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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2014-03-18 22:43:21
We now have a chapter earlier that discusses this in more detail,
just reference that instead of this other text that was here.
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@@ -512,384 +512,385 @@ means like those listed above.
Generally speaking, copyright law operates similarly enough in countries that
have signed the Berne Convention on Copyright, and software freedom licenses
have generally taken advantage of this international standardization of
copyright law.  However, copyright law does differ from country to country,
and commonly, software freedom licenses like GPL must be considered under the
copyright law in the jurisdiction where any licensing dispute occurs.

Those who are most familiar with the USA's system of copyright often are
surprised to learn that there are certain copyright controls that cannot be
waived nor disclaimed.  Specifically, many copyright regimes outside the USA
recognize a concept of moral rights of authors.  Typically, moral rights are
fully compatible with respecting software freedom, as they are usually
centered around controls that software freedom licenses generally respect,
such as the right of an authors to require proper attribution for their work.

\section{A Community of Equality}

The previous section described the principles of software freedom, a brief
introduction to mechanisms that typically block these freedoms, and the
simplest ways that copyright holders might grant those freedoms to their
users for their copyrighted works of software.  The previous section also
introduced the idea of \textit{copyleft}: a licensing mechanism to use
copyright to not only grant software freedom to users, but also to uphold
those rights against those who might seek to curtail them.

Copyleft, as defined in \S~\ref{copyleft-definition}, is a general term this
mechanism.  The remainder of this text will discuss details of various
real-world implementations of copyleft -- most notably, the GPL\@.

This discussion begins first with some general explanation of what the GPL is
able to do in software development communities.  After that brief discussion
in this section, deeper discussion of how GPL accomplishes this in practice
follows in the next chapter.

Simply put, though, the GPL ultimately creates an community of equality for
both business and noncommercial users.

\subsection{The Noncommercial Community}

A GPL'd code base becomes a center of a vibrant development and user
community.  Traditionally, volunteers, operating noncommercially out of
keen interest or ``scratch an itch'' motivations, produce initial versions
of a GPL'd system.  Because of the efficient distribution channels of the
Internet, any useful GPL'd system is adopted quickly by noncommercial

Fundamentally, the early release and quick distribution of the software
gives birth to a thriving noncommercial community.  Users and developers
begin sharing bug reports and bug fixes across a shared intellectual
commons.  Users can trust the developers, because they know that if the
developers fail to address their needs or abandon the project, the GPL
ensures that someone else has the right to pick up development.
Developers know that the users cannot redistribute their software without
passing along the rights granted by GPL, so they are assured that every
one of their users is treated equally.

Because of the symmetry and fairness inherent in GPL'd distribution,
nearly every GPL'd package in existence has a vibrant noncommercial user
and developer base.

\subsection{The Commercial Community}

By the same token, nearly all established GPL'd software systems have a
vibrant commercial community.  Nearly every GPL'd system that has gained
wide adoption from noncommercial users and developers eventually begins
to fuel a commercial system around that software.

For example, consider the Samba file server system that allows Unix-like
systems (including GNU/Linux) to serve files to Microsoft Windows systems.
Two graduate students originally developed Samba in their spare time and
it was deployed noncommercially in academic environments\footnote{See
  \href{}{Andrew Tridgell's
    ``A bit of history and a bit of fun''}}.  However, very
soon for-profit companies discovered that the software could work for them
as well, and their system administrators began to use it in place of
Microsoft Windows NT file-servers.  This served to lower the cost of
running such servers by orders of magnitude. There was suddenly room in
Windows file-server budgets to hire contractors to improve Samba.  Some of
the first people hired to do such work were those same two graduate
students who originally developed the software.

The noncommercial users, however, were not concerned when these two
fellows began collecting paychecks off of their GPL'd work.  They knew
that because of the nature of the GPL that improvements that were
distributed in the commercial environment could easily be folded back into
the standard version.  Companies are not permitted to proprietarize
Samba, so the noncommercial users, and even other commercial users are
safe in the knowledge that the software freedom ensured by GPL will remain

Commercial developers also work in concert with noncommercial
developers.  Those two now-long-since graduated students continue to
contribute to Samba altruistically, but also get paid work doing it.
Priorities change when a client is in the mix, but all the code is
contributed back to the standard version.  Meanwhile, many other
individuals have gotten involved noncommercially as developers,
because they want to ``cut their teeth on Free Software,'' or because
the problems interest them.  When they get good at it, perhaps they
will move on to another project, or perhaps they will become
commercial developers of the software themselves.

No party is a threat to another in the GPL software scenario because
everyone is on equal ground.  The GPL protects rights of the commercial
and noncommercial contributors and users equally. The GPL creates trust,
because it is a level playing field for all.

\subsection{Law Analogy}

In his introduction to Stallman's \emph{Free Software, Free Society},
Lawrence Lessig draws an interesting analogy between the law and Free
Software. He argues that the laws of a free society must be protected
much like the GPL protects software.  So that I might do true justice to
Lessig's argument, I quote it verbatim:


A ``free society'' is regulated by law. But there are limits that any free
society places on this regulation through law: No society that kept its
laws secret could ever be called free.  No government that hid its
regulations from the regulated could ever stand in our tradition. Law
controls.  But it does so justly only when visibly.  And law is visible
only when its terms are knowable and controllable by those it regulates,
or by the agents of those it regulates (lawyers, legislatures).

This condition on law extends beyond the work of a legislature.  Think
about the practice of law in American courts.  Lawyers are hired by their
clients to advance their clients' interests.  Sometimes that interest is
advanced through litigation. In the course of this litigation, lawyers
write briefs. These briefs in turn affect opinions written by judges.
These opinions decide who wins a particular case, or whether a certain law
can stand consistently with a constitution.

All the material in this process is free in the sense that Stallman means.
Legal briefs are open and free for others to use.  The arguments are
transparent (which is different from saying they are good), and the
reasoning can be taken without the permission of the original lawyers.
The opinions they produce can be quoted in later briefs.  They can be
copied and integrated into another brief or opinion.  The ``source code''
for American law is by design, and by principle, open and free for anyone
to take. And take lawyers do---for it is a measure of a great brief that
it achieves its creativity through the reuse of what happened before.  The
source is free; creativity and an economy is built upon it.

This economy of free code (and here I mean free legal code) doesn't starve
lawyers.  Law firms have enough incentive to produce great briefs even
though the stuff they build can be taken and copied by anyone else.  The
lawyer is a craftsman; his or her product is public.  Yet the crafting is
not charity. Lawyers get paid; the public doesn't demand such work
without price.  Instead this economy flourishes, with later work added to
the earlier.

We could imagine a legal practice that was different --- briefs and
arguments that were kept secret; rulings that announced a result but not
the reasoning. Laws that were kept by the police but published to no one
else. Regulation that operated without explaining its rule.

We could imagine this society, but we could not imagine calling it
``free.''  Whether or not the incentives in such a society would be better
or more efficiently allocated, such a society could not be known as free.
The ideals of freedom, of life within a free society, demand more than
efficient application.  Instead, openness and transparency are the
constraints within which a legal system gets built, not options to be
added if convenient to the leaders.  Life governed by software code should
be no less.

Code writing is not litigation.  It is better, richer, more
productive.  But the law is an obvious instance of how creativity and
incentives do not depend upon perfect control over the products
created.  Like jazz, or novels, or architecture, the law gets built
upon the work that went before. This adding and changing is what
creativity always is.  And a free society is one that assures that its
most important resources remain free in just this sense.\footnote{This
quotation is Copyright \copyright{} 2002, Lawrence Lessig. It is
licensed under the terms of
\href{}{the ``Attribution
License'' version 1.0} or any later version as published by Creative

In essence, lawyers are paid to service the shared commons of legal
infrastructure.  Few citizens defend themselves in court or write their
own briefs (even though they are legally permitted to do so) because
everyone would prefer to have an expert do that job.

The Free Software economy is a market ripe for experts.  It
functions similarly to other well established professional fields like the
law. The GPL, in turn, serves as the legal scaffolding that permits the
creation of this vibrant commercial and noncommercial Free Software

\chapter{A Tale of Two Copyleft Licenses}

While determining the proper methodology and criteria to yield an accurate
count remains difficult, the GPL is generally considered one of the most
widely used Free Software licenses.  For most of its history --- for 16 years
from June 1991 to June 2007 --- there was really only one version of the GPL,
version 2.

However, the GPL had both earlier versions before version 2, and, more well
known, a revision to version 3. 

\section{Historical Motivations for the General Public License}

The earliest license to grant software freedom was likely the Berkeley
Software Distribution (``BSD'') license.  This license is typical of what are
often called lax, highly permissive licenses.  Not unlike software in the
public domain, these non-copyleft licenses (usually) grant software freedom
to users, but they do not go to any effort to uphold that software freedom
for users.  The so-called ``downstream'' (those who receive the software and
then build new things based on that software) can restrict the software and
distribute further.

The GNU's Not Unix (``GNU'') project, which Richard M.~Stallman (``RMS'')
founded in 1984 to make a complete Unix-compatible operating system
implementation that assured software freedom for all.  However, RMS saw that
using a license that gave but did not assure software freedom would be
counter to the goals of the GNU project.  RMS invented ``copyleft'' as an
answer to that problem, and began using various copyleft licenses for the
early GNU project programs\footnote{RMS writes more fully about this topic in
  his essay entitled simply
  \href{}{\textit{The GNU Project}}.
    For those who want to hear the story in his own voice,
    \href{}{speech recordings} of his talk,
    \textit{The Free Software Movement and the GNU/Linux Operating System}
    are also widely available}.

\section{Proto-GPLs And Their Impact}

The earliest copyleft licenses were specific to various GNU programs.  For
example, \href{}{The Emacs
  General Public License} was likely the first copyleft license ever
published.  Interesting to note that even this earliest copyleft license
contains a version of the well-known GPL copyleft clause:

You may modify your copy or copies of GNU Emacs \ldots provided that you also
\ldots cause the whole of any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is a derivative of GNU Emacs or any part
thereof, to be licensed at no charge to all third parties on terms identical
to those contained in this License Agreement.

This simply stated clause is the fundamental innovation of copyleft.
Specifically, copyleft \textit{uses} the copyright holders' controls on
permission to modify the work to add a conditional requirement.  Namely,
downstream users may only have permission to modify  the work if they pass
along the same permissions on the modified version that came originally to

These original program-specific proto-GPLs give an interesting window into
the central ideas and development of copyleft.  In particular, reviewing them
shows how the text of the GPL we know has evolved to address more of the
issues discussed earlier in \S~\ref{software-and-non-copyright}.

\section{The GNU General Public License, Version 1}

In January 1989, the FSF announced that the GPL had been converted into a
``subroutine'' that could be reused not just for all FSF-copyrighted
programs, but also by anyone else.  As the FSF claimed in its announcement of
the GPLv1\footnote{The announcement of GPLv1 was published in the
  \href{\#SEC8}{GNU'S Bulletin, vol 1,
    number 6 dated January 1989}.  (Thanks very much to Andy Tai for his
  \href{}{consolidation of research on
    the history of the pre-v1 GPL's}.)}:
To make it easier to copyleft programs, we have been improving on the
legalbol architecture of the General Public License to produce a new version
that serves as a general-purpose subroutine: it can apply to any program
without modification, no matter who is publishing it.

This, like many inventive ideas, seems somewhat obvious in retrospect.  But,
the FSF had some bright people and access to good lawyers when it started.
It took almost five years from the first copyleft licenses to get to a
generalized, reusable GPLv1.  In the context and mindset of the 1980s, this
is not surprising.  The idea of reusable licensing infrastructure was not
only uncommon, it was virtually nonexistent!  Even the early BSD licenses
were simply copied and rewritten slightly for each new use\footnote{It
  remains an interesting accident of history that the early BSD problematic
  ``advertising clause'' (discussion of which is somewhat beyond the scope of
  this tutorial) lives on into current day, simply because while the
  University of California at Berkeley gave unilateral permission to remove
  the clause from \textit{its} copyrighted works, others who adapted the BSD
  license with their own names in place of UC-Berkeley's never have.}.  The
GPLv1's innovation of reuable licensing infrastructure, an obvious fact
today, was indeed a novel invention for its day\footnote{We're all just
  grateful that the FSF also opposes business method patents, since the FSF's
  patent on a ``method for reusable licensing infrastructure'' would have
  not expired until 2006!}.

\section{The GNU General Public License, Version 2}

The GPLv2 was released two and a half years after GPLv1, and over the
following sixteen years, it became the standard for copyleft licensing until
the release of GPLv3 in 2007 (discussed in more detail in the next section).

While this tutorial does not discuss the terms of GPLv1 in detail, it is
worth noting below the three key changes that GPLv2 brought:


\item Software patents and their danger are explicitly mentioned, inspiring
  (in part) the addition of GPLv2~\S\S5--7.  (These sections are discussed in
  detail in \S~\ref{GPLv2s5}, \S~\ref{GPLv2s6} and \S~\ref{GPLv2s7} of this

\item GPLv2~\S2's copyleft terms are expanded to more explicitly discuss the
  issue of combined works.  (GPLv2~\S2 is discussed in detail in
  \S~\ref{GPLv2s2} in this tutorial).

\item GPLv2~\S3 includes more detailed requirements, including the phrase
 ``the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the
  executable'', which is a central component of current GPLv2 enforcement
  .  (GPLv2~\S3 is discussed in detail in
  \S~\ref{GPLv2s3} in this tutorial).

The next chapter discusses GPLv2 in full detail, and readers who wish to dive
into the section-by-section discussion of the GPL should jump ahead now to
that chapter.  However, the most interesting fact to note here is how GPLv2
was published with little fanfare and limited commentary.  This contrasts
greatly with the creation of GPLv3.

\section{The GNU General Public License, Version 3}

RMS began drafting GPLv2.2 in mid-2002, and FSF ran a few discussion groups
during that era about new text of that license.  However, rampant violations
of the GPL required more immediate attention of FSF's licensing staff, and as
such, much of the early 2000's was spent doing GPL enforcement
work\footnote{More on GPL enforcement is discussed in \tutorialpartsplit{a
    companion tutorial, \texit{A Practical Guide to GPL
      Compliance}}{Part~\ref{gpl-compliance-guide} of this tutorial}.}.  In
2006, FSF began in earnest drafting work for GPLv3.

The GPLv3 process began in earnest in January 2006.  It became clear that
many provisions of the GPL could benefit from modification to fit new
circumstances and to reflect what the entire community learned from
experience with version 2.  Given the scale of revision it seems proper to
approach the work through public discussion in a transparent and accessible

The GPLv3 process continued through June 2007, culminating in publication of
GPLv3 and LGPLv3 on 29 June 2007, AGPLv3 on 19 November 2007, and the GCC
Runtime Library Exception on 27 January 2009.

All told, four discussion drafts of GPLv3, two discussion drafts of LGPLv3
and two discussion drafts of AGPLv3 were published and discussed.
Ultimately, FSF remained the final arbiter and publisher of the licenses, and
RMS himself their primary author, but input was sought from many parties, and
these licenses do admittedly look and read more like legislation as a result.
Nevertheless, all of the ``v3'' group are substantially better and improved

GPLv3 and its terms are discussed in detail in Chapter\~ref{GPLv3}.

\section{The Innovation of Optional ``Or Any Later'' Version}

An interesting fact of all GPL licenses is that the are ultimate multiple
choices for use of the license.  The FSF is the primary steward of GPL (as
discussed later in \S~\ref{GPLv2s9} and \S~\ref{GPLv2s14}).  However, those
who wish to license works under GPL are not required to automatically accept
changes made by the FSF for their own copyrighted works.

Each licensor may chose three different methods of licensing, as follows:


\item explicitly name a single version of GPL for their work (usually
  indicated in shorthand by saying the license is ``GPLv$X$-only''), or

\item name no version of the GPL, thus they allow their downstream recipients
  to select any version of the GPL they chose (usually indicated in shorthand
  by saying the license is simply ``GPL''), or

\item name a specific version of GPL and give downstream recipients the
  option to chose that version ``or any later version as published by the
  FSF'' (usually indicated by saying the license is
  ``GPLv$X$-or-later'')\footnote{The shorthand of ``GPL$X+$'' is also popular
    for this situation.  The authors of this tutorial prefer ``-or-later''
    syntax, because it (a) mirrors the words ``or'' and ``later from the
    licensing statement, (b) the $X+$ doesn't make it abundantly clear that
    $X$ is clearly included as a license option and (c) the $+$ symbol has
@@ -1893,389 +1894,386 @@ the GPLv2, meaning that any patents it holds that cover the improved version
are impliedly licensed to any licensee. As such, the only way Company
\compB{} can benefit from Company \compA's implied patent license, is if it,
itself, distributes Company \compA's software program and grants an
implied patent license to any of its patents that cover that program.

\chapter{Defending Freedom on Many Fronts}

Chapters~\ref{run-and-verbatim} and~\ref{source-and-binary} presented the
core freedom-defending provisions of GPLv2\@, which are in GPLv2~\S\S0--3.
GPLv2\S\S~4--7 of the GPLv2 are designed to ensure that GPLv2~\S\S0--3 are
not infringed, are enforceable, are kept to the confines of copyright law but
also  not trumped by other copyright agreements or components of other
entirely separate legal systems.  In short, while GPLv2~\S\S0--3 are the parts
of the license that defend the freedoms of users and programmers,
GPLv2~\S\S4--7 are the parts of the license that keep the playing field clear
so that \S\S 0--3 can do their jobs.

\section{GPLv2~\S4: Termination on Violation}

GPLv2~\S4 is GPLv2's termination clause.  Upon first examination, it seems
strange that a license with the goal of defending users' and programmers'
freedoms for perpetuity in an irrevocable way would have such a clause.
However, upon further examination, the difference between irrevocability
and this termination clause becomes clear.

The GPL is irrevocable in the sense that once a copyright holder grants
rights for someone to copy, modify and redistribute the software under terms
of the GPL, they cannot later revoke that grant.  Since the GPL has no
provision allowing the copyright holder to take such a prerogative, the
license is granted as long as the copyright remains in effect.\footnote{In
  the USA, due to unfortunate legislation, the length of copyright is nearly
  perpetual, even though the Constitution forbids perpetual copyright.} The
copyright holders have the right to relicense the same work under different
licenses (see Section~\ref{Proprietary Relicensing} of this tutorial), or to
stop distributing the GPLv2'd version (assuming GPLv2~\S3(b) was never used),
but they may not revoke the rights under GPLv2 already granted.

In fact, when an entity looses their right to copy, modify and distribute
GPL'd software, it is because of their \emph{own actions}, not that of the
copyright holder.  The copyright holder does not decided when GPLv2~\S4
termination occurs (if ever); rather, the actions of the licensee determine

Under copyright law, the GPL has granted various rights and freedoms to
the licensee to perform specific types of copying, modification, and
redistribution.  By default, all other types of copying, modification, and
redistribution are prohibited.  GPLv2~\S4 says that if you undertake any of
those other types (e.g., redistributing binary-only in violation of GPLv2~\S3),
then all rights under the license --- even those otherwise permitted for
those who have not violated --- terminate automatically.

GPLv2~\S4 makes GPLv2 enforceable.  If licensees fail to adhere to the
license, then they are stuck without any permission under to engage in
activities covered by copyright law.  They must completely cease and desist
from all copying, modification and distribution of the GPL'd software.

At that point, violating licensees must gain the forgiveness of the copyright
holders to have their rights restored.  Alternatively, the violators could
negotiate another agreement, separate from GPL, with the copyright
holder.  Both are common practice, although
\tutorialpartsplit{as discussed in \textit{A Practical Guide to GPL
    Compliance}, there are }{Chapter~\ref{compliance-understanding-whos-enforcing}
  explains further } key differences between these two very different uses of GPL.

\section{GPLv2~\S5: Acceptance, Copyright Style}

GPLv2~\S5 brings us to perhaps the most fundamental misconception and common
confusion about GPLv2\@. Because of the prevalence of proprietary software,
most users, programmers, and lawyers alike tend to be more familiar with
EULAs. EULAs are believed by their authors to be contracts, requiring
formal agreement between the licensee and the software distributor to be
valid. This has led to mechanisms like ``shrink-wrap'' and ``click-wrap''
as mechanisms to perform acceptance ceremonies with EULAs.

The GPL does not need contract law to ``transfer rights.''  Usually, no rights
are transfered between parties.  By contrast, the GPL is primarily a permission
slip to undertake activities that would otherwise have been prohibited
by copyright law.  As such, GPL needs no acceptance ceremony; the
licensee is not even required to accept the license.

However, without the GPL, the activities of copying, modifying and
distributing the software would have otherwise been prohibited.  So, the
GPL says that you only accepted the license by undertaking activities that
you would have otherwise been prohibited without your license under GPL\@.
This is a certainly subtle point, and requires a mindset quite different
from the contractual approach taken by EULA authors.

An interesting side benefit to GPLv2~\S5 is that the bulk of users of Free
Software are not required to accept the license.  Undertaking fair and
unregulated use of the work, for example, does not bind you to the GPL,
since you are not engaging in activity that is otherwise controlled by
copyright law.  Only when you engage in those activities that might have an
impact on the freedom of others does license acceptance occur, and the
terms begin to bind you to fair and equitable sharing of the software.  In
other words, the GPL only kicks in when it needs to for the sake of

While GPL is by default a copyright license, it is certainly still possible
to consider GPL as a contract as well.  For example, some distributors chose
to ``wrap'' their software in an acceptance ceremony to GPL, and nothing in
GPL prohibits that use.  Furthermore, the ruling in \textit{Jacobsen
  v. Katzer, 535 F.3d 1373, 1380 (Fed.Cir.2008)} indicates that \textbf{both}
copyright and contractual remedies may be sought by a copyright holder
seeking to enforce a license designed to uphold software freedom.

\section{Using GPL Both as a Contract and Copyright License}

\section{GPLv2~\S6: GPL, My One and Only}

A point that was glossed over in Section~\ref{GPLv2s4}'s discussion of GPLv2~\S4
was the irrevocable nature of the GPL\@. The GPLv2 is indeed irrevocable,
and it is made so formally by GPLv2~\S6.

The first sentence in GPLv2~\S6 ensures that as software propagates down the
distribution chain, that each licensor can pass along the license to each
new licensee.  Under GPLv2~\S6, the act of distributing automatically grants a
license from the original licensor to the next recipient.  This creates a
chain of grants that ensure that everyone in the distribution has rights
under the GPLv2\@.  In a mathematical sense, this bounds the bottom ---
making sure that future licensees get no fewer rights than the licensee before.

The second sentence of GPLv2~\S6 does the opposite; it bounds from the top.  It
prohibits any licensor along the distribution chain from placing
additional restrictions on the user.  In other words, no additional
requirements may trump the rights and freedoms given by GPLv2\@.

The final sentence of GPLv2~\S6 makes it abundantly clear that no individual
entity in the distribution chain is responsible for the compliance of any
other.  This is particularly important for noncommercial users who have
passed along a source offer under GPLv2~\S3(c), as they cannot be assured that
the issuer of the offer will honor their GPLv2~\S3 obligations.

In short, GPLv2~\S6 says that your license for the software is your one and
only copyright license allowing you to copy, modify and distribute the

\section{GPLv2~\S7: ``Give Software Liberty or Give It Death!''}

In essence, GPLv2~\S7 is a verbosely worded way of saying for non-copyright
systems what GPLv2~\S6 says for copyright.  If there exists any reason that a
distributor knows of that would prohibit later licensees from exercising
their full rights under GPL, then distribution is prohibited.

Originally, this was designed as the title of this section suggests --- as
a last ditch effort to make sure that freedom was upheld.  However, in
modern times, it has come to give much more.  Now that the body of GPL'd
software is so large, patent holders who would want to be distributors of
GPL'd software have a tough choice.  They must choose between avoiding
distribution of GPL'd software that exercises the teachings of their
patents, or grant a royalty-free, irrevocable, non-exclusive license to
those patents.  Many companies have chosen the latter.

Thus, GPLv2~\S7 rarely gives software death by stopping its distribution.
Instead, it is inspiring patent holders to share their patents in the same
freedom-defending way that they share their copyrighted works.

\section{GPLv2~\S8: Excluding Problematic Jurisdictions}

GPLv2~\S8 is rarely used by copyright holders.  Its intention is that if a
particular country, say Unfreedonia, grants particular patents or allows
copyrighted interfaces (no country to our knowledge even permits those
yet), that the GPLv2'd software can continue in free and unabated
distribution in the countries where such controls do not exist.

As far as is currently known, GPLv2~\S8 has never been formally used by any
copyright holders.  Some have used GPLv2~\S8 to explain various odd special
topics of distribution, but generally speaking, this section is not
particularly useful and was actually removed in GPLv3.

\chapter{Odds, Ends, and Absolutely No Warranty}

GPLv2~\S\S0--7 constitute the freedom-defending terms of the GPLv2.  The remainder
of the GPLv2 handles administrivia and issues concerning warranties and

\section{GPLv2~\S9: FSF as Stewards of GPL}

FSF reserves the exclusive right to publish future versions of the GPL\@;
GPLv2~\S9 expresses this.  While the stewardship of the copyrights on the body
of GPL'd software around the world is shared among thousands of
individuals and organizations, the license itself needs a single steward.
Forking of the code is often regrettable but basically innocuous.  Forking
of licensing is disastrous.

FSF has only released two versions of GPL --- in 1989 and 1991. GPL
version 3 is under current internal drafting. FSF's plan is to have a
long and engaging comment period. The goal of GPL is to defend freedom, and
a gigantic community depends on that freedom now. FSF hopes to take all
stakeholders' opinions under advisement.
(Chapter~\ref{tale-of-two-copylefts} discusses more about the various
versions of GPL.)

\section{GPLv2~\S10: Relicensing Permitted}

GPLv2~\S10 reminds the licensee of what is already implied by the nature of
copyright law. Namely, the copyright holder of a particular software
program has the prerogative to grant alternative agreements under separate
copyright licenses.

\section{GPLv2~\S11: No Warranty}

All warranty disclaimer language tends to be shouted in all capital
letters. Apparently, there was once a case where the disclaimer language
of an agreement was negated because it was not ``conspicuous'' to one of
the parties. Therefore, to make such language ``conspicuous,'' people
started placing it in bold or capitalizing the entire text. It now seems
to be voodoo tradition of warranty disclaimer writing.

Some have argued the GPL is unenforceable in some jurisdictions because
its disclaimer of warranties is impermissibly broad. However, GPLv2~\S11
contains a jurisdictional savings provision, which states that it is to be
interpreted only as broadly as allowed by applicable law. Such a
provision ensures that both it, and the entire GPL, is enforceable in any
jurisdiction, regardless of any particular law regarding the
permissibility of certain warranty disclaimers.

Finally, one important point to remember when reading GPLv2~\S11 is that GPLv2~\S1
permits the sale of warranty as an additional service, which GPLv2~\S11 affirms.

\section{GPLv2~\S12: Limitation of Liability}

There are many types of warranties, and in some jurisdictions some of them
cannot be disclaimed. Therefore, usually agreements will have both a
warranty disclaimer and a limitation of liability, as we have in GPLv2~\S12. \S
11 thus gets rid of all implied warranties that can legally be
disavowed. GPLv2~\S12, in turn, limits the liability of the actor for any
warranties that cannot legally be disclaimed in a particular jurisdiction.

Again, some have argued the GPL is unenforceable in some jurisdictions
because its limitation of liability is impermissibly broad. However, \S
12, just like its sister, GPLv2~\S11, contains a jurisdictional savings
provision, which states that it is to be interpreted only as broadly as
allowed by applicable law. As stated above, such a provision ensures that
both GPLv2~\S12, and the entire GPL, is enforceable in any jurisdiction,
regardless of any particular law regarding the permissibility of limiting

So end the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License.


\section{Understanding GPLv3 As An Upgraded GPLv2}

\section{GPLv3~\S0: Giving In On ``Defined Terms''}

\section{GPLv3~\S1: Understanding CCS}

\section{GPLv3~\S2: Basic Permissions}

\section{GPLv3~\S3: What Hath DMCA Wrought}
\section{GPLv3~\S4: Verbatim Copying}

\section{GPLv3~\S5: Modified Source}

\section{GPLv3~\S6: Non-Source and Corresponding Source}

\section{Understanding License Compatibility}

\section{GPLv3~\S7: Explicit Compatibility}

\section{GPLv3~\S8: A Lighter Termination}

\section{GPLv3~\S9: Acceptance}

\section{GPLv3~\S10: Explicit Downstream License}

\section{GPLv3~\S11: Explicit Patent Licensing}
\section{GPLv3~\S12: Familiar as GPLv2 \S 7}

\section{GPLv3~\S13: The Great Affero Compromise}

\section{GPLv3~\S14: So, When's GPLv4?}
\section{GPLv3~\S15--17: Warranty Disclaimers and Liability Limitation}


\chapter{The Lesser GPL}

As we have seen in our consideration of the GPL, its text is specifically
designed to cover all possible derivative works under copyright law. Our
goal in designing GPL was to make sure that any derivative work of GPL'd
software was itself released under GPL when distributed. Reaching as far
as copyright law will allow is the most direct way to reach that goal.

However, while the strategic goal is to bring as much Free Software
into the world as possible, particular tactical considerations
regarding software freedom dictate different means. Extending the
copyleft effect as far as copyright law allows is not always the most
prudent course in reaching the goal. In particular situations, even
those of us with the goal of building a world where all published
software is Free Software realize that full copyleft does not best
serve us. The GNU Lesser General Public License (``GNU LGPL'') was
designed as a solution for such situations.

\section{The First LGPL'd Program}

The first example that FSF encountered where such altered tactics were
needed was when work began on the GNU C Library. The GNU C Library would
become (and today, now is) a drop-in replacement for existing C libraries.
On a Unix-like operating system, C is the lingua franca and the C library
is an essential component for all programs. It is extremely difficult to
construct a program that will run with ease on a Unix-like operating
system without making use of services provided by the C library --- even
if the program is written in a language other than C\@. Effectively, all
user application programs that run on any modern Unix-like system must
make use of the C library.

By the time work began on the GNU implementation of the C libraries, there
were already many C libraries in existence from a variety of vendors.
Every proprietary Unix vendor had one, and many third parties produced
smaller versions for special purpose use. However, our goal was to create
a C library that would provide equivalent functionality to these other C
libraries on a Free Software operating system (which in fact happens today
on modern GNU/Linux systems, which all use the GNU C Library).

Unlike existing GNU application software, however, the licensing
implications of releasing the GNU C Library (``glibc'') under GPL were
somewhat different. Applications released under GPL would never
themselves become part of proprietary software. However, if glibc were
released under GPL, it would require that any application distributed for
the GNU/Linux platform be released under GPL\@.

Since all applications on a Unix-like system depend on the C library, it
means that they must link with that library to function on the system. In
other words, all applications running on a Unix-like system must be
combined with the C library to form a new whole derivative work that is
composed of the original application and the C library. Thus, if glibc
were GPL'd, each and every application distributed for use on GNU/Linux
would also need to be GPL'd, since to even function, such applications
would need to be combined into larger derivative works by linking with

At first glance, such an outcome seems like a windfall for Free Software
advocates, since it stops all proprietary software development on
GNU/Linux systems. However, the outcome is a bit more subtle. In a world
where many C libraries already exist, many of which could easily be ported
to GNU/Linux, a GPL'd glibc would be unlikely to succeed. Proprietary
vendors would see the excellent opportunity to license their C libraries
to anyone who wished to write proprietary software for GNU/Linux systems.
The de-facto standard for the C library on GNU/Linux would likely be not
glibc, but the most popular proprietary one.

Meanwhile, the actual goal of releasing glibc under GPL --- to ensure no
proprietary applications on GNU/Linux --- would be unattainable in this
scenario. Furthermore, users of those proprietary applications would also
be users of a proprietary C library, not the Free glibc.

The Lesser GPL was initially conceived to handle this scenario. It was
clear that the existence of proprietary applications for GNU/Linux was
inevitable. Since there were so many C libraries already in existence, a
new one under GPL would not stop that tide. However, if the new C library
were released under a license that permitted proprietary applications
to link with it, but made sure that the library itself remained Free,
an ancillary goal could be met. Users of proprietary applications, while
they would not have the freedom to copy, share, modify and redistribute
the application itself, would have the freedom to do so with respect to
the C library.

There was no way the license of glibc could stop or even slow the creation
of proprietary applications on GNU/Linux. However, loosening the
restrictions on the licensing of glibc ensured that nearly all proprietary
applications at least used a Free C library rather than a proprietary one.
This trade-off is central to the reasoning behind the LGPL\@.

Of course, many people who use the LGPL today are not thinking in these
terms. In fact, they are often choosing the LGPL because they are looking
for a ``compromise'' between the GPL and the X11-style liberal licensing.
However, understanding FSF's reasoning behind the creation of the LGPL is
helpful when studying the license.


\section{What's the Same?}

Much of the text of the LGPL is identical to the GPL\@. As we begin our
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