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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2014-03-20 22:57:14
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@@ -3144,268 +3144,273 @@ has always allowed relicensing under the ordinary GPL\@.
\section{GPLv3~\S7: Understanding License Compatibility}

A challenge that faced the Free Software community heavily through out the
early 2000s was the proliferation of incompatible Free Software licenses.  Of
course, the GPL cannot possibly be compatible with all such licenses.
However, GPLv3
contains provisions that are designed to reduce license incompatibility by
making it easier for developers to combine code carrying non-GPL terms with
GPL'd code.

This license compatibility issue arises for
three reasons.  First, the GPL is a strong copyleft license, requiring
modified versions to be distributed under the GPL\@.  Second, the GPL states
that no further restrictions may be placed on the rights of recipients.
Third, all other software freedom respecting licenses in common use contain certain
requirements, many of which are not conditions made by the GPL\@.  Thus, when
GPL'd code is modified by combination with code covered by another formal
license that specifies other requirements, and that modified code is then
distributed to others, the freedom of recipients may be burdened by
additional requirements in violation of the GPL.  It can be seen that
additional permissions in other licenses do not raise any problems of license

GPLv3  took a new approach to the issue of combining GPL'd code with
code governed by the terms of other software freedom licenses.  Traditional
GPLv2 license compatibility theory (which was not explicitly stated in GPLv2
itself, but treated as a license interpretation matter by the FSF) held that GPLv2 allowed such
combinations only if the non-GPL licensing terms permitted distribution under
the GPL and imposed no restrictions on the code that were not also imposed by
the GPL\@.  In practice, the FSF historically supplemented that policy with a structure of
exceptions for certain kinds of combinations.

GPLv3~\S7  implements a more explicit policy on license
compatibility.  It formalizes the circumstances under which a licensee may
release a covered work that includes an added part carrying non-GPL terms. 
GPLv3~\S7 distinguish between terms that provide additional permissions, and terms that
place additional requirements on the code, relative to the permissions and
requirements established by applying the GPL to the code.

As discussed in the previous section of this tutorial, GPLv3~\S7 first and foremost explicitly allows added parts covered by terms with
additional permissions to be combined with GPL'd code. This codifies the
existing practice of regarding such licensing terms as compatible with the
GPL\@. A downstream user of a combined GPL'd work who modifies such an added
part may remove the additional permissions, in which case the broader
permissions no longer apply to the modified version, and only the terms of
the GPL apply to it.

In its treatment of terms that impose additional requirements, GPLv3\S7
extends the range of licensing terms with which the GPL is compatible.  An
added part carrying additional requirements may be combined with GPL'd code,
but only if those requirements belong to an set enumerated in GPLv3\S7. There
are, of course,  limits on the acceptable additional requirements, which to
ensures that enhanced license compatibility does not
defeat the broader software-freedom-defending terms of the GPL\@. Unlike terms that grant
additional permissions, terms that impose additional requirements cannot be
removed by a downstream user of the combined GPL'd work, because only in the
pathological case\footnote{Theoretically, a user could collect copyright
  assignment from all known contributors and then do this, but this would
  indeed be the pathological case.}  would a user have the right to do so.

% FIXME-LATER: It would be good to have detailed info on each of 7a-f.
%              Here's some commented-out text that might be useful for 7a-b

%% Under subsections 7a and 7b, the requirements may include preservation of
%% copyright notices, information about the origins of the code or alterations
%% of the code, and different warranty disclaimers. Under subsection 7c, the
%% requirements may include limitations on the use of names of contributors and
%% on the use of trademarks for publicity purposes. In general, we permit these
%% requirements in added terms because many free software licenses include them
%% and we consider them to be unobjectionable. Because we support trademark fair
%% use, the limitations on the use of trademarks may seek to enforce only what
%% is required by trademark law, and may not prohibit what would constitute fair
%% use.

% FIXME-LATER:  Say removing additional restrictions

% FIXME-LATER: This text may be useful later:

%% Some have questioned whether section 7 is needed, and some have suggested
%% that it creates complexity that did not previously exist.  We point out to
%% those readers that there is already GPLv2-licensed code that carries
%% additional terms.  One of the objectives of section 7 is to rationalize
%% existing practices of program authors and modifiers by setting clear
%% guidelines regarding the removal and addition of such terms.  With its
%% carefully limited list of allowed additional requirements, section 7
%% accomplishes additional objectives, permitting the expansion of the base of
%% code available for GPL developers, while also encouraging useful
%% experimentation with requirements we do not include in the GPL itself.

\section{GPLv3~\S8: A Lighter Termination}

GPLv2 provided for automatic termination of the rights of a person who
copied, modified, sublicensed, or distributed a work in violation of the
license.  Automatic termination can be too harsh for those who have committed
an inadvertent violation, particularly in cases involving distribution of
large collections of software having numerous copyright holders.  A violator
who resumes compliance with GPLv2 technically needs to obtain forgiveness
from all copyright holders, and even contacting them all might be impossible.

GPLv3~\S8 replaces now grants opportunities for provisional and permanent
reinstatement of rights. The termination procedure provides a limited
opportunity to cure license violations.  If a licensee has committed a
first-time violation of the GPL with respect to a given copyright holder, but
the licensee cures the violation within 30 days following receipt of notice
of the violation, then any of the licensee's GPL rights that have been
terminated by the copyright holder are ``automatically reinstated''.


Finally, if a licensee violates the GPL, a contributor may terminate any
patent licenses that it granted under GPLv3~\S11, in addition to any
copyright permissions the contributor granted to the licensee.

% FIXME-LATER: write more here, perhaps linking up to enforcement


\section{GPLv3~\S9: Acceptance}

GPLv3~\S9 means what it says: mere receipt or execution of code neither
requires nor signifies contractual acceptance under the GPL.  Speaking more
broadly, GPLv3 is intentionally structured our license as a unilateral grant
of copyright permissions, the basic operation of which exists outside of any
law of contract.  Whether and when a contractual relationship is formed
between licensor and licensee under local law do not necessarily matter to
the working of the license.

\section{GPLv3~\S10: Explicit Downstream License}

% FIXME-LATER: this is a punt: need more time to write!

GPLv3~\S10 ensures that everyone downstream receives licenses from all
copyright holders.  It really is a generally straightforward section.

% FIXME-LATER: link up this paragraph to above sections.

GPLv3 removed the words ``at no charge'' from GPLv2~\S2(b) (in GPLv3,~\S5(b))
because it contributed to a misconception that the GPL did not permit
charging for distribution of copies.  The purpose of the ``at no charge''
wording was to prevent attempts to collect royalties from third parties.  The
removal of these words created the danger that the imposition of licensing
fees would no longer be seen as a license violation.  Therefore, GPLv3~\S10
adds a new explicit prohibition on imposition of licensing fees or royalties.
This section is an appropriate place for such a clause, since it is a
specific consequence of the general requirement that no further restrictions
be imposed on downstream recipients of GPL-covered code.
Note, however, GPLv3 removed the words ``at no charge'' from GPLv2~\S2(b) (in
GPLv3,~\S5(b)) because it contributed to a misconception that the GPL did not
permit charging for distribution of copies.  The purpose of the ``at no
charge'' wording was to prevent attempts to collect royalties from third
parties.  The removal of these words created the danger that the imposition
of licensing fees would no longer be seen as a license violation.  Therefore,
GPLv3~\S10 adds a new explicit prohibition on imposition of licensing fees or
royalties.  This section is an appropriate place for such a clause, since it
is a specific consequence of the general requirement that no further
restrictions be imposed on downstream recipients of GPL-covered code.

Careful readers of the GPL have suggested that its explicit prohibition
against imposition of further restrictions\footnote{GPLv2, section 6; Draft
  3, section 10, third paragraph.} has, or ought to have, implications for
those who assert patents against other licensees.  Draft 2 took some steps to
clarify this point in a manner not specific to patents, by describing the
imposition of ``a license fee, royalty, or other charge'' for exercising GPL
rights as one example of an impermissible further restriction.  In Draft 3 we
have clarified further that the requirement of non-imposition of further
restrictions has specific consequences for litigation accusing GPL-covered
programs of infringement.  Section 10 now states that ``you may not initiate
litigation (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging
that any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
sale, or importing the Program (or the contribution of any contributor).''
That is to say, a patent holder's licensed permissions to use a work under
GPLv3 may be terminated under section 8 if the patent holder files a lawsuit
alleging that use of the work, or of any upstream GPLv3-licensed work on
which the work is based, infringes a patent.

\section{GPLv3~\S11: Explicit Patent Licensing}

% FIXME: These don't belong here, but it's closer to where it ought to be now.

It is important to note that section 11, paragraph 3 refers to a work that is
conveyed, and section 10, paragraph 2 refers to a kind of automatic
counterpart to conveying achieved as the result of a transaction. 

The patent licensing practices that section 7 of GPLv2 (corresponding to
section 12 of GPLv3) was designed to prevent are one of several ways in which
software patents threaten to make free programs non-free and to prevent users
from exercising their rights under the GPL. GPLv3 takes a more comprehensive
approach to combatting the danger of patents.

Software patenting is a harmful and unjust policy, and should be abolished;
recent experience makes this all the more evident. Since many countries grant
patents that can apply to and prohibit software packages, in various guises
and to varying degrees, we seek to protect the users of GPL-covered programs
from those patents, while at the same time making it feasible for patent
holders to contribute to and distribute GPL-covered programs as long as they
do not attack the users of those programs.

It is generally understood that GPLv2 implies some limits on a licensee's
power to assert patent claims against the use of GPL-covered works.

Therefore, we have designed GPLv3 to reduce the patent risks that distort and
threaten the activities of users who make, run, modify and share free
software.  At the same time, we have given due consideration to practical
goals such as certainty and administrability for patent holders that
participate in distribution and development of GPL-covered software.  Our
policy requires each such patent holder to provide appropriate levels of
patent assurance to users, according to the nature of the patent holder's
relationship to the program.

Draft 3 features several significant changes concerning patents.  We have
made improvements to earlier wording, clarified when patent assertion becomes
a prohibited restriction on GPL rights, and replaced a distribution-triggered
non-assertion covenant with a contribution-based patent license grant. We
have also added provisions to block collusion by patent holders with software
distributors that would extend patent licenses in a discriminatory way.


Draft 3 introduces the terms ``contributor'' and ``contribution,'' which are
used in the third paragraph of section 10 and the first paragraph of section
11, discussed successively in the following two subsections.  Section 0
defines a contributor as ``a party who licenses under this License a work on
which the Program is based.'' That work is the ``contribution'' of that
contributor.  In other words, each received GPLv3-covered work is associated
with one or more contributors, making up the finite set of upstream GPLv3
licensors for that work. Viewed from the perspective of a recipient of the
Program, contributors include all the copyright holders for the Program,
other than copyright holders of material originally licensed under non-GPL
terms and later incorporated into a GPL-covered work.  The contributors are
therefore the initial GPLv3 licensors of the Program and all subsequent
upstream licensors who convey, under the terms of section 5, modified works
on which the Program is based.

For a contributor whose contribution is a modified work conveyed under
section 5, the contribution is ``the entire work, as a whole'' which the
contributor is required to license under GPLv3.  The contribution therefore
includes not just the material added or altered by the contributor, but also
the pre-existing material the contributor copied from the upstream version
and retained in the modified version. Our usage of ``contributor'' and
``contribution'' should not be confused with the various other ways in which
those terms are used in certain other free software licenses.\footnote{Cf.,
  e.g., Apache License, version 2.0, section 1; Eclipse Public License,
  version 1.0, section 1; Mozilla Public License, version 1.1, section 1.1.}

The term ``patent license,'' as used in the third through fifth
paragraphs of section 11, is not meant to be confined to agreements
formally identified or classified as patent licenses.  The new second
paragraph of section 11 makes this clear by defining ``patent license,''
for purposes of the subsequent three paragraphs, as ``a patent license,
a covenant not to bring suit for patent infringement, or any other
express agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a
patent.''  The definition does not include patent licenses that arise by
implication or operation of law, because the third through fifth
paragraphs of section 11 are specifically concerned with explicit
promises that purport to be legally enforceable.

Our previous drafts featured a patent license grant triggered by all
acts of distribution of GPLv3-covered works.\footnote{In Draft 2 we
rewrote the patent license as a covenant not to assert patent claims. We
explain why we reverted to the form of a patent license grant in \S\
\ref{cov}.} Many patent-holding companies objected to this policy. They
have made two objections: (1) the far-reaching impact of the patent
license grant on the patent holder is disproportionate to the act of
merely distributing code without modification or transformation, and (2)
it is unreasonable to expect an owner of vast patent assets to exercise
requisite diligence in reviewing all the GPL-covered software that it
provides to others.  Some expressed particular concern about the
consequences of ``inadvertent'' distribution.

The argument that the impact of the patent license grant would be
``disproportionate,'' that is to say unfair, is not valid. Since
software patents are weapons that no one should have, and using them for
aggression against free software developers is an egregious act,
preventing that act cannot be unfair. 

However, the second argument seems valid in a practical sense.  A
typical GNU/Linux distribution includes thousands of programs. It would
be quite difficult for a redistributor with a large patent portfolio to
review all those programs against that portfolio every time it receives
and passes on a new version of the distribution. Moreover, this question
raises a strategic issue. If the GPLv3 patent license requirements
convince patent-holding companies to remain outside the distribution
path of all GPL-covered software, then these requirements, no matter how
strong, will cover few patents. 
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