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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2014-11-12 00:21:21
Link LGPL compliance section to LGPL analysis.

Since so little material is currently given on LGPL compliance, it's
likely best to link back to the chapter on LGPL compliance.

Besides, I don't think there really is anything additional the
compliance guide can add regarding LGPL compliance, other than the
detail license analysis on LGPL already available in that part of the

(Note labels had to be added for the chapters that didn't previously
2 files changed with 7 insertions and 5 deletions:
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@@ -1196,41 +1196,41 @@ for reinstatement of rights.  These software developers are talented
professionals from whose work your company has benefited.  Indeed, you are
unlikely to find a better value or more generous license terms for similar
software elsewhere.  Treat the copyright holders with the same respect you
treat your corporate partners and collaborators.

\chapter{Special Topics in Compliance}

There are several other issues that are less common, but also relevant in
a GPL compliance situation.  To those who face them, they tend to be of
particular interest.

\section{LGPL Compliance}

GPL compliance and LGPL compliance mostly involve the same issues.  As we
discussed in \S~\ref{derivative-works}, questions of modified versions of
software are highly fact-dependant and cannot be easily addressed in any
software are highly fact-dependent and cannot be easily addressed in any
overview document.  The LGPL adds some additional complexity to the
analysis.  Namely, the various LGPL versions permit proprietary licensing
of certain types of modified versions.  These issues are well beyond the
scope of this document, but as a rule of thumb, once you have determined
of certain types of modified versions.  These issues are discussed in greater
detail in Chapter~\ref{LGPLv2} and~\ref{LGPLv3}.  However, as a rule of thumb, once you have determined
(in accordance with LGPLv3) what part of the work is the ``Application''
and what portions of the source are ``Minimal Corresponding Source'', then
you can usually proceed to follow the GPL compliance rules that we
discussed, replacing our discussion of ``Corresponding Source'' with
you can usually proceed to follow the GPL compliance rules that
discussed above, replacing our discussion of ``Corresponding Source'' with
``Minimal Corresponding Source''.

LGPL also requires that you provide a mechanism to combine the Application
with a modified version of the library, and outlines some options for
this.  Also, the license of the whole work must permit ``reverse
engineering for debugging such modifications'' to the library.  Therefore,
you should take care that the EULA used for the Application does not
contradict this permission.

%FIXME-URGENT: integrate

Under the terms of LGPL, they must also refrain from license terms on works
based on the licensed work that prohibit replacement of the licensed
components of the larger non-LGPL’d work, or prohibit decompilation or
reverse engineering in order to enhance or fix bugs in the LGPL’d components.

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@@ -4100,32 +4100,33 @@ No substantive changes have been made in sections 15 and 16.
%% Our revised version of section 7 makes explicit our view that the
%% inclusion of a choice of law clause by a licensee is the imposition of
%% an additional requirement in violation of the GPL.  Moreover, if a
%% program author or copyright holder purports to supplement the GPL with
%% a choice of law clause, section 7 now permits any licensee to remove
%% that clause.


% FIXME-LATER: does this need to be a section, describing how it was out then in
% then out then in? :)

Finally, the FSF shortened the section on ``How to Apply These
Terms to Your New Programs'' to just the bare essentials.

\chapter{The Lesser GPL}

As we have seen in our consideration of the GPL, its text is specifically
designed to cover all possible derivative, modified and/or combined works under copyright law. Our
goal in designing the GPL was to maximize its use of the controls of
copyright law to maximize the number of works that were covered by GPL. 

However, while the strategic goal of software freedom is to bring as much Free Software
into the world as possible, particular tactical considerations
regarding software freedom dictate different means. Extending the
copyleft effect as far as copyright law allows is not always the most
prudent course in reaching the goal. In particular situations, even
those of us with the goal of building a world where all published
software is Free Software realize that full copyleft does not best
serve us. The GNU Lesser General Public License (``GNU LGPL'') was
designed as a solution for such situations.

@@ -4670,32 +4671,33 @@ discretion.
\item Creating aggregates of libraries that are separate and independent works from
  each other, and distributing them as a unit (in LGPLv2.1~\S7)



Due to time constraints, we cannot cover these additional terms in detail,
but they are mostly straightforward. The key to understanding LGPLv2.1 is
understanding the difference between a ``work based on the library'' and a
``work that uses the library.''  Once that distinction is clear, the
remainder of LGPLv2.1 is close enough to GPL that the concepts discussed in
our more extensive GPL unit can be directly applied.

% FIXME-URGENT: integrate


LGPLv3 was designed to rectify the architectural plan of the GNU family of
licenses, by making the copyleft license from which LGPLv3 is a combination
exception GPLv3. LGPLv3 is therefore an additional permission in the form
provided for in GPLv3 \S7, above.

\section{Section 0: Additional Definitions}

Section 0 defines the ``Library'' it covers as a work that presents one or more
interfaces at which a ``use'' can be made by an ``Application.'' Class
inheritance is ``deemed'' a use of an interface. An ``Application,'' which is
other program code using one or more ``Library'' interfaces can be combined
with the code on the other side of the interfaces it uses to form a ``Combined

\section{Section 1: Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL}
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