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Free Software Foundation, Inc - 10 years ago 2014-03-19 20:01:54
Relevant text from FSF's "GPLv2 Discussion Draft 3 FAQ",
as published circa 2007-03-28, (around the time of GPLv3 Third Discussion

I (Bradley M. Kuhn) carefully went through FSF's "GPLv2 Discussion Draft 3
FAQ", which appears to have been published on Thursday 28 March 2007, and
merged in any relevant text that might be of use in this tutorial.

The raw material used for this commit can be found here:

As I merged in this text, I added FIXME's where it seemed the text was
incomplete or referred to parts of GPLv3 draft text that disappeared in later

Finally, note that this material was originally copyrighted and licensed as

Copyright © 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article are permitted
worldwide, without royalty, in any medium, provided this notice, and the
copyright notice, are preserved.

However, I am hereby relicensing this material to CC-By-SA-4.0, with the
verbal permission from John Sullivan, Executive Director of the FSF, which
was given to me during a conference call on Wednesday 12 February 2014. I
also confirmed that relicensing permission on IRC with johnsu01 today.
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@@ -2710,192 +2710,221 @@ in GPLv3 is defined broadly to mean any non-source version of a work.

Subsections 6a and 6b now apply specifically to distribution of object code
in a physical product. Physical products include embedded systems, as well as
physical software distribution media such as CDs. As in GPLv2, the
distribution of object code may either be accompanied by the machine-readable
source code, or it may be accompanied by a written offer to provide the
machine-readable source code to any third party. GPLv3 clarifies that the
medium for software interchange on which the machine-readable source code is
provided must be a durable physical medium. Subsection 6b does not prevent a
distributor from offering to provide source code to a third party by some
other means, such as transmission over a network, so long as the option of
obtaining source code on a physical medium is presented.

% FIXME:  probably mostly still right, needs some updates, though.

Subsection 6b revises the requirements for the written offer to provide
source code. As before, the offer must remain valid for at least three
years. In addition, even after three years, a distributor of a product
containing GPL'd object code must offer to provide source code for as long as
the distributor also continues to offer spare parts or customer support for
the product model. We believe that this is a reasonable and appropriate
requirement; a distributor should be prepared to provide source code if he or
she is prepared to provide support for other aspects of a physical product.

% FIXME: 10x language is gone.

Subsection 6b also increases the maximum permitted price for providing a copy
of the source code. GPLv2 stated that the price could be no more than the
cost of physically performing source distribution; GPLv3 allows the price to
be up to ten times the distributor's cost. It may not be practical to expect
some organizations to provide such copies at cost. Moreover, permitting such
organizations to charge ten times the cost is not particularly harmful, since
some recipient of the code can be expected to make the code freely available
on a public network server. We also recognize that there is nothing wrong
with profiting from providing copies of source code, provided that the price
of a copy is not so unreasonably high as to make it effectively unavailable.

% FIXME:  probably mostly still right, needs some updates, though.

Subsection 6c gives narrower permission than the corresponding subsection in
GPLv2.  The option of including a copy of an offer received in accordance
with subsection 6b is available only for private distribution of object code;
moreover, such private distribution is restricted to ``occasional
non-commercial distribution.''  This subsection makes clear that a
distributor cannot comply with the GPL merely by making object code available
on a publicly-accessible network server accompanied by a copy of the written
offer to provide source code received from an upstream distributor.

% FIXME:  probably mostly still right, needs some updates, though.

New subsection 6d, which revises the final paragraph of GPLv2 section 3,
addresses distribution of object code by offering access to copy the code
from a designated place, such as by enabling electronic access to a network
server.  Subsection 6d clarifies that the distributor must offer equivalent
access to copy the source code ``in the same way through the same place.''
This wording permits a distributor to offer a third party access to both
object code and source code on a single network portal or web page, even
though the access may include links to different physical servers.  For
example, a downstream distributor may provide a link to an upstream
distributor's server and arrange with the operator of that server to keep the
source code available for copying for as long as the downstream distributor
enables access to the object code.  This codifies what has been our
interpretation of GPLv2.

%FIXME: 6e, peer-to-peer


%  FIXME: Not final paragraph anymore. 

The final paragraph of section 6 takes account of the fact that the Complete
Corresponding Source Code may include added parts that carry non-GPL terms,
as permitted by section 7.

% FIXME: update lock-down section to work with more recent drafts

Though the definition of Complete Corresponding Source Code in the second
paragraph of section 1 is expansive, it is not sufficient to protect users'
freedoms in many circumstances. For example, a GPL'd program, or a modified
version of such a program, might need to be signed with a key or authorized
with a code in order for it to run on a particular machine and function
properly. Similarly, a program that produces digitally-restricted files might
require a decryption code in order to read the output.

The third paragraph of section 1 addresses this problem by making clear that
Complete Corresponding Source Code includes any such encryption,
authorization, and decryption codes. By requiring the inclusion of this
information whenever the GPL requires distribution of Complete Corresponding
Source Code, we thwart efforts to obstruct the goals of the GPL, and we
ensure that users will remain in control over their own machines. We
recognize an exception where use of the program normally implies that the
user already has the codes. For example, in secure systems a computer owner
might possess any keys needed to run a program, while the distributor of the
program might not have the keys.

% FIXME: installation information


Why do distributors only have to provide Installation Information for User Products?

Some companies effectively outsource their entire IT department to another
company. Computers and applications are installed in the company's offices,
but managed remotely by some service provider. In some of these situations,
the hardware is locked down; only the service provider has the key, and the
customers consider that to be a desirable security feature.

We think it's unfortunate that people would be willing to give up their
freedom like this.  But they should be able to fend for themselves, and the
market provides plenty of alternatives to these services that would not lock
them down. As a result, we have introduced this compromise to the draft:
distributors are only required to provide Installation Information when
they're distributing the software on a User Product, where the customers'
buying power is likely to be less organized.

This is a compromise of strategy, and not our ideals. Given the environment
we live in today --- where Digital Restrictions Management is focused largely
in consumer devices, and everyone, including large companies, is becoming
increasingly worried about the effects of DRM thanks to recent developments
like the release of Microsoft's Windows Vista --- we think that the proposed
language will still provide us with enough leverage to effectively thwart
DRM. We still believe you have a fundamental right to modify the software on
all the hardware you own; the preamble explains, ``If such problems [as
  locked-down hardware] arise substantially in other domains, we stand ready
to extend this provision to those domains in future versions of the GPL, as
needed to protect the freedom of users.''

% FIXME: This needs merged in somewhere in here

The mere fact that use of the work implies that the user \textit{has} the key
may not be enough to ensure the user's freedom in using it.  The user must
also be able to read and copy the key; thus, its presence in a special
register inside the computer does not satisfy the requirement. In an
application in which the user's personal key is used to protect privacy or
limit distribution of personal data, the user clearly has the ability to read
and copy the key, which therefore is not included in the Corresponding
Source. On the other hand, if a key is generated based on the object code, or
is present in hardware, but the user cannot manipulate that key, then the key
must be provided as part of the Corresponding Source.

% FIXME: this came from Section 1 but is now mostly in Section 6

In section 1, we have tried to limit as precisely as possible the situation
in which an encryption or signing key is part of the Corresponding Source
Code of a GPL'd work.  Where someone is provided a GPL'd work, he must
receive the whole of the power to use and modify the work that was available
to preceding licensors whose permissions he automatically receives.  If a key
would be necessary to install a fully functional version of the GPL'd work
from source code, the user who receives the binary must receive the key along
with the source.  The requirement of full functionality, which we have
illustrated with examples, is no more optional than it would be if GPL'd
software were redistributed with an additional license condition, rather than
a technical limitation, on the uses to which modified versions could be
put.\footnote{There is a clear distinction between this situation and the
  situation of authenticated modules or plug-ins distributed as part of a
  multi-component software system, so that instances of the software can
  verify for the user the integrity of the collection.  So long as the
  decision about whether to run a modified version is the user's decision,
  not controlled by a preceding licensor or a third party, the vendor's
  authentication key would also not qualify as part of the Corresponding
  Source under the language we have adopted for Draft 2.}

%FIXME: publicly documented format.  This might work as a start on that:

Our primary objective here was to ensure that the
distributor use a generally-recognized mechanism for packaging source

\section{Understanding License Compatibility}

% FIXME: more about license compatibility here.

A challenge that faced the Free Software community heavily through out the
early 2000s was the proliferation of incompatible Free Software licenses.  Of
course, we cannot make the GPL compatible with all such licenses. GPLv3
contains provisions that are designed to reduce license incompatibility by
making it easier for developers to combine code carrying non-GPL terms with
GPL'd code.

% FIXME: connecting text

\subsection{Additional Permissions}

% FIXME: rework and fix formatting.

The GPL is a statement of permissions, some of which have conditions.
Additional terms, terms that supplement those of the GPL, may come to be
placed on, or removed from, GPL-covered code in certain common ways.  We
consider those added terms ``additional permissions'' if they grant
exceptions from the conditions of the GPL, and ``additional requirements'' if
they add conditions to the basic permissions of the GPL. The treatment of
additional permissions and additional requirements under GPLv3 is necessarily
asymmetrical, because they do not raise the same ethical and interpretive
issues; in particular, additional requirements, if allowed without careful
limitation, could transform a GPL'd program into a non-free one.  With these
principles in the background, section 7 answers the following questions: (1)
How do the presence of additional terms on all or part of a GPL'd program
affect users' rights? (2) When and how may a licensee add terms to code being
distributed under the GPL? (3) When may a licensee remove additional terms?

% FIXME: FSF third person, etc.

Additional permissions present the easier case.  We have licensed some of our
own software under GPLv2 with permissive exceptions that allow combination
with non-free code, and that allow removal of those permissions by downstream
recipients; similarly, LGPLv2.1 is in essence a permissive variant of GPLv2,
and it permits relicensing under the GPL.  We have generalized these
practices in section 7.  A licensee may remove any additional permission from
a covered work, whether it was placed by the original author or by an
upstream distributor.  A licensee may also add any kind of additional
permission to any part of a work for which the licensee has, or can give,
appropriate copyright permission. For example, if the licensee has written
that part, the licensee is the copyright holder for that part and can
therefore give additional permissions that are applicable to it.
Alternatively, the part may have been written by someone else and licensed,
with the additional permissions, to that licensee.  Any additional
permissions on that part are, in turn, removable by downstream recipients.
As subsection 7a explains, the effect of an additional permission depends on
whether the permission applies to the whole work or a part.

% FIXME: rework this a bit

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