ -2726,16 +2727,17 @@ the term ``physical.''

% FIXME: say more and tie it to the text

There is no harm in explicitly pointing out what ought to be obvious: that
those who convey GPL-covered software may offer commercial services for the
support of that software.

\section{GPLv3~\S5: Modified Source}

% FIXME: 5(a) is slightly different in final version

Section 5 contains a number of changes relative to the corresponding section
in GPLv2. Subsection 5a slightly relaxes the requirements regarding notice of
changes to the program. In particular, the modified files themselves need no
longer be marked. This reduces administrative burdens for developers of
modified versions of GPL'd software.
@@ -2778,16 +2780,17 @@ GPLv2. In GPLv3, as in GPLv2, addition of modules or other parts to a program
results in a new program based on the old program, with different functional
characteristics created by the merger of two expressions: the original
program and the added parts.  Such added parts are ``by their nature
extensions of'' the old program, and therefore the entire new program which
they and the old program form must be licensed under the GPL.  As subsection
5c states, packaging of a work has no bearing on the scope of copyleft.

\section{GPLv3~\S6: Non-Source and Corresponding Source}

Section 6 of GPLv3, which clarifies and revises GPLv2 section 3, requires
distributors of GPL'd object code to provide access to the corresponding
source code, in one of four specified ways. As noted above, ``object code''
in GPLv3 is defined broadly to mean any non-source version of a work.

% FIXME:  probably mostly still right, needs some updates, though.

@@ -4291,17 +4294,17 @@ the combination under the Affero license.  Those who receive such a
combination and do not wish to use code under the Affero requirement may
remove the Affero-covered portion of the combination.

Those who criticize the permission to link with code under the Affero
GPL should recognize that most other free software licenses also permit
such linking. 

\section{GPLv3~\S14: So, When's GPLv4?}

% FIXME Say more

No substantive change has been made in section 14. The wording of the section
has been revised slightly to make it clearer.

% FIXME; proxy

@@ -4550,17 +4553,17 @@ his full permitted controls over the work.
In the effort to allow certain proprietary derivative works and prohibit
others, LGPL distinguishes between two classes of derivative works:
``works based on the library,'' and ``works that use the library.''  The
distinction is drawn on the bright line of binary (or runtime) derivative
works and source code derivatives. We will first consider the definition
of a ``work that uses the library,'' which is set forth in LGPLv2.1~\S5.

We noted in our discussion of GPLv2~\S3 (discussed in
Section~\ref{GPL-Section-3} of this document) that binary programs when
Section~\ref{GPLv2s3} of this document) that binary programs when
compiled and linked with GPL'd software are derivative works of that GPL'd
software. This includes both linking that happens at compile-time (when
the binary is created) or at runtime (when the binary -- including library
and main program both -- is loaded into memory by the user). In GPL,
binary derivative works are controlled by the terms of the license (in GPLv2~\S3),
and distributors of such binary derivatives must release full
corresponding source\@.

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